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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
RNG is being ridiculous in Fates right now.

I have a perfectly fine strategy for a map but these enemies with 2% Crit Rates and merely decent Hit Rates are consistently screwing me over. It's starting to get to me because I just want to enjoy the game and move on because I'm sick and can't do much else today but NOPE.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Why is Arlo able to put everything so perfectly?

That puppet is seriously one of my favorite things on YouTube right now. Like you said, he just delivers things perfectly and knows exactly what's on people's minds most of the time.


Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
Art is incredibly subjective. What is art and what isn't totally depends on the person.

I can draw a stick figure, and most people wouldn't consider it art. Someone could though. In the end is it art? Does it matter?

In order to figure out if video games are art, you will first need to understand what art is.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Video games aren't art, they say? Well, what about

This video game is literally art
Not sure if you are being serious or not, but you can extend the logic and consider music and drawing classes as art too... which wouldn't really be art in the normal sense.

Although, I realised that just about anything can become an art if the person approaches it that way.



Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Art is literally just expression.

Feelings, ideas, and thoughts moulded into a tangible form so that others may understand what you are feeling or thinking.

People confuse art for being "a picture", but that's not how it works.

This is why games can be art. They are a tangible product that give you a way to express yourself, both as a creator, and as a player.

It's really that simple.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I really don't feel like it's so much that "not all games are art" as much as it is the definition of art being both very broad and very narrow.

For some people, they could draw a couple stick figures and call it art. And by literal definition, it is... it's an visual (and of course, sometimes auditory, textural, literary, etc) expression of that person's creativity. It's not a very GOOD one, but it is an expression of art nonetheless.

Meanwhile, other people are very specific about what qualifies as art, and they aren't exactly wrong for having a more narrow view. Art can have very powerful effects on people, and if it doesn't leave a lasting impact on you, why would you bother giving it the time of day? For some, art is meant to be more for the viewers than it is purely an expression of said artists own creativity, even if that isn't always their intention.
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Deleted member

I mean, don't get me wrong, some video games have some really beautiful art and all that, but I just don't really believe AA here's a game, moreso a tool. That's really just me, though.

Never played that. Honestly my favorite video game with amazing graphics would probably be Garden Warfare 2. While buggy as hell, you can get some amazing screenshots:
Pleb, you can't recognize true art
Some video games are art, others aren't. You can't really generalize.

Whereas a painting will always be art, you can't say the same about video games.

Oh, and there's something else I want to show...

Wait for it...

I still question how paintings with random paint thrown on them can be considered "art"
But that pic, that... masterpiece, that is truly art

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Often, I've heard art as specifically described as something you experienced without directly interacting with it. This is why it's very easy for many to say Games aren't normally art.

An artistic thought behind the designs is a different thing altogether. Which also makes sense, since the real point of art is to show your expressions in some format(generally a song(to listen to or read), a poem/haiku, or a physical thing to look at). This is exactly where games become art, but there's an obvious difference between a game being art(this is more clear for a visual novel since the gameplay is mostly just choosing options, where the actual visuals are more important than the gameplay itself), and where art is behind the game(more general games that have a unique character/stage/song design. Where gameplay is still the focus, but you can clearly see the artist's intent beyond the gameplay).

A good way to say a game really isn't art is if it's just text. The closest thing to art is the item/character/area descriptions. As noted, that's one of the visual aspects of art, the writing itself. Likewise, I wouldn't call a "story" art so much as how the parts of the story are described. The expression and descriptions of each event is where the real art takes place. The rest of it is more character interaction, which isn't what art is about in the same way. It can be too, of course(but it's clear that descriptions are more of what art is), being that the way the characters act is their own expressions and feelings of the situation.

...Damn, this has gone meta. XD


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
The concept of 'Art' is pretty difficult to get a solid grasp on...

It is highly subjective from person to person...'one man's junk is another man's treasure'...

Generally speaking art is pretty much a form of expression but once again its subjective since a lot artist express themselves differently...whether its using art as a way to communicate their thoughts and feelings while others use it as a way to let off steam, escapism....
Then you have those who just do 'art'...it doesn't matter what the subject is or whether it necessarily makes sense or not they just love holding a pencil, paintbrush, chisel, whatever...

I myself like using art as a way to be creative, I'm an amateur designer (creatures and characters mostly) and art is a really good creative outlet for me to bring what's in my mind to life on paper, screen, etc...
At times I like using it to express my interests via fanart here and there...


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
>Video Games aren't considered art
>These kids never played Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Max Payne, and Chrono Trigger

Video Games are already art. We have multiple games that did before and can do it again. Just avoid the "Oscar Bait" type of games that act like they are deep like Bioshock Infinite, Heavy Rain and others like that.

I mean you guys should know that right
I see talk of games and art and yet no mention of Shadow of the Colossus.
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Deleted member

I don't recall seeing any mention of Okami when the topic of video games and art was discussed.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
The reason I didn't really give examples is because the discussion would get over-complicated then, and you'd have people going "THIS GAME'S NOT ART BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE IT, REEEEEEEE" and all that craic.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
My speculation roster for Super Smash Flash 2. 65 characters total, Sheik included.

