- James
- Sapphire
- Dipper
- Climnew (Though I feel compelled to rename him Sombra, even though the gender doesn't fit, but eh.)
- Ronali
This was my team from Mauville to Meteor Falls, though the egg's slot was occupied by Crobat (Aka Flandre). The battle at Mt. Chimney was pretty intense - the VS. Aqua/Magma Leader theme has a neat remix, pretty frenetic and fast paced. Quite an even battle I felt, and Archie took out quite a bit of my team before I beat him. It was a neat battle.
Following was off to Lavaridge Town - that's when I picked up the Egg (which if I recall, is going to hatch into Wynaut.)
James and Sapphire were the ones I wanted to have on frontline offence, but they got KO'd and used up all the revives I had - I figure I should probably increase James' Special Defence stat, but I figure Sapphire would be a decent all-rounder. And nice of Brendan to bring me back to Petalburg, but I want to get one of those Fossil Pokémon - maybe Anorith. That's my current progress so far. BRB, off to bring a fossil back to life, and leave the other one lost forever.