Anita (Level 27)
Private (Level 39)
Powthing (Level 26)
Childhood (Level 30)
Infigrowth (Level 24)
Cool Moves (Level 27)
Finally got Cool Moves to evolve by roaming in Hearthome City. Private also evolved too. He's using Aqua Jet, and I gave him Surf too, which I used in the pond in Twinleaf Town. I caught a level 40

while surfing.
I took on Fantina, my fifth gym, too. Childhood was able to fight and defeat Drifblim using Rock Blast. Mismagius served as a problem for Childhood with Magical Leaf. Mismagius was pretty good against my others too. Had to use Private to take out her and

. Private's new Steel typing helped him out.
Afterwards, I made more progress in Celestic.