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I'm one of those guys who constantly has to remind people to keep their expectations low on stuff. Just trying to drive the point home for people in the future
I'm one of those guys who constantly has to remind people to keep their expectations low on stuff. Just trying to drive the point home for people in the future
Ah man, John Numbers almost won this year's NWC... one thing I like about John Number is that one of his "casual" mains is Shulk like me.
The difference this time is the champion didn't receive like how last time John Numbers receive a Nintendo 3DS signed by Miyamoto, I actually had hope either Miyamoto or Koizumi appear and give Thomas G a signed Nintendo Switch.
So... the only thing we can really speculate on after the conclusion of the Nintendo World Championships is what this "top secret" and "highly anticipated" game is behind closed doors, according to Reggie. Being serious here, I have 3 bets as to what it could be:
I don't really care who won this battle... but this video is by far has the most meme and not to mention about collaborations with two channels, one is one of the best animation blogger and the other one is the face of meme.
The name of Goku's new form is "Migatte no Goku'i'" ("身勝手の極意") that can be translated to "Selfish/Self Movement"
In Whis case it is called "Mastery Of Self Movement" but for Goku it's called "Ultra Instinct"
It seems that making Switch having a clear Joy Cons and even clear back is a bit of a trending these days.
JeryRig probably has the best video so far
Nintendo should really consider releasing clear Joy Cons and Switch in the future, it doesn't have to be clear, even with a bit blurry like the pro would also be great
I remember I used to saw one in a flea market in my local town, it was cheap but... my mom didn't allow me to buy it.
I also saw a PS2, but we already own that console, and we have had only one game... it was a Meltyblood fighting game, and for some reason my two brothers were playing that a decade old game...
The name of Goku's new form is "Migatte no Goku'i'" ("身勝手の極意") that can be translated to "Selfish/Self Movement"
In Whis case it is called "Mastery Of Self Movement" but for Goku it's called "Ultra Instinct"
There's only one step up for Goku now... and that is to go
I've been sitting on DBS since Episode 80 for a while so I can binge the next few episodes, (and because of binging on the East Blue arc of One Piece, as well as my University commitments) but this sounds pretty interesting. I look forward to getting up to date.
I take it today was the Nintendo World Championships... Couldn't watch because I was working on an assignment, but it didn't seem like I missed any major announcements.
The Nintendo World Championships. There were absolutely no announcements whatsoever (apart from a new ARMS trailer that highlights the next update's contents)
Nintendo announced the NX, Mother 3, a Hotel Mario remake, Pokemon Red: Shill edition, The Legend of Zelda: Zelda's Bravery, a 3D Kirby platformer, Halo 6 and Marvel VS Capcom Infinite: Satisfactory Edition
In it, competitors who won some qualifiers go against each other in time trials, competitive games and races to see who is the best.
Nintendo likes to bring all sorts of games to these things.
For example, we got recent gems like ARMS, Splatoon 2, Metroid: Samus Returns, Breath of the Wild, Smash Wii U and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, retro games like Tetris, Balloon Fight, Mario Party 2 and Super Mario Bros Deluxe, WTF games like Birds and Beans and...
so on the subject of arms next update i cant tell if its a new character or their adding alt costumes and a a new rush variant that you can choose between it and the old one
Dragon Ball Super is hyping up a "Mystery" character that will be in the "Climax of the tournament of Power"
Interesting how a new character could somehow be added, considering the tournament should have the same fighters from beginning to end and all characters have already been revealed in the tournament
Dragon Ball Super is hyping up a "Mystery" character that will be in the "Climax of the tournament of Power"
Interesting how a new character could somehow be added, considering the tournament should have the same fighters from beginning to end and all characters have already been revealed in the tournament
Dragon Ball Super is hyping up a "Mystery" character that will be in the "Climax of the tournament of Power"
Interesting how a new character could somehow be added, considering the tournament should have the same fighters from beginning to end and all characters have already been revealed in the tournament
They used a higher animation budget for the episodes so they needed to make up for that somehow
Although I kind of felt the battle with Ribrianne took a little too long. The fight's purpose was because of 2 things
1) Segueing into the fight with Jiren
2) To show that receiving support from the crowd wouldn't disqualify Ribrianne to answer if Krillin, Master Roshi and Tien giving up their Genki would disqualify Goku
Edit: LOL, I knew I was going to misspell "Segueing"
Playing M&L: Superstar Saga DX is making me wish a English translation for "Tomato Adventure" (a GBA game Alpha Dream made prior to the Mario & Luigi series and even plays as such)
Man, weekend sure does feel a bit boring here in my college, better off go and play some sports or just check smashboards
You may be wondering why I replied to your two weeks old post... it's just because I wanted to... it was because I needed time to think or wait until the season ends.
Ok, so MHA, we all love it. I mean, who doesn't?
Though one thing bothers me, A LOT, and it's not something I actually should be bothered about because it's related to a part of the fanbase, but since it has to do with spreading misinformation on what the show's themes are.
If you've seen any MHA analysis video after one of Geoff's videos, you'll know that one idea being thrown around is that MHA is, apparently, about self-improvement and is an antithesis to Naruto's heavy focus on teamwork strenght.
