From what I'm hearing I Am Setsuna may turn out to be a decent experience as a Switch title for on the go play, especially for those who enjoyed JRPGs from the 90's...Though my experiences with those games are quite limited I did enjoy the ones I did play...
Zelda DLC can wait since it's not even close to being out yet and we don't even know much information regarding it just yet, Snipperclips I'm still on the fence with as charming and fun as it looks, and Fast RMX while it looks fun, it's still just a racing game and racing games as is can only give me so much to begin with, which I might be better off with Mario Kart when it releases considering it's chock full of other content in addition to it's racing...
As of now though I'm not going to jump into a purchase, but I Am Setsuna despite rather average reviews and what seems to be somewhat shallow gameplay may be a decent title to pick up regardless...
In other news, I guess someone managed to complete a 100% speedrun of only took about 49 hours...only
...and yes this supposedly included Korok seeds AND Compendium entries...