To put my point simply though, since I just thought of something. The similiar things have happened to past with other progressive groups, but they progressed too extremely and it backfired badly. A big example I can think of are the hippies, they started off really innocent, but then you got the crazies, and out of a result of that you get Nixon as president who despises them and promotes the normal majority and absolutely despised minorities of any kind.
What part of these ideologies are absurd?
Non binary, cultrural approipation, feminism in general over recent years, too many complicated and neeedless terms, over sensitivity, demonizing majority groups for being the majority, glorifying victimization. etc. Those are things that tick off people a lot, though from the majority of LGBT people I've talked and are friends with, they aren't like the radicals.
However, the radicals speak very, very loudly and that's what sticks to people's minds. If it weren't for the radicals, I wouldn't be ashamed for being LGBT at all, I'm not of afraid of bigots at all. However, I am scared of being seen as a freak by everyday normal people just because they assume things about me. I'm afraid to make friends as myself because I think I'll be seen as a freak because of what radicals say or do. Hell, one thing I here a lot is that people don't want to have color dyed hair just because the radicals are assiociated with them, even though they'd like to.
And this is come from an androgyous male who's Indonesian/Native American(Ugh, I also hate having to describe myself because they're also acciossiated with over labeling themselves), I would be perfectly proud and fine of being that if other people of the LGBT and other progressives didn't blow things out of proportion. Luckily most I talk to are perfectly chill, it's just that we shouldn't progress too fast. If we are to progress, it should never be in a dogmactic/demanding fashion.