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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Say. . .with the whole "like brothers" thing Nintendo has been saying about their handheld and console and what people have been speculating about it. . .

Do you guys think that could mean we could get one single version of Smash 5 that just gets ported to handheld?

What would that mean if it did?

Could it mean more stages than ever due to the fact that they wouldn't be making stages for two versions? Would it mean the trophies of important characters would actually be present consistently since they wouldn't be favoring handheld trophies for the handheld version and console trophies for the console? Heck, would it mean we would get a subtitle like Melee and Brawl again since one version across two systems couldn't have it's identity defined by the name of the system?

. . .Could we get crossplay in this hypothetical scenario?

And on the other hand, would there be any potential limitations? One would assume the next handheld would at least be up to Gamecube levels and thus able to handle Ice Climbers, but would anything potentially be an issue? Perhaps Eight Player Smash might not be ported over to the handheld copies or would end up being removed.
Possibly. I would love to see crossplay implemented in a future Smash game. PlayStation All-Stars had it with the PS3 and Vita and it ran pretty smooth for the most part.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Say. . .with the whole "like brothers" thing Nintendo has been saying about their handheld and console and what people have been speculating about it. . .

Do you guys think that could mean we could get one single version of Smash 5 that just gets ported to handheld?

What would that mean if it did?

Could it mean more stages than ever due to the fact that they wouldn't be making stages for two versions? Would it mean the trophies of important characters would actually be present consistently since they wouldn't be favoring handheld trophies for the handheld version and console trophies for the console? Heck, would it mean we would get a subtitle like Melee and Brawl again since one version across two systems couldn't have it's identity defined by the name of the system?

. . .Could we get crossplay in this hypothetical scenario?

And on the other hand, would there be any potential limitations? One would assume the next handheld would at least be up to Gamecube levels and thus able to handle Ice Climbers, but would anything potentially be an issue? Perhaps Eight Player Smash might not be ported over to the handheld copies or would end up being removed.
I think it's safe to expect that the next handheld will be at least be a bit stronger than the New 3DS so I believe it should be good enough to bring the Ice Climbers back with not too much issue. That said, I'm not sure if 8-player Smash would be feasible though as apparently even the Wii U can only barely handle it, and even then, mainly by removing various elements from certain stages or altering the models of certain characters.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Perhaps I started getting the positive Unleashed vibes going a little pre-maturely...


This is the secret project I was hinting at for a while now. My first guest article for Source Gaming, and my first journalistic article in general to be uploaded onto a website. An article expressing why I feel Sonic Unleashed deserves more praise.

Funnily enough - when @PushDustIn came to me to invite me to write an article for Sonic Week, he initially asked me to write one article of my choice, and then make a short write-up for another article that will feature many of Source Gaming's writers. I did that write-up around Sonic Unleashed. I wrote about two or three paragraphs and assumed Push would just tell me to cut the least interesting parts, since I didn't know how long the write-up should be at the time...but to my surprise, he actually instead asked me to write a full article about Sonic Unleashed, so I went for it! It was also the push (no pun intended) I needed to go buy another copy of the game to play again, and I played the game to fuel my thoughts.

My other article hasn't been scrapped though. Look forward to it later in the week! I won't say what it's about, I'll just say the next one won't be about a specific game.

There seems to be issues with some of the images not showing up (they were showing up in the document I made), but I'll try to get those resolved soon.

Thanks again to Push for giving me the offer, and to @A10theHero, who I believe was the person who helped out with some edits and refinement!

And as a bonus, I made custom thumbnail art. It can't be used on the site, but I figure I can show it off here.

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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
That would be great.

Tho ATM the main thing I'm looking forward to regarding Smash5 is seeing 3DS stages remade in HD. (thounfortunatly it won't be a total overhaul like MarioKart 8 did with it's retro stages.......so it would just be a higher res. :/)

When Smash 5 speculation properly starts when they reveal it's being worked on or something, I'll be excited for characters.
As far as characters go, I'm more concerned with what we have now. Main thing I'm worried about is that 90% of my cinnamon buns are either third party, clones, from oversaturated series, or otherwise hated by the fandom, and I'm worried about cuts. Splatoon is a pretty fun game and Inkling is the first time since I started following the fandom pre-4 that I've ever seen a "shoo-in," though, so it will be interesting to see what alts and moveset they get. I'm also more than up for any character hype trains I can get to ride, as even if I don't have a personal investment in most of them seeing other people happy is really fun.

