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Second trial update
Found a Fomantis, she showed up way earlier than I expected, thought I'd have to wait until Lush Jungle to be able to catch one. Good thing Fomantis shows up in Route 4 though, because I didn't have anytjing that resists Water besides Brionne
And then to the trial... it was kinda disappointing
The trial only really started on the Totem battle and before that was just going after the weak Wishiwashis(caught one of them at least)
But the battle against Totem Wishiwashi himself... oh boy, this was EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a Pokemon battle: School Wishiwashi has the stats of a boss, buffs you can't normally get, a Sitrus Berry for healing, rain and it can summon weaker Pokemon to help it
I LOVED this battle as it finally captured the feeling of a boss battle I wanted in Pokemon for a long time.
Fomantis barely scratched it with Razor Leaf and thanks to the rain she was losing half of her HP to a WATER GUN, thankfulky, Brionne's Sp.Def was high enough to tank Wishiwashi and burn it with the newly acquired Scald
Also, jfc, Oricorios are way too hard to catch
Also also, School Wishiwashi is hype
Team Update:
Pom Pom Oricorio(Ress)
Crabrawler(Glass Joe)
And then to the trial... it was kinda disappointing
The trial only really started on the Totem battle and before that was just going after the weak Wishiwashis(caught one of them at least)
But the battle against Totem Wishiwashi himself... oh boy, this was EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a Pokemon battle: School Wishiwashi has the stats of a boss, buffs you can't normally get, a Sitrus Berry for healing, rain and it can summon weaker Pokemon to help it
I LOVED this battle as it finally captured the feeling of a boss battle I wanted in Pokemon for a long time.
Fomantis barely scratched it with Razor Leaf and thanks to the rain she was losing half of her HP to a WATER GUN, thankfulky, Brionne's Sp.Def was high enough to tank Wishiwashi and burn it with the newly acquired Scald
Also, jfc, Oricorios are way too hard to catch
Also also, School Wishiwashi is hype
Team Update:
Pom Pom Oricorio(Ress)
Crabrawler(Glass Joe)
And I'll pretend you have good taste :^)I'll pretend I care about those shows
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