And that shows you're biased against it.
You can't complain about bias and then immediatelly feed into it.
Ok, yes, but doesn't that just makes us even?
To some degree yeah, but I never consider sexualization a problem. And I give legit and unbiased point rather than being unreasonable, at least that's just what I think ,don't quote me on that.
I complain because this video is titled as a case study, but his topic on XC2 often leads to subjective conclusions.
Because how Japan sees them doesn't matter, a lot of countries have different opinions on certain things but it doesn't mean we have to accept it.
Yes, you don't have to accept but you have to look at it in a bigger scope, and at least try to coordinate with it. Just go straight and bonk it with you head will never get it right in my opinion.
Japan has a big problem of a misogynistic culture, "sexuality" being more open in Japan isn't a thing, it's men sexualizing females.
This reminds me of
this artist who made her infamously known "***** boat" as a protest against the way Japan treats women's sexualities and was charged for obscenity.
Ok... I check Chinese wiki (Which has more info)... this was mostly because she well... made that "*****boat" in Japan... and in real Japan society obviously they don't allow that... even if that artist is a male, the artist will still get arrest and probably get more backlash...
And there are actually male individual made to make a request of releasing that female artist because they think it is "killing freedom of speech." This you put doesn't surprised me at all... or have anything to do with misogynistic culture.
All in all, this a publicly display obscene object problem... this isn't even has to do with video games....
Women in Japan aren't allowed to express their sexuality on their own terms, men are the only ones allowed to do it because they see women as nothing more than objects.
If you are talking about video games and other entertainment medias... then I get that.
But in reality/ real life society that's far from the case. I mean, yes women still has a lot of need to have their voice heard on many aspects in social life but video games does nothing to harm them.
The fanservice-y designs are a reflection of Japan's culture, these designs are made by men, for men. You keep talking about how it's not really a bad thing and it's okay but you never really stopped to ask how a woman feels about this.
Yes, for men that are attracted to those female fanservice to be exact.
Ask women eh? Well, if you talking about those who was never into animes and video games, you may disagree on this but gender doesn't matter because even men who doesn't watch anime and video game will think be disgust on fanservice as well. I'll give you that.
So my sis count as a women right? I already ask her...
She "falls over the heels" over Nia, Pyra, and Mythra ad other female rare Blades... and especially... No. 4...
On her Facebook she even mentions she's obsessed with Pyra and Brighid's bust in XC2... even I give an eye roll on her post lol.
Tl;dr fanservice designs are a problem because they're a reflection of Japan's misogynistic culture and, unfortunately, it's not an issue exclusive to them.
But this is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the video was focusing on. It doesn't have much of that... or fanservice that are explicit..
Sorry for going Rick and Morty here, but please watch the gameplay cutscenes of XC2 before saying its fanservice is a problem.
Fanservice designs in video games are not a problem (If you are talking about heavily influences real life btw), and it has nothing to do with misogynistic...
Korean dramas also have many plots that are somewhat misogynistic in a harsh way...
Let's just time out for a sec as to why even in modern day where video game is an entertainment, but people complain on the aspect where you can avoid... I really don't get it to be honest if it isn't a personal complaint.
If you don't really like fanservice then play games that don't have that, watch animes that don't have that (It's pretty hard though) if fanservice doesn't cause major social issues, then it's not a problem in my opinion.