I'm more of a sucker for the Melee and Brawl stages they moved forwards on both Wii U and 3DS than most of the new ones, but I'm up for some Spirit Train because who doesn't want to fight on top of a moving train? My favorite new stage from 4 overall was literally the last one they added (Umbra Clock Tower) because it reminded me of how dynamic many of the Brawl stages are. Hoping they decide to bring back Fountain of Dreams and Summit, because the former looked really pretty on video and the latter just feels really fun to slide down into the water with the wind in your face complete with the music matching exactly what's going on with the primary track for that stage. That and we kind of have a noticeable lack of ice levels in 4, LOL.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
More Rouge the Bat please. She needs to go treasure hunting with Knuckles again.
She just wants Knuckles' family jewels. :smirk:

Honestly, my favorite Sonic games were because of the unique gameplay. I didn't like everybody being similar to Sonic. I felt more for the character when they were unique, since it gave me a fresh thing to do than the same gameplay over and over. I think the best way is to keep them separated and not use the Sonic template for everyone. Some characters are okay using that(like Metal Sonic), but Shadow can be kept unique like in 06, where he's still similar, but his base platforming gameplay is extremely solid in concept. He just has a buggy homing attack. I would not like Silver if he couldn't be a telepathic guy who flings objects. That's what made him fun.

Overall, polish is the most needed, imo, not copying Sonic's gameplay. Thankfully they're more or less perfected Sonic's gameplay(they should stick with the parkour but keep the boost if they want to make it feel unique on its own). Others who can play fairly similar to Sonic can simply not have these options but do something different. Tails, as noted, can fly. He can still spindash and go fast, and possibly still parkour, but the removal of the boost for flight is a fun change-up. However, some, like say, Omega, would make more sense using Gamma's style instead, not being fast, firing off shots and locking on. It fits his character far better. Rouge is another that really only makes the most sense in the treasure hunting stages. Knuckles doesn't have to only do that, but Rouge really wasn't designed to do well as a Sonic clone. She was honestly really odd in Shadow due to this, since she already flies and has clear capabilities beyond speed. She's not even fast, just mediocre speed, as well as often glides and kicks. As well as spins quite often.

I think the better idea is to go a similar route to Adventure 2, giving character archtypes to work into. This means more templates to use, but does keep them from feeling redundant outside of the characterization. Basically, speed platforming, treasure hunting, mech/shooting gameplay. I don't think there's a good way to justify fishing coming back. >.>


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
...tbh I've always pictured Fang as having an Australian accent if he spoke. Is it just me, or can other people see Fang being Australian as well?
You're not alone, mate. I see it the same way despite him having a Western cowboy appearance, which can double as looking like an Aussie cowboy.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
It seems to be pokemon no go today.

Can't get on worth crap


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Why did they release Poke Go in Canada so soon.

I can't log in. :/
As far as characters go, I'm more concerned with what we have now. Main thing I'm worried about is that 90% of my cinnamon buns are either third party, clones, from oversaturated series, or otherwise hated by the fandom, and I'm worried about cuts. Splatoon is a pretty fun game and Inkling is the first time since I started following the fandom pre-4 that I've ever seen a "shoo-in," though, so it will be interesting to see what alts and moveset they get. I'm also more than up for any character hype trains I can get to ride, as even if I don't have a personal investment in most of them seeing other people happy is really fun.

