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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I JUST got return to dreamland. I'm convinced Electricity is the best power in the game without even trying them all yet.

It's just too good.
My favourite was spear, even if it wasn't the best. I just LOVED flying around with it. If Bandana Dee is a character in SSB4, I hope that's his up B.

Actually I didn't play very much with any of the returning powers, although maybe that's just because I had played all the other Kirby games to death already. :embarrass:

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Whirlwind is the best power actually. You are invulnerable while activating it, so you can just spam it through levels and in boss fights, dishing out a ton of damage and only leaving yourself susceptible to damage a few seconds in a minute.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Electricity you get a plasma shield that surrounds your character when charged with static (Shaking the controller builds static) You have to manage how much static your character has, as it diminishes.

When charged, not only do you get a static shield, but you also fire different plasma bolts depending on the static level


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Whirlwind is OP. I feel like a cheater when I use it. :laugh:

Electricity was fun, but I accidentally threw my Wiimote by shaking too much. lol
I guess I finally need to listen to Nintendo when they tell me to wear the wrist strap.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Whirlwind is OP. I feel like a cheater when I use it. :laugh:

Electricity was fun, but I accidentally threw my Wiimote by shaking too much. lol
I guess I finally need to listen to Nintendo when they tell me to wear the wrist strap.
Whirlwind is broken in all games. In the game with the mice, it helped me beat a boss I was having trouble with in a matter of seconds

TBH though, the powers in the game with the mice were better in every way compared to the powers in this game.

Electricity's regular attack was ALSO effected by static level


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Whirlwind is broken in all games. In the game with the mice, it helped me beat a boss I was having trouble with in a matter of seconds

TBH though, the powers in the game with the mice were better in every way compared to the powers in this game.

Electricity's regular attack was ALSO effected by static level
Squeak Squad? Was that the game you could "level up" your powers? All the Kirby games are blending together in my head, lol. Well if it was, then yeah, that game had awesome powers.

And I'm not too proud to say I've used whirlwind before defeating bosses I had trouble with. :embarrass:

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Ghirahim Moveset

Well here it is, pretty old, and I may or may not have posted it here before.

[COLLAPSE="Ghirahim Moveset"]GHIRAHIM
Demon Lord


SIZE: 7 [Ghirahim is a tall being, being capable of looking down on his fated foe Link every time they clash blades.]
WEIGHT: 6 [Despite his height though, he is extremely scrawny and can be thrown around by strikes of the Goddess Sword.]
TRACTION: 8 [Though his incredible traction keeps him on his feet, even being able to grab the Chosen Hero's blade and tear it out of his hands in a struggle that hardly falters his fabulous composure.]
SPEED: 3 [Yet this very composure tends to make him quite stagnant and composed in his movements making him quite sluggish and prefers to savor the atmosphere of punishment for his opponents.]
AIR: 6 [But his speed picks up in the air, the wind exciting his blood thirst, flowing by his exquisite form with ease as he prepares to give pain from above. May there perhaps be a wild emotional self hidden under his aristocrat aura?!]
FALL: 5 [When struck in the air though, he slows down slightly as his movements become unintentional and the swiftness of his gliding tapers off.]

All in all, Ghirahim has the capability to perform adequate on land and on wind yet with average sagacity. Where he may be slow and not gifted in any particular area, he makes it up with the articulate and improvising moveset that allows him to do a large array of things depending on the situation, being a true weapon to the core while still keeping his style stunning. His play style isn't that linear to explain objectively for everyone, but the main points are that he relies on combo making in his strikes to build up damage, and his B attacks allow him to travel the stage and defend himself. Some of his moves, as a drawback to him, are slower or have greater lag because of his eccentric moves, hair-flipping, and poses, so combos that fail will leave you open, but as a result the combos that are successful... have such BEAUTY! *pose* Such form! *camera change* Such exquisite physique! Such stunning features! Yeah, he pretty much has it all.

*~*~*~*~*~SPECIAL MOVESET~*~*~*~*~*

Up Special: Dark Transportation Snap
When Ghirahim wants to make a quick escape from any present area, he calmly lifts up a hand and snaps his fingers, instantaneously breaking apart into gray fragments, and like Mewtwo's and Zelda's Up Special attacks, he shall reappear in a congruent manner after a moment's pause in the direction indicated by the controller stick with no damage involved to anyone nearby.. This is an amazing technique to wisp across the stage instead of his slower travelling speed, and his only good way of going a long distance in a tight spot; however, if he his hit in the middle of his rather prompt snapping, he will be interrupted and the DTS will not occur. The maximum distance covered is 2/3 the length of Final Destination, the least being a position adjacent to the one where it was activated.

