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Ninja's of Hyrule, we have a small, cartoonish problem.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
I have a friend who plays Toon Link and basically all he does is jump around, throw bombs, and dodge. It's becoming a hassle to play him with sheik, considering her only projectile is vertical [diagonally down at best]. Are there any quick tips or ideas you fellow shieks have for beating him? He's a big-talking, cocky little *******, so seeing the smug grin wiped off of his face would make my day.

I'll see if I can't get a video of our match [need those dang bedazzled cables . Until them I'm stuck with my digital camera...]

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
1) You hate Tink too much.
2) How do you know about the super secret vertical projectile ninja attack?
3) If he's going to be predictable as you describe, Shiek has the speed to stop it. Predict the airdodge, intercept the jump, basic stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
Lol'd in agreement. Do you try to sneak in some vanishes? Just a random thought that probably wont work. Anyways, TL has a DJ hitbox, but sheik should be able to hit him before he starts the attack if they are both in the air :/ just work on his spacing


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
based on what you just said, he sounds like a noob Tlink. meaning he doesn't throw bombs strategically but much rather randomly. learn to catch his bombs and use them against him. sounds risky but after a while you'll see its not that bad. plus, you'll get good at catching things while at the same time wiping the grin of your friends face :)


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
I'm not a big fan of Tlink per se. Young Link was my second in melee, and after getting brawl, I realized they did not play anything alike. The picture is from back then.

I'm an avid fan of killing via Vanish, but I find it is sometimes really hard to incorporate into my game. I mean I've killed a handful of times with the vanish glide and normal vanish, but those times are far and few between.

I've heard work on spacing a whole lot, but my question is: "What exactly is spacing, how do I practice it, and how can I tell if I'm doing it well or terribly?"

I've tried catching them, and do so a little now, but more often than not, I miss it and end up getting a bomb to the face. After playing him a few times, I realized that with any character he dodges a lot in general, and I've tried to start taking advantage of that in matches, keyword "tried".

Thanks for the help so far guys! [and girls if it applies]


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Jumping around you say?

Well if someone stupid enough to do that to me I just stand a little be farther then dash attack distance and dacus them. After hitting them a few times with that they will either start doing jump into aerials or air dodge which is a lot easier to punish if you don't have a aerial range advantage

run up usmash can also work but it's not as flashy or effective.

Also throwing ground needles just as they land will make them think twice about landing in front of you


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2008
Southern California
Tlinks projectile game is easier to get used to than it seems
Power shield, jump around, be more patient than him

DACUS doesn't work too well since he'll have a bomb, arrow or boomerang floating in front of him (and if not, he can just Zair you)


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
toon link matchup requires a lot of consistency. besides peach this is probably the matchup i know the most.

walk/run into his projectiles and power shield

if u mess up and get hit so be it, it's a mere 5% damage

u can't just avoid his projectiles the whole time, you have to PENETRATE them. walking+powershielding is probably the best way

basically if u can stay on him with tilts, jabs, and nairs (nair has 2 frame faster startup than fair... can be very useful esp. if he hair dodges and tethers out of your combos a lot) he can't do anything to outspeed you

you really have to let go of all fears here because sheik's close range attacks are barely frames faster than toon link's. you have to be aggressive where you think toon link might attack

for example jab him before he releases that fsmash/dsmash

it's very scary but very satisfying to know that you stopped some major punishment

toon link can deal damage WAY better than you can

but a good sheik vs toon link will never allow him to rack up that damage, esp. cuz tlink is getting hit the whole time


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
yeah, peach actually does have a slight advantage against sheik. mostly because of her aerial priority, and it's hard to approach her with a nair or fair because you can be beaten.

a good technique could be to dash under her float and shield whatever aerial she hits you with (probably dair) and counter between the dairs with utilt.

needles are good against her, especially if she's glide tossing. however she can easily float above the needles.

your aerials aren't COMPLETELY shut out, you just have to hit her before or after she uses one. for example if you nair fast enough, you'll knock her out of her float. it's very risky but for bad matchups, you need to take those risks sometimes. sheik cannot work super well on the defensive, period.

space with bairs because peach will space with fairs. her priority will beat anything so you have to outrange her so that she wont be read to space a fair (unless she just uses it anyway, then hope your attacks will trade.)

overall i think you're better off using zelda in this matchup, however some zelda players say peach has a slight advantage on zelda too (i don't believe them.)

just make the best of whatever damage you can do, because there's not a lot of opportunities to beat peach's priority. you have to beat her between her moves with your superior speed. for example if she fairs your shield, shield grab IMMEDIATELY or jab counter, because you need to hit her before she jabs you.

random tip: if peach grab releases you, her jab comes out really fast so your best option is to jab right away

you need to MAXIMIZE damage, but don't get too greedy with combos. the best you can do is usually 2 ftilts to nair... or double jab to grab, grab attack, fthrow. just do as much damage as you can because her priority is too good for you to be greedy.

peach is all about the float spacing. if she doesn't have good float spacing, she's not that good a peach. block glide tosses and roll away, there's not much you can do to that approach. if you're really manly (like me) you can catch them and hit her at the same time with dash attack.

if she's really high up, you have nothing to lose in trying to follow her and uair. it'll beat her dair

recover with vanish usually and try to position yourself to not be hit by fair

when being edge guarded from the ledge, make sure you watch her closely and choose the best get up option. for example don't just ledge hop fair right away, you can be blocked and countered by peach's nair.

if peach is being defensive, walking up and spamming jab is too good

sometimes if she is floating, you can just run up and usmash (or dacus if you're really feeling manly) and sometimes it will tipper or double hit since she is usually right at the height of sheik's arms

if she floats up high, then go under her... crouch, block, or utilt

yeah.... very unorganized.... but random helpful tips for the peach matchup... LOL

this topic is about toon link... owned
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