I'm more of a sucker for the Melee and Brawl stages they moved forwards on both Wii U and 3DS than most of the new ones, but I'm up for some Spirit Train because who doesn't want to fight on top of a moving train? My favorite new stage from 4 overall was literally the last one they added (Umbra Clock Tower) because it reminded me of how dynamic many of the Brawl stages are. Hoping they decide to bring back Fountain of Dreams and Summit, because the former looked really pretty on video and the latter just feels really fun to slide down into the water with the wind in your face complete with the music matching exactly what's going on with the primary track for that stage. That and we kind of have a noticeable lack of ice levels in 4, LOL.
There's still 2 3rd party characters I specifically want a lot, plus Snake back. I'd say half of mine are unpopulatr choices that aren't likely either. :/ (then again I got my top 3 wanted of all time in Smash4 so.... yay)
I haven't played Brawl/N64/Melee so I treat stages from them as 'new' stages, cos they are new for me.

I really want both 3DS Zelda ones, Reset Bomb Forest , FE Awakening's stage and Super Mario 3D Land to return the most from the 3DS version. It's from Brawl but I found Mushroomy Kingdom really fun so I want it despite most disagreeing with me. XD.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Why did they release Poke Go in Canada so soon.

I can't log in. :/

There's still 2 3rd party characters I specifically want a lot, plus Snake back. I'd say half of mine are unpopulatr choices that aren't likely either. :/ (then again I got my top 3 wanted of all time in Smash4 so.... yay)
I haven't played Brawl/N64/Melee so I treat stages from them as 'new' stages, cos they are new for me.

I really want both 3DS Zelda ones, Reset Bomb Forest , FE Awakening's stage and Super Mario 3D Land to return the most from the 3DS version. It's from Brawl but I found Mushroomy Kingdom really fun so I want it despite most disagreeing with me. XD.
Oh I still have a 3rd party character I'd absolutely love, but the problem is it's Tails and I'm worried how bad the backlash would be if he somehow did get in.

Most commonly requested third party franchises I simply haven't tried, so I have no personal connection (Except for one who's exposure was "learning game" (Rayman) and another that's currently suffering from my erratic way of handling RPGs. Literally have incomplete playthroughs of Xenoblade Chronicles, Earthbound, Golden Sun, AND Tales of Symphonia at various points that have been rotting for an assorted amount of months. And they're good games too, I'm just really weird with RPGs.). I tried Yo-Kai watch and warmed up to Jibanyan just fine, but most other franchises simply haven't been tried.

I haven't done -much- in Brawl, admittedly. I still haven't sorted out SD card shenanigans fully and the Wiimote that I bought specifically to be able to play it is kind of. . .not the most convenient to use. But I did test out a few stages and Summit was nice. As for the other two games, I haven't played Melee or 64 either, so you're not alone on those.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
As Coricus has said, I am somewhat worried about SSB5 since the roster from 4 is going to be very hard to keep intact (although I am all for the removal of Dark Pit and Corrin replacing Lucina. Keep Dr. Mario though, he's too awesome to remove) especially in the third-party department, which is why I personally have sights set out for an upgraded SSB4 for NX first (another good reason is that Sakurai deserves a break before moving on to 5), unlikely as it might happen.

At this point, it's really just my bitterness from Ice Climbers being cut (despite being very close to getting in) speaking, but I really don't want favorites such as Pac-Man and Mega Man being excluded in the next game.

On a brighter note, have this high-quality rip (Mr. Rental for Smash 5)


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Oh I still have a 3rd party character I'd absolutely love, but the problem is it's Tails and I'm worried how bad the backlash would be if he somehow did get in.

Most commonly requested third party franchises I simply haven't tried, so I have no personal connection (Except for one who's exposure was "learning game" (Rayman) and another that's currently suffering from my erratic way of handling RPGs. Literally have incomplete playthroughs of Xenoblade Chronicles, Earthbound, Golden Sun, AND Tales of Symphonia at various points that have been rotting for an assorted amount of months. And they're good games too, I'm just really weird with RPGs.). I tried Yo-Kai watch and warmed up to Jibanyan just fine, but most other franchises simply haven't been tried.