Side Special: Blood Thirsty Assault
When his opponents are far away, Ghirahim's slow movements also come for a little more effort, requiring him to place the sword down by his side, bend his knees, growl slightly, and then run forth with a slight increase in speed (+2). If he runs into someone as he charges, his blade slings out dealing 13%. As long as Side B is held he goes forth, and once let go, his strike will swing out with a black veil pervades in its wake adding a beautiful element to his attack. His strike will flail in the direction last flicked before letting go of the rush.

Down Special: Weapon Armor Block
Ghirahim's arms in SSB4 are covered in his armor that he animates on his arms in the second battle with Link within the Fire Sanctuary. He holds his arms out to protect himself, and if struck he will bounce back unharmed like in his battle above the Sealed Grounds unless it is a projectile attack, which will rattle him and leave him open for a brief second before recomposing himself.
Down Special plus A: Demon Reversal
In addition to the close quarter blocking, if the A button is hit in close proximity to an opponent, Ghirahim grabs the target and rolls over him and ends up behind him and performs a round-house kick that does 10% damage. If the B button a different direction is chosen, he will also perform a different action, making this move a versatile close-quarters offensive defense.​
Down Special plus Up: Endless Plunge
If while blocking he goes up, he will use a short version of his Dark Transportation after jumping up and appear in the angle chosen in the air with a second Ebony blade in his hands and crash down dealing 14% damage, but a considerable lag to recover as he lifts his blades out of the ground, stand straight up, and send his second blade away.​
Down Special plus Side: Zweihander Counter
If the left or right direction is selected in the middle of blocking, he will summon the large sword with minimal lag into his hands and guard his body with it with 10 health, and if struck without being destroyed, it activates a counter with the blade and it soon perishes, but if destroyed, he leaves himself open in a moment of imbalance, dealing 9%.​

Standard Special: Magical Crimson Projectiles
Being Ghirahim's single and only projectile attack, and being quite weak at that, it tries to overcompensate by versatility. During his various fights with Link, Ghirahim would commonly snap his fingers and call upon several floating blade-like projectiles that are quite small. This move can be tapped in order to send a single MCP forward that homes in on a target's direction (and does not follow) dealing 2% damage. It can be held, however, and produce up to four projectiles until finally becoming a spinning circle aura around him that deals 1% damage to anyone foolish enough to bump into him, and when B is tapped once more they scatter towards their targets. Only if they were starting to charge do they stay on his person, and can be destroyed easily, only bearing 1 HP. Like the other standard B chargeable moves, if he is hit while snapping his fingers for the MCP's, he will lose all of them produced immediately.

*~*~*~*~*~STANDARD MOVESET~*~*~*~*~*

Jab Combo: Black Cross Combo
Ghirahim combines a basic vertical slash in front of him, and if the A button is hit once more, a horizontal slash strike comes out fast enough to slice the black pervading the sword's strike, making a black + symbol for a brief moment in the attack animation, though of course that does nothing but simply look nice. The first strike deals 6% and the second faster one puts out 2%. The first attack, as could probably be guessed, has a small knockback, but the second does not and merely adds to the pain.

Dash Attack: Merciless Thrusts
Ghirahim's slow running is ended in a strike of great finesse that involves Ghirahim spreading his body out to increase his reach, the tip of his blade shooting forward and stabbing the forward target with 8% damage, and if the A is hit again like with the standard Jab Combo, while he lands on his feet he shall pull back his hand and cry out with extra oomph and stab once more tacking on an extra 4%.

Forward Tilt: Precision Slice
The Demon Lord leans forward and slashes diagonally in front of him with farther reach that his Jab dealing 7% damage, but the reason this is especially dubbed the Precision Slice, is if you tap A quickly, he will quickly slash backwards along the same diagonal line made, cleaning up the precise black line made by the previous strike adding 3% to his victim.

