Title: The Mysterious Murasame Castle - Resurrection
Gameplay: Action-Adventure Hack-and-Slash
General Plot Outline: Years after the original game, a new outbreak of Ninjas and Yokai terrorize Japan. Takamaru instantly begins cutting through the chaos with his Daisho (adding a Wakizashi to his Katana to differentiate him from the far-too-many swordsman in the gaming universe). Of course the plot thickens as Takamaru receives updates on the attack via messenger hawk from his unknown information.
Gameplay: In order to appeal to "hardcore" and "mature" audiences and to continue the fast-paced, mostly-linear gameplay, this game should mirror the evolution of the Ninja Gaiden series in the transition to 3D, including the violence, blood, and dismemberment of Ninja Gaiden 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.
Graphics: Because Kid Icarus mirrored the anime-esque graphics of the The Legend of Zelda series, and because this game is meant to appeal to a more "mature" audience, it is only logical that this game should mirror the Metroid series's realistic graphics.
Playable characters:
Takamaru - Samurai protagonist of the series
Ayame - A Miko (Shrine Maiden) trained in combat to defend the newly rebuilt Murasame shrine from evil.
Kaida - A female Ninja formerly serving the Aosame Daimyo. She left her post after realizing the Aosame Lord's true intent.
Weapons: Weapons are character-exclusive. Each character begins with one weapon each, and will unlock more weapons via collectibles or story. Each weapon can be leveled up twice to increase the moveset and damage. Characters are also equipped with a throwing and ranged weapon.
Takamaru's Weapons:
-Kirin Daisho (Main Weapon, Katana and Wakizashi)
-Odachi (long sword)
-Naginata (pole sword)
-Yari (jumonji style spear)
-Ono (two battle axes)
-Zanbato (giant sword)
-Tonfas (Okinawan martial weapon)
-Otsuchi (war hammer)
-Bo/Sansetsukan (staff that when upgraded can unhinge into three sections)
-Yumi (Long Bow, Ranged Weapon)
-Shuriken (Throwing Weapon, Ranged)
Ayame's Weapons:
-Pheonix Sword (Main Weapon, Seven-Branched sword)
-Tessen (two sharpened, metal fans)
-Wagasa (a parasol outfitted for combat, can be used for bludgeoning or opened to use the outer edge of the canopy to cut)
-Azusayumi (a musical bow often used in Miko ceremonies, Ranged Weapon)
-Clay Bombs (an explosive consisting of a black powder core encased in clay, Throwing Weapon)
Kaida's Weapons:
-Dragon Blades (Main Weapon, Six Ninjato held between the fingers in a claw-like fashion)
-Kusarigama (sickle and weighted-chain weapon)
-Nunchaku (two hardened sticks connected by a chain)
-Fukiya (blowgun, Ranged Weapon)
-Metsubushi (hollowed-egg filled with blinding materials that will cause enemies to blindly attack in random directions, Throwing Weapon)
Levels: There will be a total of 19 levels. In story mode, 13 will be for Takamaru, 3 will be for Ayame, and 3 will be for Kaida. In challenge mode, all unlocked levels will be playable with all characters and will have cutscenes and other unnecessary elements removed for replays and speed-runs. Online leaderboards will be available for challenge mode.
Budo and Ki: As you damage opponents and defeat enemies, you will fill your Ki bar. Upon filling it completely, you will be able to use a special ability known as a Budo (Way of War). These will replace the Invisibility and Spark powers from the old game and like, weapons, are character-exclusive and may be upgraded to increase their effectiveness.
Takamaru's Budo:
-Way of the Inazuma Spark (lightning attack that instantly defeats multiple enemies by arcing between them)
-Way of the Unseen Wind (razor-like wind whirls around Takamaru making him invisible and allowing him to deal extra damage)
-Way of the Hitodama Flame (successive fireball attacks that deals massive damage)
-Way of the Unleashed Inazuma (kills all enemies on screen)
Ayame's Budo:
-Way of the Blooming Iris (plants erupt from under the ground in a radius around Ayame, dealing massive damage to all enemies caught within the attack's range)
Kaida's Budo:
-Way of the River Bullet (Kaida unleashes her Ki in a dense, near liquid stream, piercing anything in its path, dealing massive damage to all enemies in a straight line)
Expanded Storyline: While I obviously won't post the full story, I will say that you can expect new characters, as well as the return of familiar faces. Expect the importance of the Murasame Castle to be explained, and the lore of the series to be greatly expanded upon.
Upgrades: There of course will be unlockable character upgrades that will improve movement, grant new attack techniques, and even allow Takamaru to charge his shuriken to instead throw the Pinwheel knife. Unlockable upgrades should increase the sense of accomplishment play time for players.
Other Information: This would obviously be a Wii U-exclusive game. Multiple difficulty levels would exist (Apprentice, Warrior, Master, and Legend). Online multiplayer is always a very possible idea and would probably involve some level of customization.