I haven't done -much- in Brawl, admittedly. I still haven't sorted out SD card shenanigans fully and the Wiimote that I bought specifically to be able to play it is kind of. . .not the most convenient to use. But I did test out a few stages and Summit was nice. As for the other two games, I haven't played Melee or 64 either, so you're not alone on those.
I guess I should let everyone know I'd like Rayman and Lara Croft. =P

I think you really should just finish one b4 starting another game. RPG's never stay long in my backlog since I finish them in one go because I get so into the story and world ect that I don't want to leave the game alone for too long.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Perhaps I started getting the positive Unleashed vibes going a little pre-maturely...


This is the secret project I was hinting at for a while now. My first guest article for Source Gaming, and my first journalistic article in general to be uploaded onto a website. An article expressing why I feel Sonic Unleashed deserves more praise.

Funnily enough - when @PushDustIn came to me to invite me to write an article for Sonic Week, he initially asked me to write one article of my choice, and then make a short write-up for another article that will feature many of Source Gaming's writers. I did that write-up around Sonic Unleashed. I wrote about two or three paragraphs and assumed Push would just tell me to cut the least interesting parts, since I didn't know how long the write-up should be at the time...but to my surprise, he actually instead asked me to write a full article about Sonic Unleashed, so I went for it! It was also the push (no pun intended) I needed to go buy another copy of the game to play again, and I played the game to fuel my thoughts.

My other article hasn't been scrapped though. Look forward to it later in the week! I won't say what it's about, I'll just say the next one won't be about a specific game.

There seems to be issues with some of the images not showing up (they were showing up in the document I made), but I'll try to get those resolved soon.

Thanks again to Push for giving me the offer, and to @A10theHero, who I believe was the person who helped out with some edits and refinement!

And as a bonus, I made custom thumbnail art. It can't be used on the site, but I figure I can show it off here.

View attachment 112493
Fantastic work on the article. I even learned a few new things from it (such as using a Black Knight level to show the Hedgehog Engine's power). I would love to see the engine used in more games other than Sonic.

I've said it before earlier in this thread, but Unleashed is one of my favorite Sonic games due to how ambitious it is. I'd kill for another Sonic game with Unleashed's tone and scale.

Looking forward to seeing that other article. :)


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Fantastic work on the article. I even learned a few new things from it (such as using a Black Knight level to show the Hedgehog Engine's power). I would love to see the engine used in more games other than Sonic.

I've said it before earlier in this thread, but Unleashed is one of my favorite Sonic games due to how ambitious it is. I'd kill for another Sonic game with Unleashed's tone and scale.

Looking forward to seeing that other article. :)
Your avi tho...


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Fantastic work on the article. I even learned a few new things from it (such as using a Black Knight level to show the Hedgehog Engine's power). I would love to see the engine used in more games other than Sonic.

I've said it before earlier in this thread, but Unleashed is one of my favorite Sonic games due to how ambitious it is. I'd kill for another Sonic game with Unleashed's tone and scale.

Looking forward to seeing that other article. :)
Glad you learned something new!

That was one of my main goals with the article. I could go on all day about what I personally think about the game, but that would ultimately be lost in a see of opinions, I feel, and would be no different than me making a forum post about the game here.

So I wanted to reminisce about elements of the game not many people really remember, like the trailers, Night of the Werehog, and the cultural aspects and the NPCs. Then drop some lesser known trivia about the game to portray how much love went into it. And then I wanted to discuss a remaster at the end, so I could address some of the game's faults (and therefore avoid coming off as just another fanboy), but address them in a context that stuck to the feelings of positivity expressed throughout the article.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
As Coricus has said, I am somewhat worried about SSB5 since the roster from 4 is going to be very hard to keep intact (although I am all for the removal of Dark Pit and Corrin replacing Lucina. Keep Dr. Mario though, he's too awesome to remove) especially in the third-party department, which is why I personally have sights set out for an upgraded SSB4 for NX first (another good reason is that Sakurai deserves a break before moving on to 5), unlikely as it might happen.

At this point, it's really just my bitterness from Ice Climbers being cut (despite being very close to getting in) speaking, but I really don't want favorites such as Pac-Man and Mega Man being excluded in the next game.