Up Tilt: Sinister Skyward Strike
In his last encounter with Link on the Sealed Grounds, Ghirahim mimics his opponent's ability to life up his sword, charge it, and fling a blast along the tip of his blade, however his is much weaker in that it is capable of being bounced back, and this is why a projectile standard attack is not too much. Not to mention it is similar to Ganondorf's Up Tilt where he stops and charges a slow attack before letting loose the fiery orange beam, and if it is struck it will return in the direction sent from, though the maximum amount of distance it shall cover is the length of Final Destination, and a crawl at that, thus making it easier to counter and avoid, even if trying to make it back upon the stage. 10% damage and minor lag upon hit.

Down Tilt: Feet Cutter
Among his many talents, Ghirahim may also crawl on all fours in a creepy manner, and with the tap of A, he will slash his black blade across to slice at someone's feet dealing 4%, and if tapped quickly again he will stop his crawl (movement during this is always stilled) he will bring his weapon up and stab it down once again striking at the enemy's feet but with more thrust and more lag unto the target, dealing a sick 6%.

*~*~*~*~*~SMASH ATTACKS~*~*~*~*~*

Forward Smash: Dual Death Deal
Ghirahim decides to stop toying with his opponent with a single blade and a second materializes in his spare hand for a brief moment long enough for him to bring them out to his sides and slash horizontally with one blade above the other dealing 7% for both blades, totaling 14% damage per forward smash.

Up Smash: Double Arc Slash
Ghirahim spins around elegantly slinging his blade up in an arc up above his head towards the opposite direction he is facing, and he swings his empty hand that obtains a temporary second blade that does a follow up surprise strike before disappearing once more. 8% for the first strike and 6% for the second.

Down Smash: Whimsical Kill Spin
He faces the screen and puts his arms quickly to his sides, animating a second blade as the common motif for his Smash Attacks, and then spins on one foot in place really fast, the blades angled downward and slashing like a top, dealing 13% per strike around the sword hitbox with large knockback, and 3% with no lag with hit by his upper body while spinning.

*~*~*~*~*~AERIAL STRIKES~*~*~*~*~*

Neutral Air: Beautiful Somersault Attack
Ghirahim grips his blade with both hands and curls up, spinning as the blade slices anyone who gets in its reach dealing 6%, and then sticking the landing with a smile.

Up Air: Skyward Impalement
The dark weapon stabs upward as he bends his feet back and setting aside his empty hand, posing perfectly while he impales the victim up above him with 9% damage and excellent juggling capability due to shooting the opponent up.

Forward Air: Agile Side-Kick
Pulling back his sword for once, he lifts up his back leg and then kicks with the front to push enemies away, and reminding him that he is lean and flexible, with excellent reach and martial arts capable, as shown in the battle with Link on the Sealed Grounds. This particular move does 8%, and if you hit A quickly, another combo is opened up: he now does an axe-kick by lifting his other leg and dropping it down, hitting an opponent from above by the heel dealing a rather soft spoke of 8% as well.

Back Air: Noble Pride
Without even turning the other direction, with a "Hmph," he puts the blade to his opposite side and stabs backwards with smaller range, smacking any fool behind him trying to catch him by surprise with 4%. Show a fool a little mercy, he thinks himself an equal! However, if Ghirahim finds that the foe is still persistent, he will growl. He has had enough of this foolishness! He will roar out and spin to the direction the Back Air was and see through the punishment of this pest by slashing for 10% and decent knock-back. Good for changing directions.

Down Air: Grave Digger
Similar to his Side-Upward Special Combo the "Endless Plunge", Ghirahim drives downward viciously, looking to end his foe here and there, like the Down Air of Game & Watch but deals much more and has a lag of having to pull out the single blade from the ground, being unable to be a spammable move like Toon Link's Down Air dealing 9% with strong knock-back potential. Strike with this move and you will fill Ghirahim's heart with rainbows! But if not, he will grow impatient and angry: it is a character flaw of his.


Standard Grapple Attack: MCP Scrape/Royal Stomp
While gripping his opponent, all MCP's deal 1% damage per second in his hold by stabbing upon the command of A, dealing 5% if fully charged. If none are present, he stomps on his opponents foot dealing 1% damage instead.

Back Throw: Backward Rolling Push-Kick
Ghirahim reaches out with a hand and grabs his opponent around the neck, and if selected to throw him back he roll backwards, putting the opponent above him, but do not fear! Ghirahim's strength pulls through and as he finishes his roll, he kicks with his two legs and sends his victim backward as he rolls back onto his feet safely. 7% damage.

