Smash Lord
Random soccer mom comes on and tell us about her kids and how she broke her wrist skiing. No one cares.
Carrot top comes out of nowhere and shows of that lame Ubisoft snowboarding game.
They brag for a long time. "Look at these BAR GRAPHS!!!!! Bar Graphs....you can see Wii and DS are on top....more bar graphs.....more bar graphs...."
Iwata says some crap that makes no sense and leads up to nothing.
Animal Crossing is shown which is awesome.
Wii Music, a game where you have to do nothing at all is shown. Some guy with Drums as his last name plays Wii music. He has crazy hair and he's PROFFESIONAL (OMG)!!!!!!
Wii sports last resort is shown. It features that new motion plus thing. Reggienator wins. Soccer mom then wins. Reggie dubs Soccer mom the soccermominator.
Conference is over.
Carrot top comes out of nowhere and shows of that lame Ubisoft snowboarding game.
They brag for a long time. "Look at these BAR GRAPHS!!!!! Bar Graphs....you can see Wii and DS are on top....more bar graphs.....more bar graphs...."
Iwata says some crap that makes no sense and leads up to nothing.
Animal Crossing is shown which is awesome.
Wii Music, a game where you have to do nothing at all is shown. Some guy with Drums as his last name plays Wii music. He has crazy hair and he's PROFFESIONAL (OMG)!!!!!!
Wii sports last resort is shown. It features that new motion plus thing. Reggienator wins. Soccer mom then wins. Reggie dubs Soccer mom the soccermominator.
Conference is over.