It's going to be better than Super Metroid can ever do.
Blasphemy. No matter how good they make it, it will always be run-of-the-mill. Super Metroid, on the other hand, is tread-of-the-mill. *is shot for making an inside joke which no one else will understand*
But seriously.
I remember hearing about this before the Wii even came out, and it was to be for Gamecube...and I kept waiting for it, and it still hasn't happened. Sort of like the next handheld (and if it could be, 2D) Metroid. Metroid Dread was rumored and now it isn't happening according to Nintendo. And we still haven't heard anything about a Metroid title since Prime 3, which was over a year ago.
People keep saying '09 is supposed to be a year for good games, but I see no good games announced for anywhere past like, March.