On a brighter note, have this high-quality rip (Mr. Rental for Smash 5)
The sad part is I'm even more extreme than most, because I actually like Edgy McFlufflord. Goodness knows the chocolate cinnamon bun is going to be first on the chopping block for not being unique, but despite not supporting him before he was added I had enough good times in Light Vs. Dark to warm up to him quickly enough once he got in.

Lucina always struck me as a bit on the stiff side (rekt future probably did it), so I'm kind of indifferent to her. Unfortunately we'll lose the ability to make jokes about THE DRESS if she's gone, though, but for some baffling reason hardly anyone wants to bring up THE DRESS in the first place.

C Support
Mother, guess what? I found a wonderful dress in the town market.


It was gorgeous! I thought it'd be just perfect for you, so I bought it. I was thinking you could try a different style for once.

Why, Lucina! What a lovely surprise! Now let me get a look at this gorgeous... Er...dress? Oh dear. I've never seen so many...unusual colors and shapes in one piece of clothing.

I know! It's very modern. See all the giant pink polka dots? If you look carefully, you'll see that each one is a portrait of Emmeryn herself! I wager when Father sees you in this, he'll just scream with delight!

(I bet he'll scream, all right...)

Pardon, Mother? I didn't catch that.

I'm sorry, Lucina. It's just that... Well, this isn't exactly my...style. I'm very grateful for the thought, but...I don't think I can wear it.

Oh? I was sure you would like it... Well, perhaps next time I go to market, you could come and pick something yourself. I know it seems frivolous in times like these. But in the blighted future I come from, I often fantasized of such simple pleasures.

Why, Lucina. What a considerate daughter you've grown up to be. I'd be delighted to go to market with you. ...Delighted and honored.

Wonderful! And when we go, I'll wear the new dress!

(Oh, gods, no...)

Pardon, Mother?

B Support
Everyone in this town is so stylish. I wager we'll find you the perfect dress here.

Er, yes. Just so long as it's not TOO stylish. Frankly, dear, you have much more...flamboyant taste in clothes than I do.

I favor the tasteful and understated. For example, what about this one?

G-gracious! I don't think I've ever seen such a...shimmery magenta.

Hmm. I suppose it IS a little bright. Well, what about this one?

Oh, my... That's very lacy. ...In fact, it's nothing BUT lace. Lucina, I can see right through it!

Oh, all right. Well...how about this one, then?

Well, it's a nice color, I grant you. But I'm not sure about the whole octopus motif...

Oh. I thought you liked octopi. ...This is not going well, is it? Why don't I come back another day and pick out something nice for you?

Er, well, I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but...all right. Let's try it.

Wonderful! Then I shall not rest until I find you the PERFECT dress. Something that you will truly, truly adore!

Oh, yes, I'm sure you... Hmm? Oh, look at this...

Which one? ...The baby garment?

Oh, isn't it just adorable? Look at the tiny little bow, too! ...Well, enough shopping for today. We should really be getting back to camp.

...... ...Hmm...

Source: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Avatar(F)_Lucina(PC)

. . .Seriously, we need more drawings of Lucina in that dress.

Or any of those dresses in general.
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Derp Banjo is the best Banjo.
Derp Banjo will be a hidden boss in Yooka-Laylee.
Glad you learned something new!

That was one of my main goals with the article. I could go on all day about what I personally think about the game, but that would ultimately be lost in a see of opinions, I feel, and would be no different than me making a forum post about the game here.

So I wanted to reminisce about elements of the game not many people really remember, like the trailers, Night of the Werehog, and the cultural aspects and the NPCs. Then drop some lesser known trivia about the game to portray how much love went into it. And then I wanted to discuss a remaster at the end, so I could address some of the game's faults (and therefore avoid coming off as just another fanboy), but address them in a context that stuck to the feelings of positivity expressed throughout the article.
Speaking of the remaster, this thought popped into my head. If it were to happen, do you think SEGA would consider re-dubbing the game with the current voice cast, or stick with the original cast? As much as I love the voice acting in Unleashed (Jason Griffith in particular improved), I would be interested in hearing the current cast with a somewhat serious story.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Derp Banjo will be a hidden boss in Yooka-Laylee.

