So it can be at my house, BUT BUT BUT, it depends on how many people.
Crew member + drafters can come, idk about Mr.B1tch3s, Thomasexy, $ick or whoever else tho. . .
So its gonna be Wreckless, 6th(if he can leave his house), Headache, Fate, JTB(if he is coming)
Drafters: TrafficWarden + NeighborhoodB (if you want to be drafted that is, or just to come and play)
And it depends on which day as well, this is just gonna b a lil "gathering" cuzz my mom trips if too many ppl "teenagers" are in the house.
ORRRRRR we can all go to gamecrazyyyyy to have a minie tournament
It's the oreo LOVE awhhhhhhhhhhhhh