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Newcomer: Midna & Wolf Link

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Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
I know that there's been a lot of talk about Midna being included in Brawl but upon searching I discovered that there doesn't seem to be a dedicated thread. Well, guess what... here it is! I there is already one, well I'm sorry, and embarrassed that I made a fool of myself on my first ever post. So...


I'm not talking her real form as revealed at the end of Twilight Princess, I'm talking about her "cursed" usual form that we've all grown to know and love. Midna has a certain charm and brilliance about her that few other Nintendo characters have even began to topple. While some criticised her inclusion as purposefully trying to be gritty and it still wasn't really that good there's no denying she is a well-formed character with some great dialogue and other such, erm, things. Her dark moves were extremely prevalant in her respective Zelda game as she had some major magic hidden up her sleeve (or, err, scarf). Even her Final Smash for Brawl would have to be that monstrous transformation, wouldn't it!

But more on her moves later... let's try and combat any animosity against her. A few major arguments I often hear against her:

1) She's too recent to be in Brawl
2) Other Zelda characters deserve to be placed in Brawl before her
3) Her movement and moveset would be waaaay too glidey

Obviously, if you have anymore arguments then I just can't wait to hear them but for now we have these three. Here we go:

1) What people seem to mean by this is that she has no chance of appearing in Brawl because Twilight Princess and Brawl are being released too close together. Oh, puh-lease, not only is Link's Brawl model based on Twilight Princess and Midna was the essentially the first character to be revealed about Twilight Princess, we now have this:

The development team clearly have had access to Twilight Princess data for quite some time. With such an emphasis on Twilight Princess, the presence of Midna is practically screaming at us!

2) Okay, let's look at the Zelda characters from Melee: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and Young Link. Four. Hmm... Zelda is possibly Nintendo's second-biggest franchise and yet they only have four representatives from the game, three of which are core to the franchise and simply HAVE to return while one is a clone who is only beaten similarity-wise by Doctor Mario and the other a clone who deserves much, much better status. Who else, realistically, could deserve a spot in Brawl? Its the general consensus that Young Link is being replaced by "Cel-Shaded Link" (of which I personally agree with). Other characters include Vaati, Skull Kid, Tingle (yes, Tingle has a much bigger chance than people expect I believe), and that in all honesty is it. I may be one of the biggest Zelda fans around but I am realistic... other character appearing in Brawl from Zelda would be overkill. Vaati is not as popular or famous as people think, Skull Kid's moveset would be weak in my opinion, Tingle is hated. Y'know what? We really, really need Midna!

3) Moveset, eh? Glad you mentioned that because it's just what will set Midna apart from other characters and make her absolutely awesome. I've had these ideas for a very long time, and I'm sure other people had too, but the more we find out about Brawl the more likely it seems.

Midna starts out each battle simply as Midna and she can jump and brawl her way around just like any other character. Standard attacks would be a bit like punching but possibly with a little help of some Twilight magic (we're just talking little bits of "energy" involved here for aesthetic reasons, nothing too powerful).

Standard Attack - Twilight Punch
Side Standard Attack- Twilight Kick
Up Standard Attack - Twilight Somersault (just twisting in the air and kicking up)
Down Standard Attack - Twilight Breakdance (a la Mario but a bit less powerful)

I'm making it out like these moves would be a weak but they're not at all... Midna should be pretty good at her moves. She's light and agile but thanks to Twilight packs a bit of punch... it'll be an interesting mixture. Onto special attacks:

Special Attack- That red ball of energy spreads out around her and anyone who even touches it gets covered in it and will inevitably get hurt when the player releases the button. Could be very tactical by not letting the player get hurt until a crucial moment but Midna is immobilised as the attack goes on. Hope I explained that well enough.
Side Special Attack - The red scarf goes into hand-mode and grabs onto any objects to the right and left. Midna then has the choice to smash her foe around for a bit or merely bring them towards her. Can be used to detonate bombs from a distance so again can be very tactical.
Up Special Attack - Midna's dud... I'm imagining something a bit like Ness's Up Special but with a bit more distance. Sure it has a good amount of distance to recover but it can't attack anyone with it.

Ah-hem... missed Down Special Attack? What are you talking about... more on that later, though I think you all know where I'm going.

Final Smash - Midna transforms into that horrific montrosity from Twilight Princess via the power of the Dark Shards... you all know what I mean. The player has little to know control but it gives off a lot of damage as it hits people.

And now onto the very special thing that will set Midna apart from all other characters in Brawl. You all know what's coming so I'll just show you a picture:

Midna & Wolf Link will become an unprecented team for Brawl and its going to be very special indeed. Midna's Down Special Attack summons Wolf Link into the fray and completely transforms Midna's attacks making her in essence the new Zelda / Sheik.

