I have to agree it's a bit weird, it seems like it's based off of a aggressive mimicry, as it lures in opponents to take them down similar to how a predator would lure in prey by either looking like one or the host. However, it looks like a Bug, so it's a Grass type that looks like a Bug type that's pretending to be a Grass type to lure in foes that are likely Bug types or the like. A bit of a complex way to represent the concept to say the least.
Speaking of non-bug type bugs though, if they're planning on doing more, they should do one based off of the
carnivorous caterpillar. It'd be another nice twist on the typical caterpillar archetype we usually get per generation if they mixed it up both in personality and typing, particularly since the last one (the Scatterbug line) played it straight in the previous generation.