Rex and Spring Man are definite frontrunners for DLC. I hope Mythra is somehow incorporated with Rex and Pyra.
Mythra/Pyra with Rex is a guarantee, and possibly with other rare Blades as well.
However, I have mention this dozen times a while ago, I actually don't really expect Rex to be in Smash, in based game at least.
Now I think characters like Bandana Dee, Ashley, and Chrome have more chance.
Hot take: Not only is Spring Man not getting on the base roster, he's not getting in as DLC, either. He's too recent for the base game, too old for promotional DLC.
As for Rex, base game, nah.
DLC, only a 70% chance I guess.
We'll get Fortniter as DLC and ya'll just gonna have to deal with it.
I actually want that to happen lol.
. . .
. . .Wat.
I mean, I don't really have a personal attachment to Ashley, I don't play Warioware.
But 1. This kind of attitude got old real quick with

And 2. She's an unfazed little girl with magic powers that has a nervous pitchfork devil sidekick, it's not like she's gonna be boring in the aesthetics or gameplay department
And 3. She's a pretty popular character in Japan, I mean just look at 3DS themes and badges lol.
@ShinyLegendary Also, with learning languages...I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but learning languages that are a part of the same family tree first can help progress faster and maybe even help understand languages a little easier. An example is that Spanish and Italian are part of the Romantic family tree, so learning those languages before Asian, symbolic languages like Japanese might help you progress faster and easier in your learning. So, make sure you seriously consider the order in which you are learning languages. Just trying to help out and stuff.
LOL, even though I have more enthusiasm on learning German/Deutsch... Japanese is actually way more easy and more useful for me to learn, since by learning Japanese I can basically read manga without and translate, or play most JRPGs without translate or localization.
I still got a long way to go though with Japanese though, hope I can get to at least N2 level by the end of 2020.
All right.
I want to learn Spanish ( I already know a lot of Spanish ), French, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Chinese and German.
Can you sort the order in which I should learn them please?
Thank you for the advice.
As for Chinese... you better think twice.
Are you learning Mandarin or other dialects like Taiwanese or Cantonese?
Are you gonna use Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese?
Are you gonna use Roman Phonetic system or Bopopmofo phonetic system?
With all that said, yes, Chinese is super hard to learn.
You should do it the other way. Languages are easier when you’re young and Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn.
Sorry Praline, that has to go to Chinese/Mandarin...
That leaves Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, of which all three are unrelated to each other and all follow very different grammatical rules, though the latter two both borrow words and a writing system from Chinese (less so Korean, in the case of the writing system, though Hanja is still found in certain contexts so it will be useful to know). Japanese is probably the easier to learn, though, since it doesn't have any of the tonal stuff Chinese has, where pronouncing a vowel incorrectly could turn a compliment into a grave insult. The shared writing system probably doesn't reduce the load that much, since you will still have to relearn the pronunciations for each language, plus additional characters and/or writing systems (but at least you don't have to relearn how to write the actual symbols, and the meanings are usually similar too in most cases). I'm not sure about Korean, since I don't have much experience with it, but from what I've heard it's also generally seen as easier than Chinese.
Um, no modern Korean has nearly zero Chinese characters lol.
And yes, Japanese is indeed the easiest to learn, while Chinese is definitely the hardest regardless which writing system or dialects you choose (Traditional VS Simplified)
About tonal stuff, I only know that Mandarin has four, and I learn them via Bopomofo phonetic system, which is probably the most ancient way to learn Chinese lol.
Funny is that the thing I hate the most... is writing/signing my Chinese name at work lol, even though my Chinese name only has two characters (Most Chinese and Korean has three and Japan often has four), and , which is somewhat rare in Taiwan.
Btw, my Chinese name is also symmetrical: It's pronounced "Huang Hsin"
Death the Kid from Soul Eater will be very happy.
Here's a video from Rush Hour 2, those who understand how Chinese name works might know the joke:
Star Allies sold 1.8 million lets goooooooo
Aw yeah Switch is gonna beat not only Wii U but also GC's total sales this year.
And XC2 is at 1.43 million, nice, hope the Torna DLC during fall can manage to sell the game up to 2 million by the end of this year.
And I'm super curious how many will Ocotpath Traveler sell by the end of the next quarter.
In addition to having English as my first language, I've been learning German in school. I'm no expert, but learning it hasn't really been that though. Although, I do forget some things from time to time.
I have been learning German since high school, still got a long way to go though... a bit messy how I like to learn both German and Japanese. That's why Hiroyuki Sawano is my most fav Japanese composer, not only his music are mostly great, his music often has English and German lyrics, while yeah Japanese singing German is super weird and even bad to some degree, the lyric's meaning are really cool. Just take Guilty Crown's BIOS for example.
Working as a cashier is the worst. The worst.
Not worse than cleaning the High Speed Rail Trains lol.
ARMS selling 2 million makes me really happy.
Can we please stop pretending it flopped people?
People are already saying that Labo flopped so.. go figure lol.
We have reached Page 2222.
To celebrate, name your favourite 2.
Mine is probably Spyro 2.
Prepare for the obligatory...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Super Mario Galaxy 2... wait a minute, no, I still think Super Mario Galaxy one is still the best.
As for movies:
Toy Story 2 and Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2