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*NEW VIDEOS* Rate my Olimar (version 2.0)


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Switching mains? in CFL
A while ago, i posted some videos asking you guys to rate my olimar. you guys said that my opponents sucked :p

well, now ive got some new videos against some better competition ( on wifi ).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ9Hp5-cOQI ---> JuniorMintz (Peach) vs Pesticide (Olimar)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT0jZECOYDY ---> Marzy (Pikachu) vs Pesticide (Olimar)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNaEFskiiro ---> Marzy (DDD) vs Pesticide (Olimar)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnKP26RYU90 ---> Wanyac (Pkmn Trainer) vs Pesticide (Olimar)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLmvHl9ejiY ---> Skat (i think that's his name?) (ZSS) vs Pesticide (Olimar)

And for good measure, here's a video of me losing:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOZUeoeJHGQ ---> Skat (?) (Luigi) vs Pesticide (Olimar)

I'd appreciate it if all the Olimar mains out there would give some suggestions, comments, criticism, etc. to me. Thanks!


vs Dr. Robotnik (ROB)

vs BigLou (Wario and Samus)
btw, BigLou is A LOT better than these videos show. i forgot to save the matches where he 3stocked me xD

vs SlayeZ (Lucas)

Zori vs pesticide (from zori's thread)




Apr 10, 2008
before I begin watching them. Is there any lag?

EDIT: hint of the day: (:))afterwatching them- Sorry, but I don't really feel like going through all the vids right now(later on), and I mainly focused on the luigi. He was the best from what I could tell. The biggest thing I saw that you did wrong was go and edgeguard too much. You use another character with a nasty edgeguard game don't you?(nasty bair maybe?) I could somewhat make out some habits.

Basic fact-No character should be edgeguarding off the stage enough so that he can't get back to upper part of the stage if hit by an attack by the opponent.(unless very occasional)

Especially in olimar's case, you shouldn't go anywhere past just off the edge. It leaves you too vulnerable. In your match versus the luigi, you died 2x where you still had maybe 40% left until death(until you're vulnerable for death) and could have avoided it if you didn't edgeguard. Instead, try going for the quick spike if he's below you, or even continue to throw pikmen from afar. The edge is arguably olimar's worst aspect in his gameplay.

another thing- when you hang on the edge, you have a number of different things to do. I noticed you jumped up from the stage over your opponent pretty often. this isn't good! It leaves you too vulnerable most of the time. Try varying your edge game more. Here's some things I try for variety instead. If they don't distract or hit my opponent, I'll usually just get back to the edge and try again:

fall-jump up quickly fair
fall-jump up upair
fall-jump up and back-throw pikmen
jump from edge straight up-hang in air-ff-fair or back to ledge or ground
fall-jump upb-press up immediately(it'll hang you to the edge even when you're above the ground. it might hit your opponent. If not, occasionally attack from the edge immediately after pressing up-after the upb)

This is just a few. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything else this second...

Note: Don't upb onto the edge more than twice in one edgehanging. After two, you won't latch and you'll fall to your death.

ps. you made me cry at 1:54 during the PT video. :) perfect white toss-purple upthrow. Beautiful.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
You aren't timing most of the stuff correctly.. However, you have a great F+B.
Definately stop fighting off the edge, as addressed before. Definately.

Besides that, you look nice.. Try to get some ftilts or dtilts in once in a while.
On Luigi, you definately suicided twice in a way.

(Watched PT, Luigi, DDD)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
I only watched the PT-vid, but it was really good.

At 0:28, you do something I've never seen doing someone before, although it is very useful. You throw a Pikmin (in this case a Purple, but that doesn't really matter) and then perform an fAir. Nicely done and I'll think I'll try it out myself as well, however your timing must be really good so you don't get hit and result into getting damage yourself.

Around 1:20, you just fall on the Ivysaur's back. This gives him the perfect oppurtunity to kill you, so I suggest you don't do that anymore. Drop before him and grab, or use the SAF Whistle if you really have no choice.

1:55, you do a Pikmin throw and miss, the Charizard hits you with his dAir. You could have easily done a uSmash instead of a Pikmin throw and it would have hit for sure. Try to place yourself in the place of your enemy and think what (s)he would do in that situation and react to that.