Downward Throw: Folly Swiper
The Demon Lord shoves his grappled opponent to the ground and then slashes his blade along the opponents body at close range causing the foe to bounce away distraught and dealt 9% damage.

Forward/Upward Throw: Aerial Projectile Target
Yes, that is right, he throws his target (2%) forward and high in the air and promptly snaps his fingers sending a volley of five projectiles (1% each). The same happens with the Upward except it is of course straight up, but this time no Projectiles are made, the ones that are floating on your person from your Standard B (if none are there, the move ends here) float up and home in on the body of the target and strike from all directions, dealing 1% each.

*~*~*~*~*~FINAL SMASH~*~*~*~*~*

Final Smash: Unsealing Demon King Demise
If Ghirahim strikes a Smash Ball and his B, a Seal Spike (that the Imprisoned is sealed with) will rise from his spot on the ground where he is, and he will become invulnerable for a moment as he then begins his ritual dance from the Sealed Grounds segment of Skyward Sword, disappearing and reappearing in the silly manner as well. Once finished Demise quickly appears from the seal with twice the height of Ghirahim and with the bulk of Bowser, and he will turn Ghirahim into his Dark Master Sword. He casts his hand to the side and the stage will temporarily transform to the Serene Battlefield where he is dueled in Skyward Sword (a flatland with no edges or empty pits to fall into) and lightning will randomly strike spots dealing 12% damage to enemies. You now control his unholiness.

The difference between this and most transformation moves (beyond the changed setting) is that it isn't timed, but rather Demise is given a health of 250, thus either becoming shorter or longer in use than the ones like Giga Bowser, Super Sonic, etc. He experiences no lag from hits and cannot be grabbed, and he cannot jump and run. He is a large target, but can deal out a lot of damage in his time with his small moveset.

Standard Combo: Dark Master Sword Offense
Like in his final battle with Link, Ghirahim in hand, he will strike (even while casually walking) diagonally (20%) and then diagonally once more (22%) before stopping to bring down a powerful vertical strike (24%).

Downward Special: Conductible Skyward Blade
He lifts up his weapon (opening himself briefly to attacks) and lightning crashes down upon Ghirahim, the blade being electrified with a blue sparking energy. His attacks will deal 3% more damage and have a minor stun, but at the end of the DMSO (Standard Combo) the vertical strike sends a beam of electricity out across until it disappears off the stage, stunning foes (going through them) and dealing 16% damage. The lightning that is called down can also strike foes trying to linger in the air to avoid him, and deals 12% like the normal hazard bolts.

Standard Special: Dark Master Sword Defense
He will hold out his blade in the direction he faces (capable of turning around while held) and move his arm around with the angle of the control stick to block any attack that strikes the large blade, being his sole ability to prevent damage on his set health. If it is electrified, any physical blocked attack from a foe will cause that foe 1% damage and stun.

Upward Special: Colossal Hurl
In the fight with Link, when Demise was knocked down, he expressed the capability of hurling his body great lengths into the air, curving in the direction indicated. He can do this upon command with pre-lag and upon landing he will lag greatly to recover from his great weight tossed around, but sends a short Imprisoned Foot Shockwave from both sides that Link faced while fighting his cursed form (the red reverberating ring) that deals 5% damage and small knockback. But anyone landed upon will be dealt 30%, and anyone hitting his body while he is hurling himself will be knocked away with 12%.

Forward Special: Colossal Dash
In the second phase of the duel between Link and Demise, he is capable of stepping off his feet and rushing forward and slashing at the end of the strike, which is what he does here, crossing half the length of the stage and swiping for 10% damage, but helps him travel with a minor bit less of lag compared to the Colossal Hurl.

When Demise is defeated he puts down the blade and disappears, the blade becoming Ghirahim once more, and if he ends up on land when the stage returns to normal he simply remains open for a couple of moments as he hunches over like in the battles with Link when stunned. If he ends up off stage he will unfortunately fall to his death.


Entrance: "Positively Uncivil"
As one could guess, he transports onto the stage, but he does so in the fashion that he leaves Link after their first two encounters: he slowly swoops his sword around and points it straight up, except in the entrance it is reversed.