What do you think? It's getting lonely with discussion SSF2 roster speculation as of late.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I watched the preview, though I am yet to watch the Wulfric rematch due to all the Sun and Moon hype today.

The preview seems to showcase Ash's future league battle against Sawyer, and I gotta say, the animation looks amazing! You can tell the animators are giving it there all here. I can't wait to finally see Aegislash in proper action. Looks it's going to be a tough foe for Ash.

I didn't find any details confirming Ash will fight Astrid round 1, but if it really is the case, looks like my prediction was right that Ash would fight her at some point in the League to avenge his loss against her in the Diancie movie. I only wonder how much we will see of it.

And you do bring up an interesting point with the current set up of the League. It seems like they are setting the stage for Team Flare's interruption. I too don't think they'll give the League win to some random trainer at this point.

This was a pretty interesting video to watch. I never noticed the Slaking motel from the concept arts, and it'd be interesting to see an archaeology village in the area. I also really like the potential how the Japanese-style village on the third island could have a different -looking Pokemon Center to blend with the other buildings. It's like the city is trying to stay as traditional as possible!

The observatory located on the top of the mountain could be a strong candidate for the evil team's headquarters. It seems so secluded with its elevation that it'd be perfect for the evil team to hide in, but then why is there a Pokemon center located in front of it? If it's not the evil team's headquarters, than it's probably just some important research facility similar to the Weather Institute in the Hoenn games. No doubt that this would still be the perfect location for the evil team to get involved in though.

They bring up an interesting point how the "water hotel" we saw in the concept arts may not necessarily be a gym, but it could be the game's Battle Chateau. The concept art didn't show the gym logo anywhere there, but since this is an early art, they could've added it later on. I wouldn't be surprised it was the former thought.

There's also the large, brown hotel located right next to the beach on the same island. If the white manmade island is where the Pokemon League is, my guess is that this could be location of Alola's version of the Battle Tower/Maison. It has the size and elaborate look to it that would be fitting for some post-game challenge location, so I'm guessing that you won't be able to access it until you've beaten the game. This wouldn't be the first time you'd come across the Battle Tower/Maison before you beat the gam though. You could technically visit the Battle Subway during the main story in BW and its sequels. There was also the Battle Frontier/Tower being blocked off in the route right by Goldenrod City in G/S and its remakes until you beat the game. We'll see if it'll be that way when the game comes out. It seems like the only plausible location for a Battle Tower/Maison in Alola for now.

Derrick also points out a lot of platforms across the region, and I noticed that prior to watching this video as well. What's the deal behind them? I'm guessing they are going to be part of some sort of new gameplay gimmick to the series with their odd locations.

And after watching the map analysis video and re-examining the first footage of Solgaleo and Lunala, it looks that pedestal located in the canyon of the fourth island is definitely the location where you will summon the main legendaries. I assumed the tree and the lava-affected area were the real locations you'd find them because Solgaleo's location looked bright while Luanda's location looked very dark. When I looked at the rock behind the pedestal where they stand, it's definitely the same one. The differences with the lighting is probably referring to the time of day feature. It looks like Solgaleo was summoned during daytime (fitting since it's the sun legendary, and the sun is seen during daytime) while Lunala was summoned during nighttime (fitting since it's the moon legendary, and the moon is seen during the nighttime). I only wonder what's the significance of that huge tree and lava-affected area though.

But that fourth island still holds a lot of mystery. With the remnants of an ancient civilization located there, my guess is that this island was once the capital of the ancient civilization that ruled Alola long before modern times. Said civilization probably revered Solgaleo/Lunala, hence the pedestal located by the cone mountain. I also think that the canyons could potentially be the eroded remains of the civilization's capital. There is a Native American site in the mainland United States that is somewhat similar where the homes have been eroded to become part of the mountain, but I can't remember the name. It wasn't located in Hawaii, and if the game is trying to stay true to Hawaiin history, then this idea will probably not come true sadly, but it'd be cool to see nonetheless.

I never noticed the hidden island behind the clouds though! Considering that its location matches up with the clouds that cover the Alola map in the scene where Kukui tells you about the region, I bet there really are more islands to explore than what we see.

With the potential Pokemon League location, that mansion behind the tall, white building could be the new Victory Road, but I'm still leaning towards the idea that this is the port where you'll be dropped off, and the Pokemon Center will probably be located in it. Since there doesn't seem to be many options left for where else the Victory Road, I'm starting to think we'll see a new version of the Victory Road: it will be called Victory Boat/Cruise. My guess is that there is a certain ship that takes you to the Pokemon League, and you can only access it once you've obtained all the badges. Once you're inside the boat, you'll need to explore the entire ship and defeat all it's trainers starting from the top of the ship to the bottom. Once you've reached the bottom of the ship where you reach the last trainer, the captain will deliver the message, "We've arrived at the Pokemon League. Thank you for spending your time on Victory Boat/Cruise."

