Wait, have you never heard that expression before?
Chiko, I wasn't calling you a cow.
The expression means that people are just saying how it is. Though looking it up, I mistook cow for horse. So, calling a horse a horse.
Why on earth would you think I would just sneak in a term calling you fat?
Dude I'm 300 lbs myself.
It doesn't just mean to call someone fat, it's used as a general term to insult people you think are unpleasant to be around or think are incapable of being friendly, here in the UK & Ireland anyway. Which seemed to be what you were trying to say I was with the rest of your post too.
As for why I think you would try to sneak an insult in somewhere, it's because you have an awful habit of getting holier than thou and insulting (sometimes in a subtle manner) towards people who aren't 100% into something you are excited about in your eyes. I say "in your eyes" because I wasn't even being negative, I was making an observation (i.e that Pokémon games are more about selling merchandise than they were in the best) about Pokémon and talking about some things I thought would be cool for the franchise (i.e.
my opinion that you are allowed to disagree with).
Only one thing before I go back to ignoring you; Swamp never actually called you a cow.
Get some reading comprehension.
He's saying people are calling what they see.
They see something that looks like, walks like, and quacks like a duck, and they call what they see as a duck.
They see someone who looks like and acts like they have an attitude problem, and they call what they see as someone with an attitude problem.
And that's all I care to say to you.
I'm only responding to this for other people, because I'm not interested in users with a history of being outright inflammatory, and one who "ignores" me for literally months for something I can't even remember (like seriously I don't even recall having an exchange with you before so I don't get why you have such a hateful attitude over me).
But he literally got the phrase wrong. I know the phrase "walks like a horse", but by using the word "cow", and considering the context of where I come from, it is very easy to read that as an insult, as the word "cow" is a common insult in the UK & Ireland (meaning either that someone is literally fat, or unpleasant to be around for some reason).
So before you go gung ho about jumping to have a jab at me, please consider the context of what you're talking about.
Regardless, I don't feel like I have been displaying an attitude problem here. I've remained calm and haven't insulted anyone. I
didn't even say the current direction of Pokémon was bad.
Anyway, I've learned my lesson. I won't criticise anything that's hyped in here ever again.
You do realise that your argument can be used to call every non-boss enemy in every RPG "merchandise bait"?
What you're asking for is simply impossible for a monster collection game. You can't integrate every single mon into the story. Not only is it seriously time consuming, no one really cares. They're not making auteur games here, they're making games which will satisfy the majority while turning a profit.
I didn't just mention story, I mentioned world and gameplay too, literally in the post you quoted.
Just drop it everyone. I'm fed up with people literally misreading my posts and ignoring parts of them just to have an excuse to go at me.