Poke Ball Ideas:
Rarity: Rare
When sent out, his arms are at his sides at first, then he crosses them, then laughs. He then flies to the Left or right side of the screen at a fast pace. Then Hurricanes (Like from SSB's Zelda stage) will be sent out. Anyone caught will pay the price, and be stuck, taking 1% DMG per 0.5 seconds until the timer runs out. After that, they are struck downwards. No bounce, just drop. If caught in the sky, it's very possible for them to drop to the pit at a sonic-speed rate.
Time: 10 Seconds
There are two. Sized as 2 Character spaces. They come in like the missles on the Brawl stage Pictochat. But are as fast as the tornados from SSB64. Max DMG: 100%. Very unlikely for all DMG to hit, so this is very legit.
Rarity: Rare
When sent out, his arms are at his sides at first,then he crosses them, then laughs. He then flies to the upper part of the screen at a fast pace. Then a lock on symbol appears. It follows any enemy, and will lock onto the nearest one. After 5 seconds, he'll use Volt Switch, Paralyzing the foe, then uses U-Turn, punching the opponent to the left or right. He the swoops back to the top, and then the timer ends.
Time: 10 seconds
Lock On: As fast as the lock on symbol from the Halberd.
Volt Switch: Does 50% DMG, and paralyzes.
U-Turn: Does 75% DMG, can auto KO.
Rarity: Rarer then the other two
When sent out, his arms are at his sides at first,then he crosses them, then cracks his neck. He then flies to the top middle part of the screen and summons a Sandstorm that blinds everyone. He then uses Stone Edge on anyone under him. Stone Edge breaks shields, and locks opponents. Once over, he slams to the ground, pounds it, sending anyone hit by stone edge KOing away.
Time: 13 Seconds
Sandstorm: 0.5% DMG per second.
Stone Edge: 80% DMG, Lock
Earthquake: OHKO to anyone on the ground.
My Wild Kami Trio try out for Poke Balls.