Trump thing gets even more absurd from what I've heard. Apparently indictments for people mixed up in the Russia thing were already sent out before the FBI guy was fired, the FBI had no idea the firing was going to happen, the firing papers are absolutely ridiculous, and the icing on the cake is that Trump has a Wednesday meeting scheduled with a Russian diplomat.
That said, I completely understand the feeling that politics is just too futile to pay attention to. A lot of us simply don't have the mindstate to handle that kind of mess, myself included. There's something that needs to be done, but not everyone has the luxury of living in a situation where it's easy to do tangible things and figuring out how to do something more subtle requires wading so deep in researching what can only be concluded as the world being completely hopeless and inevitably careening towards destruction no matter what happens that it's difficult to even justify looking for problems to solve.