1st Taunt: "Frowns All Around"
Ghirahim hunches over and growls as he fumbles his hands around as he did when he spoke of Impa getting in the way of his plans, and finally he bubbles up too much and he cries out in anger waving his hands at his sides.

2nd Taunt: Tongue Lick
Throughout the battles with Link, Ghirahim commonly loses to his lust for blood and licks his blade confidently, and his second taunt lets him do just this and then he licks his lips afterwards with a grin as he does before he summons his blades in the Skyward Sword battles.

3rd Taunt: "Your world belongs to darkness!"
Ghirahim snaps out of his calm nature and begins to laugh maniacally with his hands out in front of him, fingers curled, homage to when he lets loose while Demise becomes unsealed at the end of Skyward Sword.[/COLLAPSE]


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
^Good moveset! It seems like a natural fit for Ghirahim.

The only problem is I would spend most of the match taunting :laugh:

Dare I say the moveset is.... fabulous? :troll:

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC

Damn straight~

Gave his moves a lot of versatility like he has, a lot of personality, and fabulous long names.

And not going to lie. I'd taunt all the time too. :awesome:

Although that isn't a taunt, but you get teh picture.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I changed my mind. It has freeze power in it.

Freeze has always been my favorite power


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Damn heel. Haven't even played that game and your getting my hyped for this fabulous hunk o character~!

EDIT: So realistically how big of a chance does this dude have of getting in. Because I want him in. :I


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
I changed my mind. It has freeze power in it.

Freeze has always been my favorite power
smash does NOT have enough ice :(

got bored and produced this list just now

final smashes/items not included
moves that cause fire: 66-ish
moves that cause electricity:70
moves that cause ice:4
moves that cause darkness:9

as far as i can tell,
electricity kind of lags a player in one spot (you know what i mean).
ice can encase players in ice (although pk freeze is about the ONLY good ice move that does this well)
fire breaks ice (which isn't a suggested move, since you want to rack damage while your opponent is frozen).
and darkness has no real function at all. (besides looking cool :cool:)

lucarios aura effect does nothing either, but i didn't include aura since lucario is the only character that has it, unlike how ganon and olimar share darkness-type moves.

we need some people that use ice or dark. and also maybe give darkness some type of property.. like .. idk, makes opponents fall faster?
im gonna think of ice users for sm4sh candidates~
also, @ above posts, i like the ghirahim move set. (he would have darkness in his moves too :197:)

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I have to just say that Paper Mario is one of my favorite series ever, and I really don't want Paper Mario. I seem to (apparently radically) think that who a character is has some bearing on their potential inclusion in Smash Bros. I think we could stand to have more Mario series characters before we get another character that is Mario. I know the moveset potential is all there, but he's just not at the top of my list for Mario reps. Plus, if Paper Mario were included, I would be really particular and insist that he only be selectable through Mario's slot. Certainly give him a unique moveset, but I'm reeeeally anal about slots and characters and such. Maybe selecting Mario/Paper Mario before a match could be like choosing between Zelda/Sheik or Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard except you can't switch mid battle. It just irks me when characters who are literally the same person have separate slots. Chalk it up to my OCD.

But yeah, Paper Mario 64 pretty much defined my childhood. Thousand Year Door was brilliant, and Super Paper Mario was one of the most emotionally involving games I've ever played (I cried manly tears when Fracktail bit the dust). So I love the series, it's just that Paper Mario isn't what I personally am looking for in a Mario rep.
My all, damn. exact. thougs on Paper Mario. I love these series to death, but despite all that, I think Dr.Mario back in Melee and Paper Mario after him gets quited redundant. This is no SUPER MARIO BROTHERS.


And, SSBF. Long time no see and welcome back. You don't just know how happy I am to see you.
(->í [ v ] ì<-)

Broserker's here too, so must admit, the whole crews back together before the E3. WOOOT! ^(->3<-)^



Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2007
I fully agree with Young Horsetail.
Thought, Dr. Mario would be nice as extra unlockable alt suit for Mario, as well as Skelebowser as extra unlockable suit for Bowser and Mr. L as extra unlockable suit for Luigi.
Furthermore, if Tingle will be not in the game I think his suit could be a nice extra costume for some other one, like Luigi, Wario or Mii.
Don't forget that the Super Smash Bros. series is even meant to homage the Nintendo (and EVENTUAL extra-Nintendo) characters not appearing in the game in some way.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
So many charcter that can't get a full moveset can be alt.,especially for characters that can't get real alts actually,like ice climbers,i can see the retro costume be,but then it'd be something else,like hammer bro.

