Man I haven't played pokemon games in quite awhile. But looking back it's coming back to me. I'm glad I didn't get Ultra Sun/Moon, because it seems like it's just Sun/Moon with a tiny bit more content, unlike Black/White 2 which felt like actual alternate games.
I also remember why Soul Silver is my favorite. I don't even preference gen 1 or 2 over any other pokemon generations, it has nothing to do with that. It felt the most open ended of any pokemon game. Like, on a level that no other official pokemon game has really captured. Lots of fanservice and legendries sure, but it didn't feel shoehorned in for the most part. More memorable and expansive landmarks and such. Sun and Moon feels like the exact opposite, it kind of just walks you the motions throughout the entire game.
And I like a lot of the new pokemon and content in general. But I think it's fair to ask for something more big and expansive from one of the biggest video game franchises ever.
Nothing wrong with formulas, in fact one thing that didn't need changing in retrospect were Pokémon gyms. But I feel like some stuff could be shaken up for the better. I mean, something I'd loved to see changed, despite it being so unlikely, is the setting you start with. First of all, I'd like the main characters to be older. Even if that means teenagers like in the Black/White games.(Even though I didn't like trainer designs.) That or young adults. I think the trainers in pokemon go are older teens at least, that'd work. I think even kids like to play as older characters in video games.
But that's not too unlikely, I'm more so referring to a shake up as your character's role in general. I like'd this aspect in Colossuem even though it could be greatly expanded. You even start out with two level 25 pokemon. Which I think is much better than starting out with a level 5 pokemon. At that level combat is just too shallow and boring IMO. It's partly why the beginning of pokemon games always feel like a drag. Not like very low level pokemon still wouldn't serve a purpose either.
Don't tell me that making the games less childish and easy would scare away the kid audience either. Kids are fine with challenge. I wasn't one too long ago and got through the pokemon games just fine. And even when I did got stuck on pokemon games as a kid. I still played them, didn't stop me from wanting to get through them. Actually made me want to get through them even more. Always was excited to see what kind of new stuff I'd come across. Soul Silver blew my mind as a kid, was the first pokemon game where I got past the elite four.
I just think it's hilarious that Nintendo didn't know what a "bounty hunter" is so when Retro Studios asked if Samus could do any actual bounty hunting, as in hunting wanted people down, they shot the idea down and Retro had explain to them that "bounty hunter" does not mean "cool space person".
Yeah, imagine if the belmonts couldn't hunt any vampires. LMAO
But how involved was Nintendo with all the comics that were made?
It came with the game IIRC. Also, in later games he's still a bounty hunter. Then you have Pico who just flat out uses guns with bullets. Then you have Roger Buster who really loves beer.