I've pretty much always felt that Charizard should be able to stand on his own without being attached to Trainer, and was glad that's exactly what we got in 4. There's not really another trio that makes sense for Trainer without him, so I'd hate to think he might end up stuck perpetually in that role. Likewise, I feel Squirtle and the like should have to get in on their own merits, not as part of a trio gimmick; and there is an argument for Squirtle and someone from the saur line, for sure, but I like to consider them as individual candidates when, for example, I make my own rosters. Not sure how the devs will do it, though. Probably they'll determine in the project plan stages if they can afford to do the whole Trainer, and if not they'll make solo Zard like before. Maybe even work the most on Zard first so that they can change course if it looks like they won't be able to finish.