Every day that pass, I want to play MGS4 more and more to finally have a opinion that isn't based on what I see but what I have experience.
But I promise to do MGS2 and 3 before that, and it kinda bother me in a way. But I feel like I need to do it for the sake of understanding how I will enjoy MGS4 compared to the others.
Sigh...It's sometime hard to have a opinion for yourself without beign influenced by others while udnerstanding what you may like may end up being not great once you experience it for real.
Man, why MGS4 just couldn't be the final bang of the saga that everyone love? We wouldn't have so much problem with the story and the fanbase being so split of what to like or not. It's just so...needlessly complicate, just like the plot of this franchise in a sense...
Oh and, don't pay attention to me, I'm just a fan who is analyzing too much a story who have alot of problem to begin with, nothing new here then.