Literally this. Kamiya even said Sakurai could have Bayo when ever he wanted for smash if he asked. It took almost nothing to get her. She's a lock.
If ease of use were the only contingent in bringing back a character we'd have three Links and three Landmasters right now. Tbh I don't know if Sakurai is going to bother bringing back all the 3rd party DLC. I wouldn't be surprised if only some/none of it came back simply because he didn't try to reclaim it, and that's coming from someone who really loves Cloud.
To me, and I could be way off base here, but to me it seems like he didn't even try to get Snake back until the ballot.
But if we're just talking about the port, yeah, I don't see why anyone would get cut. I'm sure provisions were made in procuring all the characters for future iterations of the same game, especially with the DLC.
This is some amazing news.
Resident Evil is not a series with Nintendo ties.
Capcom must see real promise in the system.
Don't get me wrong, it's definitely nice to see support with a big title like RE7, but personally I think the series has a lot of ties, just not a lot of crossovers. iirc every main RE title before 5 found its way on to a Nintendo system at some point, and they've got a fair few Nintendo exclusive (or once-exclusive) spin-offs.
When we start getting major IPs from the likes of Square, Rockstar or Bethesda, that's when I believe we've got something special. The rest of the big names do support Nintendo pretty much every gen, even if with inconsistent output.