Deleted member
Get away from him, it was my idea!I'm gonna do that too
A shorter hair isn't enough of a difference thoughIt's got shorter hair than the drawing
That'd mean Popplio's middle and final evo are basically the same
I don't even know why we are discussing this though, it's fake anyways
I like making references with most of my Pokemon nicknames, hell, my Y team was mostly FF referencesActually. I'm gonna do something. Give a nickname to every Alola mon and Zygarde out there
Cutiefly: smol wusp
Sandygast/Palossand: Beach *****
Turtonator: Doofenshmirtz
Stuffle/Bewear: Huggles
Rowlet: Robin Hoot
Crabrawler: Little Mac
Alola Meowth: Gray gay
Alola Raichu: Pancake
Wishiwashi: Wonder Fish
Pyukumuku: cute af
Morelull: more lel
Alola Exeggutor: discipline hat
Alola Ninetails: ice wulf
Alola Sandslash: Coldsteel
Oricorio: David Bowie
Mudsdale: yum
Minior: Starbit
Gumshoos: Gumshoe (bet you expected Trump)
Lurantis: plant waifu
Wimpod: ur mom
Mimikyu: Spoopychu
Comfey: Com hey
Rockruff: Garo
Komola: Narkoala
Vikavolt: Gatack Zecter
Zygarde Complete: Mazinger Z
Salandit: kek
Lunaala: Darkraider or Antasma
Solgaleo: Elrich
Togedemaru: Sonichu
Magearna: bun
Tapu Koko: KOKO ARMS
Popplio: why
Drampa: Neverending
Pikipek: Woody
Alola Raticate: Faticate
Jangmo-o: Oh no-o
Type Null: Nina
Greninja: Shadow
Tyrantrum: Atma
Trevenant: Exdeath
Aegislash: Masamune(it was because of CT but still)
As for SM's Pokemon
Type: Null: Ur-Child(both are mistakes)
Oricorio: Tethys(best dancer)
Wishiwashi: Will(my idea damnit)
Alola Meowth: Roger Smith
Crabrawler: Glass Joe(out of all the Punch Out characters, he's the best fit imo)
Jangmo-o: Giorno(that ****ing heart scale)
Pyukumuku: Star Platinum(*Stardust Crusaders plays in the background*)
Oricorio: Tethys(best dancer)
Wishiwashi: Will(my idea damnit)
Alola Meowth: Roger Smith
Crabrawler: Glass Joe(out of all the Punch Out characters, he's the best fit imo)
Jangmo-o: Giorno(that ****ing heart scale)
Pyukumuku: Star Platinum(*Stardust Crusaders plays in the background*)