Originally, I had the idea that once Wolf Link was summoned, Midna simply had to ride him until her Down Special summoned him away again... but a recent update on the Smash Bros. site gave me an even better idea.

The Wario Hog is Wario's move where he jumps on top of a motorcycle and can slam straight into people. Afterwards, he can jump off the motorcycle and yet it remains on the stage ready to jumped straight back onto again.

Midna and Wolf Link would work in a similar way to this except an entire two movesets to boast. Once Midna has jumped off Wolf Link, Wolf Link follows her around until he is needed again making Midna not only a dual-moveset character like Zelda and Sheik, but practically a double character too, like the Ice Climbers. Come on, doubters... that reeks of awesomeness!

Standard Attack - Bite
Side Standard Attack- More Powerful Bite
Up Standard Attack - Lash Upwards
Down Standard Attack - Wolf Link spins around quickly

Special Attack- The one move that carries over, Midna's red ball of energy
Side Special Attack - Wolf Link charges in any given direction, just like the Wario Hog
Up Special Attack - Wolf Link ferociously spirals upwards and it's a great recovery move boasting both brawn and Midna's magic.
Down Special Attack - Dismount

The Final Smash is the only way to completely get rid of Wolf Link to be summoned again and it's Midna's normal Final Smash. The other way is to simply let Wolf Link drop off the edge (accidently or on purpose).

So, I've pretty much poured my brains out over this matter. What do you think about Midna (and Wolf Link) appearing in Brawl and do you like my ideas. Discuss, discuss, discuss... because this is the place to campaign about Midna's existence!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Thats a cool idea but just seems to complicated for wolf link to be summoned and following midna around and only getting rid of him by dying. Don't get me wrong I would love for this to happen but just midna and wolf link together without midna getting on and off would work just fine.

Click Midna and Wolf Link on my signature for a moveset.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2007
Well, first off; great 1st thread! ;)

I think it's great, some cool moves, and a great way to make it so she doesn't ride on Wolf Link all the time, or is completely solo.
Though I've always imagined her B-down to be hiding in someone's shadow, although I really can't see how that should help, I probably just think it sounds cool.
But yeah, you've given her some great moves as far as I understand.
Maybe she could also use her 'moving large objects'-move. Alright, I don't quite know about that.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Thanks for the appreciation!

Her "moving large objects" move was originally going to be in the moveset as her Side Special Attack (the one where she uses her scarf) but I toned it down to just moving enemies as I thought it would make her a little bit too powerful. However cool it would be to slam down big objects on top of enemies!

And to beta prime, maybe if she could jump off Wolf Link with her Down Special then de-summon him with her Down Special again... or would that be a bit too fiddly. Oh, and your link doesn't work for me.

But again, cheers for the currently two-person appreciation!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2007
Well Midna is the character I wanna see most in Brawl, so my support is pretty mucha no-brainer.
Hehe, but it is a great thread.
I just wonder what Sakurai thinks is best, with or without the wolf. And if he think Midna should be in at all. :ohwell:

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I think this is the link that Beta Prime meant to give you, Smile Guy.


This is Ferro De Lupe's moveset for a Midna/Wolf Link combo. Great stuff.

At any rate, great first thread. You have some pretty good arguments for Midna being in Brawl. Granted, it's nothing I haven't heard before but it is thought-out and well presented. I, for one, would not be against Midna being in Brawl. I'm all for it.

Welcome to the boards, by the way. Lol.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
I'd love to see Midna in Brawl, but I think that having her and wolf-Link as a singular inseparable entity is the better option. Midna on her own just doesn't take enough space. If she stood on the ground, I think she'd be even shorter than Kirby and Pikachu, to the point that some moves might start completely whiffing over her head. And if she levitated, she'd be immune to a lot of downward moves. And enlarging her to make her fit would just make her look ridiculous, especially next to Link. Wolf Link gives her a lot more girth and a lot more moveset potential. I still picture her official name used by the announcer being just "Midna" though...

As for the odds of her actually appearing, I see it like this: If Young Link comes back in any form (cel-shaded or otherwise), I think we're a lot more likely to see a character from the Young Link line of games for any other new spots, like Vaati. However, if Young Link doesn't return, then Midna has a really good chance. I'm sure Sakurai knows how much Tingle is loathed in the U.S., and it would be weird to have, say, Skull Kid or Vaati there all alone without their proper nemesis. They wouldn't really fit in with the older crowd...


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
I would bet that Midna is not in Brawl. I just don't think she belongs. She's been in only one game, and is really just a sidekick like Navi, albeit with more personality (and a body). Despite the popularity of the franchise, I think we only need three characters from the LoZ series: the representatives of the three pieces of the triforce.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
As much as I HATE to rain on this parade (I am the #1 Midna/Wolf Link supporter), there is already a Midna topic. Take the discussion there...
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