[COLLAPSE="Retro costume"]
Just imagine a blue one for popo

[COLLAPSE="Hammer bro"]

I know the grey one is fake,but it be better to recognize who you control.

I just realized that the hammers look like some dead bill ball...


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Hmm I don't think that a character should have alt costumes from someone who is not of his own series, it will feel kinda weird. The only exceptin being the Miis.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
Well,i know,but we're expecting two alts. each chars.,and ice climbers can't,anyway hammer bros don't have what it needs to be playable.So i though of ice climbers alt.

DA FAQ!!!i said bill ball,i'm mixing up french and english names!
For the trainer alt.,i'm gessing it will have different gen pokemon!

And 2 of my post on this page (on MY time line) where posted 10:10 am and 11:11 am(even though it's an hour earlier than my REAL time line)

Sorry,when i was on the page,changed page,and got back here,your post got his normal number,but i swear it was zero...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The only thing is that the fire effect would get replaced by water effect.
On Bowser it could work. Would just look kinda weird for Blastoise not using his canons. But I imagine Blastoise would play a lot like Bowser, and bit of Squirtle of coarse.

Actually now I think about it, would like to have Bowser have his Melee Side B again, and Charizard should have Bowser's Brawl Side B, calling it Seismic Toss.

Dark Yoghurt

Smash Cadet
Jan 10, 2008
Yeah for the heck of easy cloning they'll give Blastoise some Koopa-Paratroopa-wings x) |

I personally don't think Blastoise will get in Sm4sh, maybe in the new setup for PT, but not as a standalone character or an alt-costume. As Charizard's alt... doesn't really work, as Bowser's alt it wouldn't make sense (having Bowser and Blastoise in 1 character slot). And he's not important enough as a standalone character (imo?)


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
yeah for the heck of easy cloning they'll give blastoise some koopa-paratroopa-wings x) |

i personally don't think blastoise will get in sm4sh, maybe in the new setup for pt, but not as a standalone character or an alt-costume. As charizard's alt... Doesn't really work, as bowser's alt it wouldn't make sense (having bowser and blastoise in 1 character slot). And he's not important enough as a standalone character (imo?)


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
On Bowser it could work. Would just look kinda weird for Blastoise not using his canons. But I imagine Blastoise would play a lot like Bowser, and bit of Squirtle of coarse.

Actually now I think about it, would like to have Bowser have his Melee Side B again, and Charizard should have Bowser's Brawl Side B, calling it Seismic Toss.
Actually that sounds good... But I also want Bowser to keep his Brawl Side B. Bowser has horrible recovery (Up B) and if used correctly, it can be used as a decent recovery move. It isn't just useful for suicidal KO's, you know. :awesome:


Dark Yoghurt

Smash Cadet
Jan 10, 2008
If Dr. Mario and Blastoise would be alts, they would be in their respective Mario's and Bowser's (par example) character slots right?

Unless Sakurai finds a way to not giving them an own slot and not be in their respective character slot, which would solve the problem I have with Blastoise sitting with Bowser in one slot. Like in F-Zero GX they have custom cars, you could have a couple of alts and custom character slots at either the right, left of the screen, I don't know, something like that.

Oh and wouldn't only 1 person be able to be Dr. Mario at once, and 1 Blastoise per match? Or would they have to make different colour schemes for the alts too?


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
Actually that sounds good... But I also want Bowser to keep his Brawl Side B. Bowser has horrible recovery (Up B) and if used correctly, it can be used as a decent recovery move. It isn't just useful for suicidal KO's, you know. :awesome:

I don't understand why bowser die before the oppenent while the oppenent is below...


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I don't know why. The opponent dies first when my Bowser performs the suicidal KO.



Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
On Bowser it could work. Would just look kinda weird for Blastoise not using his canons. But I imagine Blastoise would play a lot like Bowser, and bit of Squirtle of coarse.

Actually now I think about it, would like to have Bowser have his Melee Side B again, and Charizard should have Bowser's Brawl Side B, calling it Seismic Toss.
thats a great idea,i always thought rock smash was an awkward move for charizard, plus, i prefer bowsers melee side b anyway.
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