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New Ideas For Smash Bros Wii U


Smash Rookie
Mar 7, 2012
Link to original post: [drupal=5077]New Ideas For Smash Bros Wii U[/drupal]

All I Know Its Going To Be Called Smash Bros Universe I Had A Great Idea For The Story Mode Okay So Everyone Souls Are In Bulbs Mario And Pit Are The Only Ones Left There Running There About To Die Pit Focuses All His Energy In To A Arrow And Puts A Scroll Into It And Then You Hear Noise And Its Hit In To Final Destination Portal Wich Goes To The Time Space Contunium The Cutscene Ends It Lands Into N64 SSB (1999) In To N64 Final Destination Mario And Master Hand Are Fighting They Stop For A Moment And See It Mario Gets On Master Hand And Get Everybody Else To See Kirby Touches It And Light Is Flashed Mario Tries To Save Him But They Are Transported To Melee (2001)

So Everyone Sees There Melee Counterparts So The Tourament Begins Its Pretty Much You Fighting As The Story Goes On So N64 Mario Is About To Fight Master Hand? It Shows A Cutscene Flash Back Since Master Hand Was Never Destroyed In SSB64 He Lives On Mario Is About To Be Destroyed Melee Mario Realises That If N64 Mario Is Destroyed He Seizes To Exist He Throws Pits Arrow And Master Hand Is Transported To The Current Era Meanwhile In The Current Time There Is A Flash Suddenly Pit And Mario Are Back On Their Feet Note They Fainted Meaning That The Timeline Has Changed The Charatcters Start To Fade Out Of Existince The Fabric Of Time And Space Is Being Teared Apart Everybody From N64 And Meele Go Into The Portal Of Final Destination There All Transported To Current Era Where They Help Out Mario And Pit Every Body Has Faded Away The Only Ones Left Are All The 12 Original Fighters It Ends How SSB64 Ended

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
1. The game doesn't have a name yet; the Universe thing was just a rumor
2. No offense, but the way you post is very offputting and it makes me not want to go through the trouble of reading all of that
3. What about the Brawl era in the story?
4. That's a short *** story you got there
5. Not only is it short, it's confusing and doesn't flow right at all
6. WHY would only the original 12 characters be the only ones left at the end of the story?
7. Where the hell did Kirby come from? I thought it was just Mario and Pit that were left

So yeah, yo ideas need some work, my man


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2011
This is my house.
I didn't read any of that
Neither did I :troll:

Isn't this a dupe of the smash bros for wii u thread? I mean, there's already tons of ideas floating around there.

EDIT: Just now read the first sentence. It's not gonna be called universe, or butt**** or even something as stupidly basic as "fight". If anything, the name would be a battle related term like royale or something.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
there's already tons of ideas floating around there.
Here's an idea, stop guessing. Jeez, I didn't even know about this new smash for Wii U until a little over a week ago.

Here's the deal though, knowing Nintendo they are going to take their sweet ****ing time and release teasers this summer and the following 2 summers. They will try and shoot for Christmas and then post pone the release for 2 months or something like that. Really and truly though, Nintendo will try and do some new thing and cause the game to flop. For example, making another gigantic adventure mode that is only cool for a couple of days.

If you want to have fun with a smash game try playing the awesome hacked versions like P:M or something.

:short version:
Nintendo sucks these days mkay. :troll:
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