Kold Pizza
Smash Apprentice
Nintendo and Sega are both iconic video game companies that have produced lots of memorable video game titles while in competition with each other for several generations. As it pertains to the image, each row from top to bottom respectively has Nintendo and Sega consoles from generations 3-6 that had a lot of influence on me growing up. From each of these generations you may have experienced, which one console did you prefer over the other. You can discuss which one console you think is objectively better compared to the other, or if you want to be biased, you can talk about which one you liked better on a personal level. It’s totally up to you!
Growing up, I tended to prefer Nintendo consoles because I was usually more interested in the intellectual properties associated with the Nintendo company. That said, Sega had some consoles that I felt had a really cool design, especially the Sega Genesis Model 2. I have seen Sega fans talk about how they prefer the hardware for a typical Sega console over the hardware of a typical Nintendo console. Not only that, but Sega has been seen as more consumer friendly compared to Nintendo even though they had their goof ups in the past like the Sega 32X. I am interested in seeing others’ perspectives as it relates to the topic.
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