- Takumi (Decidueye)
- ChuChu (Slowbro)
- Ribbon (Ribombee)
- Scully (Bewear)
- Mos Eisley (Palossand)
- Stinger (Naganadel)
Current Location: Route 1
After a short grinding session in which Stinger evolved into Naganadel, I challenged the Pokemon League.
There was also a short custscene that in which Takumi came out of his Poke Ball, which I found to be really awesome.
After that, I battled the elite four, none of which were particularly hard. In fact, I one-shotted their Pokemon more often than not.
Then I battled Hau (who is a challenger just like me rather than the Champion, unlike what I originally inferred), who was even easier.
After that, the credits rolled and I feel that USUM completely ruined the ending of the first game by not having a focus on Lillie at all... and sure, Lillie isn't leaving this time around, but you know what? I don't
care about Lillie in this game. This version of Lillie was completely ruined thanks to the game's awful storyline. That's one of the best aspects of Sun and Moon thrown out the window right there.
Anyway, this playthrough is not over yet. I still plan on doing the post game, after all, so stay tuned.