Here's the thing, that idea couldn't be more wrong, and I'm going to write a thesis on it goddamnit
Spoiler warning for everything up until the latest episode
The first thing is to localise the source of this idea, and looking back at it, it's pretty clear where this came from: MHA picked up a lot of steam before and during the start of its second season, which was entirely made of the Sports Festival Arc. Geoff's video was also released while the anime was still in that arc so it's clear where this all came from, the 1-on-1 fights, which heavily focused on what each single individual could do by themselves. But there's a problem with this, because this is THE ONLY TIME in the entire anime up until this point where single fights were the focus(well, that and the obstacle course but that wasn't a "fight"), every other fight in the series was a team-up with the exception of the iconic All Might vs. Nomu fight but the theme of that fight was putting the need of others before yourself(One For All indeed), not on how powerful All Might is that he doesn't need help.
Hell, even the second activity in the Sports Festival was the epitome of teamwork.
Really, even if you've seen only the first episode you'll realise that the series shows that "teamwork is important", even Pro Heroes do it, one of the very first scenes has the heroes team up together to fulfill different roles: Death Arms tries to minimize collateral damage, Backdraft protects the citizens and Kamui Woods tries to capture the villain(until Mt. Lady comes in and steals his kill).
From then on we have the Hero vs. Villain exercise which puts students on 2-on-2 battles and the fact Deku and Uraraka only win due to acting in sinergy and Bakugo refusing to work with Iida is called out by Momo; the USJ Arc which has Deku, Tsuyu and Trash only escape due to them working with their Quirks together; the Cavalry Battle, as I said earlier, which brought many new strategies since it made students fight in teams of 2-4 members, and the ones who clearly didn't plan out hiw to use their Quirks together end up losing(such as Monoma's team who not only loses due to underestimating Bakugo but also because their whole plan was "walk up to an enemy and let Monoma copy their Quirk"); the Stain fight which would have ended with a dead Iida if not for Deku and Hand Crusher; and now, finally, the latest arc, the End of Terms Exams, whose focus is on proper teamwork and covering your own weaknesses.
And one last thing, this time on Quirks, the way they're designed is to leave it clear what the "strenght in numbers" Shonen thematic is trying to accomplish: one person cannot do everything by themselves, everyone has weaknesses, no matter how strong they may be and the only way to cover your own weaknesses is by adding others' strenght into your own. Quirks can only do one thing, it's Crippling Overspecialization at its best, the Slime Villain fight shows how helpless the Heroes are when their Quirk has an unfavorable matchup and circumstances. You NEED others to make yourself the strong, and that's okay.
Meanwhile, where does the "strongest Quirk" fit in all of this? As One For All really has no weaknesses once mastered. Except, it does, technically, in a sense, depending on the angle: it's useless if no one has used it before, its current power is a result of many people building on it through years. In other words, it's teamwork in Quirk form.
But even then, we're shown its users aren't infallible: Deku is still incapable of utilising OFA in its full power and has to either rely on a small stat boost or injure himself and make himself almost useless; All Might is shown to be doing more harm to himself than anything from overusing his Quirk due to the injuries left by All For One, his constant need to "be a hero" has only worsened his state and would have led to his death if it wasn't for Deku and Snipe Ex Machina; and his antecessor, well, we all know what happened.
Tl;dr Geoff didn't read the ****ing manga pay enough attention
Though if you like MHA, please read this, I spent about 20 minutes on this thing and I'm pretty sure there are some Zebei-level typos in there
Season overall I felt it was slightly longer than the first season. The season was really more of a trying to get attention in my opinion, so that's why some felt that 1st season was more better. Even though the second season starting to have a filler episode as long as they fit the story and also not worthless then I'm fine
I demand for Jirou filler... or even Toga filler just... I wanna see more Toga, she didn't really appear much after the camp arc and the later arc...
Apparently, that Black Clover manga is getting an anime adaptation next season. I hear it's pretty bad but I want to give it a chance personally.
Also, UQ Holder too, I read the first 2-3 volumes but since I don't follow too many manga, I dropped it. I'll probably give it a try too since Fall doesn't seem to have much stuff outside Apocrypha continuing and the Heaven's Feel movie
Again, sorry for bumping into your old post.
I already checked the anime...
And it is sort of like Naruto but with magic....
Oh yeah, I have also post this before, you might saw this already:
I kind of remember Black Clover after I saw other characters,I used to saw it's little advertisement on the first Taiwan issue 13 volume of My Hero Academia a few months ago.
And I remember it just how a black hair girl that I still have yet to know. It doesn't even show Asta which was pretty weird.
Oh boy I found something very interesting, I didn't see this will ever happen.
I know this isn't the first time where Horikoshi made a crossover artwork, with Black Clover being the next Shonen Manga having anime. Both Horikoshi and Tabata drew each of their works
My impressions:
From a casual view standpoint, both don't look bad at all.
However, I have to say I prefer Horikoshi's style, and hell Horikoshi is probably my most favorite.
So... sad as it sounds but I personally think Horikoshi drew Asta way better, he also looks more like Bakugo now... say if Asta's VA changed to Bakugo's VA I think his yell will receive less hate.
Tabata on the other hand like I said isn't terrible but I don't like how he draws the nose. Uraraka isn't look bad either, and glad that Tabata didn't miss drawing those round marks on her fingers, but her look is too Tabata-female-typical....maybe is how he drew her eyes, also her bust... looks a bit weird, don't don't if this is Tabata's style too since hey... there's also another Shonen artists who is very popular that tends to draw females with pretty large bust...
Tabata pretty much nailed Todoroki though. As for Deku... he turned to Asta... oh no...