Speaking of the remaster, this though popped into my head. If it were to happen, do you think SEGA would consider re-dubbing the game with the current voice cast, or stick with the original cast? As much as I love the voice acting in Unleashed (Jason Griffith in particular improved), I would be interested in hearing the current cast with a somewhat serious story.
I feel like that would depend on just how big of a remaster it would be.

I wouldn't count on it if it was just a straight port. If they decided to do more things I suggested, like adding the Gaia Temple puzzle idea the Wii/PS2 version had, then I could see a re-dub being more likely then.

Personally I would rather just preserve the voice acting as is, so as not to make the game feel TOO different. Also to throw a bone to those fans who preferred the old cast, since new games obviously continue to have the Studiopolis cast. The only character I think would genuinely benefit from a re-dub is Chip. Chip's voice actor actually nailed the acting and tone, but the problem was he simply didn't have the right voice to begin with. Chip was a child-like character, but he didn't sound like a child in the English dub.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Also guys I have a very important problem. I need to vote in the final Splatfest before it starts, but I like Callie's design better and yet I nearly always end up siding with Marie due to the topics she chooses. What do I do?

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Oh man.

Hyuga is ****ed.
Considering the Noel Brown situation where people didn't know if it was a prank or not, I rather wait it out.

Especially with situations like these. But if it's true then What The **** Hyuga? Learn about respecting space. This came off the whole situation with another Smash player as well


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
I feel like that would depend on just how big of a remaster it would be.

I wouldn't count on it if it was just a straight port. If they decided to do more things I suggested, like adding the Gaia Temple puzzle idea the Wii/PS2 version had, then I could see a re-dub being more likely then.

Personally I would rather just preserve the voice acting as is, so as not to make the game feel TOO different. Also to throw a bone to those fans who preferred the old cast, since new games obviously continue to have the Studiopolis cast. The only character I think would genuinely benefit from a re-dub is Chip. Chip's voice actor actually nailed the acting and tone, but the problem was he simply didn't have the right voice to begin with. Chip was a child-like character, but he didn't sound like a child in the English dub.
Maybe it was because the acting and tone was so great, but I don't really mind Chip's voice. It took some getting used too, but I thought it rather fit well. I do see were you're coming from though.
Also guys I have a very important problem. I need to vote in the final Splatfest before it starts, but I like Callie's design better and yet I nearly always end up siding with Marie due to the topics she chooses. What do I do?
Marie because she is obviously best Squid Sister.


Goddess of Storms
Jan 2, 2014
Soul Realm


Sep 12, 2014
Considering the Noel Brown situation where people didn't know if it was a prank or not, I rather wait it out.

Especially with situations like these. But if it's true then What The **** Hyuga? Learn about respecting space. This came off the whole situation with another Smash player as well
Nick Riddle was there too and he confirmed the story was real.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
The only way to know if someone truly like Callie or Marie is to know one thing:

Is do they like either Bayonetta or Jeane because Callie and Marie favor those two alot


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
The only way to know if someone truly like Callie or Marie is to know one thing:

Is do they like either Bayonetta or Jeane because Callie and Marie favor those two alot
I'm not really familiar enough with the Marie equivalent's personality to make a judgement call. . .And going by their sequel designs (seeing as I like those far better), I think I like said Marie equivalent's design better, which is the opposite of my Splatoon opinions.

I'm not entirely sure if this question helps. XD


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I suppose that's one way to catch them all.
This is pretty smart. They used thieves tactics against them.

Hopefully this can start a chain of good go articles as I've seen families question the bad uses for it. Imo Go is a very good thing, it unites people, changes the world, and create a brand new experience unlike anything before. The few missuses are sad, but hopefully they will be stopped soon and Go can become a fully positive experience for all.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
They told us to catch em all...

What we catch is up to us. /philosophy

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Atleast that solves it but this might get him banned from events
Good. This **** warrants prison time, so 'muh tournaments' shouldn't be his first concern. Anyone know how much jailtime one typically gets in the US when charged with molestation? I think he should pay compensation too, as **** like that is traumatizing
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