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New Sheik Player!


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I like fast characters. Sheik was my melee main. I want to play Brawl Sheik.
I've read the guide "Sheiky little devil", and I want to play Sheik.

Any tips or tricks that I should focus on learning?
The guide taught me lots, but what is and isn't practical?

I've been watching some Gimpy vids, and that has inspired me even more!
Also, Sheik players out there, how many of you also play Zelda?


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Hello welcome to the sheik forum, we are a growing lot of active and for the most part intelligent poster who debate and share useful information with each other quite regularly.

Now about your Zelda question most Sheiks do in fact use Zelda, however we don't all use her in the same way or rather the same amount.

Like I use her only when
1. My opponent is around 100-150 or up to 180 depend on the weight
2. I'm down a stock and need a quick kill so I transform before 100% or 130% depend on weight again
3. I'm desperate

Also gimpable of my opponent recovery also comes into play when I decide if I will transform or not.

Other sheik players have different ideas about switching to Zelda but those are mine since I don't like using Zelda in Brawl >.>'


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
I didnt know you played melee shiek mika!

Now i wanna play shiek too! (T_T)


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
I mained Melee Sheik too, and I didn't really want to just do the same thing in Brawl so I played other characters, but then I somehow landed on Zelda. After a while I noticed that Sheik wasn't as "nerfed" as everyone was claiming. It was simply that her style had changed, so now I main Sheik again. Hahaha. I just love Zelda games.

Anyway, one of the most important things you can know about Sheik is that her ATs do NOT significantly improve her metagame. Instead, they are little opportunistic tricks. Mere alternatives for simple strategies.

Edgeguarding is key. I frequently notice Sheik's trying to KO with U-smash tipper or Vanish, Sheik's two most powerful attacks. This is not a good thing to do, because it means you have to get your opponent to a higher percentage, and therefore more likely you will get to a higher percentage.

You'll notice that Sheik's moves, all of them, knock you to the side. Make use of this. Try to stay on the inside at all times, and keep your opponent off the edge. Her aerials also sweetspot soon after execution, so get used to timing them and being quick.

If you're going to learn ATs, I suggest:

F-tilt locks. How to set them up, sustain them, and finish after them.
I forget the name, but when you run forwards, flick backwards and jump, keeping your forward momentum so you can do a b-air while moving forwards. That can be useful.

Oh, learn Zelda. It's definitely worth it. She has a killer 0-death combo worth learning. Extremely easy to set up, but not reliable to finish. Still work it though, imo. She has many ways to KO. Some people like to switch the her for KOs and revert to Sheik, but they both have good ways to KO, so it's a personal choice I guess.

Play around with ATs. There was a thread called "Sheik's most useful ATs" and no one chose the same set of ATs.

I'm getting my highspeed internet on 3 days. I'd be glad to spar with you then if you want to.
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