Deleted member
I'm gonna assume all these likes are because you actually opened the link to Robo's Theme because I know this thread well enough to know none of you have good enough taste to appreciate EO or CT.Vidya gaem OSTs? Fine, let's do this.
Battle Themes:
Battlefield's Awakening(Etrian Odyssey)
Betting it All(Etrian Odyssey II Untold)
The End of Raging Winds(Etrian Odyssey IV)
Battle With Magus(Chrono Trigger)
Battle with the Four Fiends(Final Fantasy IV)
Decisive Battle(Final Fantasy VI)
Battle at the Big Bridge(Final Fantasy V)
Battle! N Final(Pokemon B/W)
In The Name of Bern(Fire Emblem 6)
Campaign of Fire(Fire Emblem 7)
You of the Dark(Fire Emblem Fates)
Guyzoch Space Pirate Teio Form(The Wonderful 101)
Corridors of Time(Chrono Trigger)
Singing Mountain(Chrono Trigger)
Lavos' Theme(Chrono Trigger)
Frog's Theme(Chrono Trigger)
Recruitment(Fire Emblem 4)
Road Taken(Fire Emblem Fates)
Determination(Fire Emblem 8)
The Fallen Capital of Shinjuku(Etrian Odyssey)
Twilight of the Gods(Fire Emblem Echoes: SoV)
But my favorite goes to Robo's Theme from Chrono Trigger
I hope my bias aren't clear enough