Around 2:00, you just screw up your whole recovery. He throws you off stage, but you can still get back on it easily. You Whistle (why, in the first place? All your Pikmin were behind you and you didn't even need your recovery) and hereby miss the chance to dodge, so he hits you again and you die because of your tether that's not long enough at only 82%. =/

Starting 2:20, the Charizard dodges so badly you can uAir him three times in a row and then kill him with a nice fAir. I wouldn't call that nice honestly, because it's only because of the bad dodging you can kill him. I advice you to add some upB in your air-game. Very unexpecting (if you don't do it in every air-moment) and can kill sometimes.

Other thoughts...
- Try adding some shorthopped fAirs and DI back.
- Olimar's aerials aren't that great, but I think you did not jump enough.
- Sometimes you fSmash the wrong direction. <_<
- Whistle after you've plucked Pikmin (after respawning for sure, sometimes on other occasions).
- UpB more (as already mentioned)

Besides all that, you're a good Olimar that has to improve a bit more. You're doing good already, but you can get better! No offence!


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Switching mains? in CFL
well, as mentioned since the matches were on wifi, there was a slight bit of lag, so that threw off my timing a few of the times with fsmashes and timing in general, and also contributed to me suiciding those 2 times vs luigi D: i was kicking myself for trying to get him off the edge too much.

@DanGR: yea i also use diddy kong who's pretty good off the edge. i probably still have some habits from when i use him. im gonna also work on varying my edge-game

@Jarri: a few of the times i fsmash in the wrong direction is due to the lag (i think he's on one side of me, then all of the sudden he appears on the other side >.> ) but yea i probably did miss a few fsmashes. And yea i use olimars UpB a lot more than was shown in the videos. I just didnt record the matches were i used it a lot more.

thx for the comments and suggestions!

Pubik Vengeance

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Washington State
Very good.

The only advice I can think of (seeing as you appear more skilled then I am, with Olimar especially) is in your Zamus match, always play a very defensive game until all three armor pieces are gone.

Possibly my favorite thing as Zamus is when people try to play aggressively at first, because that gets them to 40% or 50% without a scratch on me.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
i watched the pikachu and DDD match, and my recommendation would be the opposite of the Zamus player above. You did a good job, but I would even be more aggressive, suffocating even (at least with P and D3, it depends on your opponent's strengths). Don't give them a chance to get it back together. The important exception to that is with edgehogging. I'm very cautious and reluctant because it's so easy for olimar to end up in the trash can. Keep up the good work!


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Switching mains? in CFL
@ pubik: thanks! yea i tried to get her aromor pieces and throw them back at her. i gotta work on the start of the match vs her

@ whosereality?: yea edgeguarding w/ olimar is tough because he cant stray too far off the stage. im still working on making sure i dont go too far off the edge when i edgeguard. i still mess up on it sometimes though (see luigi video)


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
Something to keep in mind...?

Your damage<Opponent's damage=Offensive
Your damage=Opopnent's damage=(Check no. of projectiles and range. of projectiles)
Your damage>Opponent's damage=Defensive

No. of your projectiles>No. of Opponent's projectiles=Long distance
No. of your projectiles=No. of Opponent's projectiles=Middle distance
No. of your projectiles<No. Opponent's projectiles=Short distance

Range of your projectiles>Range of Opponent's projectiles=Long distance
Range of your projectiles=Range of Opponent's projectiles=(Check no. of projectiles)
Range of your projectiles<Range of Opponent's projectiles=Short distance

Ultimately it comes down to this:
Range of your projectiles+No. of projectiles>Opponent's=Long distance
Range of your projectiles+No. of projectiles=Opponent's=Middle Distance
(Check Damage Meter)

Range of your projectiles+No. of projectiles<Opponent's=Close Distance

I haven't thought about Damage of projectiles and Time of projectiles...I'll work on it a bit more.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Switching mains? in CFL
@ olimarfan: yea i probably play more offensively than i should. im working on staying back a bit and playing defensively when im high in damage. those are some good tips btw.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
Cheers mate. I think you'd make a good offensive player: Chuck 3-4 Pikmin before a grab...put some pressure on the opponent and don't make him/her dictate the moves.

Pikmin are a great way of pressurising and making your opponents panic, so start tossing it at them and go in for the kill.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Switching mains? in CFL
yea i try to throw the pikmin before i go to use a grab / smash / aerial attack so that they're on their toes and usually react incorrectly and get combo'd / killed

EDIT: zori posted some videos of him and me playing on wifi in his thread. olimar dittos FTW
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