Okay, so i was just messing around with pika in training mode and i realised something , whenever you QAC( or regular QA from the ground) into the ground, Pikachu is in the air for what appears to be 1 frame or so (its almost impossible to see). Even though this isnt very usefull , i began to experiment with it a little and found out that as an alternative to QACing into you opponent , jumping and executing a Fair or Bair, or whatever, you can QAC into your opponent and use a Dair. Because pikachu is only in the air after quick attack for a very short amount of time, he only does the landing animation of the Dair wich pushes you opponent away. This could be used as an alternative to Fair or Bair and would make some of your decay go away since Dair isnt one of pika's most used moves and because of this, it would be at full power most of the time and it might even kill them in some circumstances.
P.S. sorry if this is already known
P.S. sorry if this is already known