What could the Victory Boat/Cruise be? Like Gamexplain speculated, it could be that colonial ship in the artwork since it looks far different from the other ships sailing around. If that's the case, then it doesn't seem fitting for it to be called "Victory Cruise;" More like "Victory Boat" or "Victory Vessel" in that case. Oh well, I can't wait to see what the Victory Road will turn out in this game, whether it will be in a cave again or it will use a new concept.
I believe it is pointed out in the magazine scans that ash fights Astrid. I could be wrong I remember seeing talks of it. I feel like we won't see much of it though. And the animation really is good, looks like they based it on the style of the mega evolution acts. And it certainly seems likely for Flare to show up.

Now for the game responses:

My guess for the observatory is that after trekking up there, you learn the evil team is attacking it. You then need to stop them. I could see it be an important story place though. Maybe you find out something is wrong in space and the legends are needed to stop it?

Water hotel could certainly be the chateau though. I think gyms could still happen though. It looks like they want the gyms to truly bend in, maybe more then black and white's did. The brown building could be a battle mansion as well. Who knows though, either way there's a lot of interesting buildings on the map and I wonder what each will be.

The platforms are very interesting. We see two different kinds that stick out. The first are plan old stone squares, but then there are others like the marshland one. People suggested the small plain ones could be soar or helicopter landing spots but I don't know. The bigger ones look like special battle places it seems. Maybe something else though. We may learn about their purpose before release though.

The fourth island is pretty neat. I like the canyon and different structures it has. I definitely saw that as the place in the trailer when we first saw the legends. The ancient civilization theory you had makes a lot of sense to. It will probably be close to that. I wonder what will be found around there. The big tree I am predicting is where we will encounter perfect zygarde. It makes a lot of sense with the tree in the norse mythology legends which Zygarde connects to. I also don't see him being anime exclusive so this could be a good place for him. Maybe he even is worshipped by the nearby ancient civilization as well. Palm tree island is where I think you will encounter the strange souvenir legend. Maybe in the ancient civilization, but who knows.

A victory boat sounds pretty awesome. I like the idea, but the building being a man made victory road could be pretty interesting as well. I do think the pirate ship could be important though. Some are speculating that the pirate ship belongs to the evil team and that maybe they are pirates or explorers. One thing that is not noted in the GX video is the stairs in the platform. The island with the ice mountain, has a platform in the bottom left in the middle of the ocean. It has stairs on this that lead underground. My guess is it's either a submarine or maybe that's the evil team's HQ.. It be a cool area to explore either way though. As for battle mansion. I don't know if it will appear. I believe that one of the cloud islands will host a battle frontier or facility. The backpacker in XY mentions this, so I think it's likely. Which reminds me....

Where could the waterfall that flows backwards be?' I don't quite know, but we should see if it's spotable.
Anyway the map holds many secrets ad I'm getting really hyped for this game. I can't wait till we see more of it!

Some video games are art, others aren't. You can't really generalize.

Whereas a painting will always be art, you can't say the same about video games.

Oh, and there's something else I want to show...

Wait for it...

They finally did it! They created the ultimate meme!


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I do recall TSON saying there won't be anymore anime characters, then another dev (Maybe Geno) spoke up and said that's not the case yet. That's what I remember. So the situation is uncertain.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

DJ Master Seal is back for our daily does of totally radical cringe. At least he isn't as annoying as the last time.



Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
I now, finally, have the MegaMan Nendoroid. And I have the Luigi and MM Link ones coming later this month. And I was super lucky and saw the place I buy from got in 3 single Nendoroid Marios, so I got one of them. And I have the Zelda Nendoroid preordered that'll release in December.

I like Nendoroids.

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
I just got an email from Nintendo of all things. It was just a promotion for the Smash DLC, but it's still odd since I never really heard of Nintendo sending ads through emails. Does this happen frequently or is it truly a rare thing?



The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
I actually did a paper about whether video games are art last year.

Video games can and possibly will be considered art in the future, they're just at the same point movies and books were many years ago. Video games are a relativity new form of media compared to movies and books. When movies and books were new, they had the same kind of debates.


wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
I just got an email from Nintendo of all things. It was just a promotion for the Smash DLC, but it's still odd since I never really heard of Nintendo sending ads through emails. Does this happen frequently or is it truly a rare thing?

Were you opt in with emails?

Deleted member

If a movie can be art, so can a video game. Hell, video games have their own "art" and I'm not referring to the drawings used, the textures (although that IS art), and storylines. No, what I'm referring to is how the mechanics beautifully mold into an experience that gives you a feeling of captivation where you become one with the game, as if everything is so smooth it feels like your each press is a part of you controlling something in unison. Something executed so well that you can control and partake in a world and move around as if it were second nature.

That in itself is beauty and what I refer to as the gaming side of "art".


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
It's a dream.
They stopped DLC a year ago.
Yesterday I was talking how Falcon should've been added to MK8, and a day later they're teasing new DLC.

Probably just a dream, though.
Well. All the Nintendo European accounts tweeted the same thing in different languages which they don't really do. So... makes it kinda odd. But still, probably just more of a playfull tweet than anything else.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Why make us wait over a year if it really is new DLC?

If it were to happen(which it probably won't), it should be a super massive update to the game. That adds new karts, stages, and characters, but that's unlikely.
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