I'd probably be so bored that I'd go to sleep anyway.
Do hats count? Because if so, I have a Zelda hat that I'm quite fond of (although I haven't worn it much). If not, I guess I've never really had a favorite piece of clothing.
I guess maybe building Legos? I haven't really thought about this much, but I did quite like building Legos when I was younger, and I haven't don't it that much in recent years.
I guess my perfect room would be big and have room for a Desk, a computer, and a TV.
I almost never play sports.
Part of me does want to pick somewhere from Xenoblade Chronicles or Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but most of the areas in the first game either are attacked in some way or have many dangerous creatures, and the latter can apply to quite a few locations in Xenoblade 2, so I'll just say what are probably the two most peaceful locations from those games: Frontier Village and the Argentum Trade Guild.
I would almost definitely suck at cooking.
Talking too much, I guess?
Computer Programming
An adventure to collect treasure, I suppose.
I suppose it would be a three-floor mansion with a large basement.
There aren't any that I'm particularly against going back to, but I feel like I don't have much of a reason to go back to Florida any time soon.
The closet thing that I can think of is Sanctuary from Kingdom Hearts II.
I suppose there are a lot of video game universes that would be too dangerous for me to consider living there (like the ones in XC1 and XC2, as mentioned above), so the most peaceful one that I would be interested in would be the Kirby universe.
I don't have any particularly noteworthy finds.
I'm usually early.
I suppose I'm still technically going up and I have a dog, but when I was younger, my siblings and I had a few fish, although they had always ate each other, sadly.
People don't really ask me for help much, but when they do I feel like they usually ask me about schoolwork.
I would like to know more about Japan, I guess.
People saying hi to me does make me feel happy.
I don't really have a favorite band.
I don't really watch live action TV.
I can't really comment on this.
I guess I can't really think of anyone who's impressed me that much with what they accomplished.
I wish I could permanently be 16.
Nothing really comes to mind.
I've only recently played the Crash Trilogy and Okami, and I quite like those games.
The closest thing that I can think of is The World Ends With You.
I generally just play video games to help me relax. That, or listening to video game music.
Harry Potter, even though I've only read the first 3 books so far.
I don't know what I'd do if I was a dictator.