Can we talk about how Garon's GHB map felt quite... effortless design-wise?
What do I mean? Let's take a look at Garon's GHB map shall we:
Looks really basic, yes? Literally, the only thing that makes it unique compared to other inner castle maps aside from the wall layout is the addition of the portals on the sides. With Garon, a healer, and an Armor Knight stationed at the top center with new enemies being summoned through the portals in a darkened setting on the sides, it's ultimately a reference to Birthright's Endgame map:
So why is it a big issue for me? It's mainly because when IS adapted Birthright's Endgame map, they didn't go all out with adapting the design. In FE:H, it's just a darkened castle interior with portals on the sides while trying to imitate the design of the map from that game. Where's the castle rugs in the center of the map? Where's those darkened, patterned tiles akin to that Castle Krakenburg map alongside the rugs? Where's the patches of darkened dirt and the sense of disarray that the Birthright Endgame map had?
This is especially frustrating when you see how IS went all out in adapting Conquest's Endgame map to Fire Emblem Heroes. I mean, just look at Infested Takumi's GHB map and compare it how it looked like in Conquest:
It's a really good adaptation of that map, right? It looks exactly like Conquest's Endgame map but shrunken down. It really does feel like you're in Castle Shirasagi's destroyed throne room.
Now compare it back to how IS adapted Birthright's Endgame map into Fire Emblem Heroes. It may have the same layout but shrunken down, but it's ultimately just lifeless because this isn't Castle Krakenburg. It's just a normal castle. Castle Krankenburg has a pretty cool design, and the way it looked visual-wise in that Birthright's Chapter 27 map was especially awesome too!
You want to know what was even more lazy? They didn't even have the Birthright version of End of All playing for Garon's GHB map, yet they had the Conquest version of End of All playing for Infested Takumi's GHB map? What's this about?
I had hopes IS was going to make Garon's GHB map look as cool as Birthright's Endgame map just like how they Conquest's Endgame map for Infested Takumi's GHB (though technically, they used that map prior for the New Year's Tempest Trials), but instead, they just made a rather lazy and lifeless version of it. Disappointing. Just disappointing. IS has even designed some unique maps before like Legendary Lyn battle that had a much more unique look compared to other maps (the Lyn LHB map used Sacae houses to create the feeling you really were in Sacae). I really wish they'd branch out beyond the TTs and give more of those boss maps that unique flair.