I've been having a hard time getting hyped up for it, but that's more because I've just been really apathetic in general lately. Well, that and I'm just worn out from listening to the internet complain about everything nonstop for the past two years and Pokemon is never an exception to that kind of attitude.
I'm hoping actually getting it into my hands will help, because I've had brief flashes of hype from time to time even with my general apathy. I do feel slightly excited about picking it up now right on the eve.
It's important to never really take the internet's incessant droning to heart. The internet can and does complain about everything. If you feel it's too much I'd suggest taking a break and/or trying to find more positive outlets to help balance things.
At any rate, after examining newfound evidence lately I'm assuming the Switch will be getting the "third version" of this game before it gets anything new, so hopefully for your sake it's not the region turning you off too much.
I don't think it's so much the region turning me off as much as it's not doing anything for me in terms of drawing me in.
But I agree it's probably more likely the third version, or at least somehow newer version, gets the port.
I highly doubt it's that you've "outgrown" it no matter what happens. Liking or not liking something doesn't make you "grown up," it just means you feel like doing something different.
That's not really what I said. As you age your tastes change, and you just lose interest in some things. Gaming as a whole is this for me; I've gone from playing games daily to weekly to playing through three or four games a year, now down to probably one or two and mostly just gaming socially. And part of it is that I'm a lot more busy these days, but part is also a loss of interest. I'm sure there will be an uptick next year if all these rumoured Switch games arrive as claimed, but people losing interest in gaming with age is hardly an infrequent phenomena.
And this has been the largest gap between Pokemon games I've seen since I started following new releases prior to HGSS, so I don't really see this as too recent. It's more of a gap in time than Gen 5 was, and while the battle animations are mostly the same aside from some new idle animations the overworld is a larger jump than Gen 4-Gen 5, too. Heck, I feel like I remember Gen 4 recycling sprites from Gen 3 and Gen 5 recycling sprites from Gen 4, so that's not really new either.
Well time, although objective, still feels relative. That's why I said "for me". To me X/Y and OR/AS and S/M just sort of blend together. Part of that is the aesthetic. Part is probably that I played X/Y more than B/W.
Also it doesn't "feel" the shortest between gens for me, that'd probably be between Gens V and VI, though those differentiated themselves a lot more than these two do imo.
I mean, this is all opinions. I see where you're coming from, it's just different for me.
I really doubt the switch Pokemon game is a mainline one.
People say it is supposedly being made by Gamefreak, but I've seen no claim of it.
I'm positive it's either another Pokemon Rumble or a new spinoff. Those make the most sense for the first year.
Getting a spin-off close to launch wouldn't surprise me, but I believe receiving a GF made Pokemon within a year to 18 months of the Switch releasing is totally within the realm of possibility. I don't see it happening within the first six months though. I mean it's been reported from several places, and not to imply it should be taken as gospel, but Emily seems to be on a roll right now. Probably so much so that they finally sent the ninjas after her.
Anyway, I believe it. But if you don't, that's cool. There's sound reasons on both sides imo. We'll see.