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New Blade & Soul trailer is out!


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
looks cool

hopefully it doesn't suck....... whenever it comes out


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2008
Palm Coast, Florida
Does look pretty pimp. For all we know we might not get US servers for this game till 2011 or 2012 though. Koreans are so gay with there mmo's <_<

Hopefully it's a worldwide launch but who knows.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
City of Heroes and Guild Wars were not good? But I'm gonna assume you think WoW is.
Alright cool
WoW IS good, no matter what you say about it.

No, I don't play it (any more), but by the very VIRTUE of the fact that 10 million people play it, it is, according to economical statutes, a good game.

It has the power to captivate, and allure. As far as games go, this is their definition of good.

Also: City of Heroes is awful. Guild Wars is equally terrible.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
WoW IS good, no matter what you say about it.

No, I don't play it (any more), but by the very VIRTUE of the fact that 10 million people play it, it is, according to economical statutes, a good game.

It has the power to captivate, and allure. As far as games go, this is their definition of good.

Also: City of Heroes is awful. Guild Wars is equally terrible.
All sounds like a matter of opinion. In my personal opinion, WoW is pretty boring to me and I will never play it again because of that.

However, if sales are the definition of a good game then City of Heroes and Guild Wars are really good as well. And lets not forget Aion, because that sold extremely well too. So NCSoft is a pretty good company that makes awesome sales on all their MMOs despite what you say(since we're going with sales makes a good game)

But of course everyone with a brain will know just because something sells well does not make it good.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
All sounds like a matter of opinion. In my personal opinion, WoW is pretty boring to me and I will never play it again because of that.

However, if sales are the definition of a good game then City of Heroes and Guild Wars are really good as well. And lets not forget Aion, because that sold extremely well too. So NCSoft is a pretty good company that makes awesome sales on all their MMOs despite what you say(since we're going with sales makes a good game)

But of course everyone with a brain will know just because something sells well does not make it good.
No, you're wrong.

What I just quoted is an opinion. Economy is a matter of facts.

the facts:

1) WoW is the best selling MMO in a VERY long time.
2) WoW has more active subscribers than every other P2P MMO.
3) WoW has the highest rate of return subscribers of ANY MMO.

Now, consider success, in the realm of commercialism.

Success is defined by how "well" a specific item is at generating profit for the company which produced it. WoW generates (by subrsriber fees alone) over 150,000,000 dollars each MONTH.

WoW is the most successful product in production today. WoW is a success

Success = good. Good =/= success.

Compare these statistics to those of GW and CoH. They are unremarkable in every facet of the word. Truthfully, I wonder how NCsoft is still able to make as many bad games as it does.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
If that was the case, then WoW is the ONLY successful MMO ever created. And logically, thats pretty untrue.

If we applied your same logic to any other genre. Thats the same as saying:
-Pokemon is the only successful RPG ever created.
-Super Mario Bros. 3 is the only successful platformer
-StarCraft is the only successful RTS
- Halo 2 and Golden Eye were the only two succesful FPSs ever created.

Since we're going by pure sales here on whether or not a game is good or not, the games I listed above far surpasses the sales of every other game in their genres(similar to WoW).

If that was the case, then games are rarely ever successful ever and for a multi-billion dollar industry, thats just a pure and simple ****ing ******** way of thinking.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Your argument is beyond straw man, Laijin.

You know that you've lost an argument when you resort to hyperbole.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Double Post:
Anyways. Opinions are opinions.

Lets actually talk about the topic subject. I will ignore this argument.

Thoughts about the trailers anyone? I'm thinking this game might be instanced(Like PSO or Monster Hunter) because of how ridiculous the graphics are and the gameplay.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol what a funny argument

the only way a game can be good is if it sells

get outta here


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
lol at saying NCSoft makes terrible mmos.

Aion, Lineage, Guildwars

All great games. And since we're throwing money into the picture, if NCSoft makes bad games, why they still be alive?


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Hes just a butthurt WoW fanboy =\ But im not sure what hes so butthurt about.
Thats the only logic I can come up with for someone to actually make an argument like that.
Nothing actually.

And this patented smiley (:)) proves so.

Oh, and Guild Wars is ****ing terrible.

Multi track edit:
lol what a funny argument

the only way a game can be good is if it sells

get outta here
Reply With Quote
That's not what I said at all. I swear, have none of you fools heard of the transitive property?

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
transitive property only applies to things that can be proven factually true, which this can not, and the definition of what is "good" is so subjective. i mean, i think WoW is an awful game, but there would be no way to factually prove that it is bad outside of purely what my opinion is of a bad game.

on subject, this game looks quite good. i like all the classes shown, but i will prolly go kung-fu or force first.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Kung Fu master looks sick. I wonder if their gonna talk about that gun class more, that looks pretty cool too.
From what i've read, this game is heavily focused on PvP and the combat system is pretty skill based. Can't wait for beta to come out so we can see some more gameplay!

Also. There are rumors of a console version. They are developing the game keeping in mind of a potential console port. This game would be sick on the PS3.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
>_> WoW is a good MMO, but a terrible game.

They really dumb things down and abuse the feeling of accomplishment that humans get when they are rewarded. Quest-centric gameplay which makes grinding look less like grinding, but its just a different color.

Combat is marginally engaging, and their balance issues seem to cause major shifts in gameplay so much you could theorize they're doing it on purpose.

Of course, this kind of description applies to 95% of all MMOs ever created, and thats the thing. Playing WoW feels like playing Aion which feels like playing Lineage II which feels like playing Ragnarok which feels like playing [insert this here]. You make your character, you apply stats, you choose your class/skills, you learn the ropes, you do your quests you level up, blahblahblah.

MMOs are strictly number games. You calculate and you apply. There is no REAL skill basis, its only Luck mixed with number crunching. Therefore, it really won't feel any different from another one once you work it down to bare bones.

Smash/fighting games also has applied calculations, but it requires skills and adaptation do actually apply them, if you can remember them. MMOs you can just open up all your numbers on a second screen, make a hot pocket, and stare blankly at the screen like a cow as your character makes shiny things happen on screen.

What Blade & Soul seems to offer, is the kind of real-time combat that would require skill in conjunction with the proper builds/strategies that would be a nice refresher for this bland and terrible abomination of a genre.

>_>;; And that's my rant.

All current MMOs suck in the grand scheme of things, unless you have nothing better to do, in which case I'd say get better at smash and get some legitimate social interaction.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
This has gone from Meh.

to Super Meh.

WoW is a good game, and a successful game.

NCsoft makes successful games, which are, in my opinion. ****ty.

Done. and done.


I saw this subject on a google search, so I checked it out. This argument was so ****ing ******** I had to make an account just to say a few things.

Criosphinx, You are a ****tard. According to you success = good, yet you say NCSoft makes terrible games. Between all of their games, they probably have nearly as many players as WoW, not to mention, up until very recently, they were only in Korea, not a near monopoly.

Your statement "2) WoW has more active subscribers than every other P2P MMO." is ******** as well. Think about it...
P2P - Peer to Peer - meaning online, communicating with other people.
MMO - Massive Multiplayer Online - Oh shi...online.
You cannot have an MMO, or P2P without there being some sort of network/internet. WoW isn't even a straight P2P game, most of its **** is Peer to Client anyways.

You started a stupid argument. No one asked "Does NCSoft make good games?", just what you think about Blade & Soul, which you didn't even comment on.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
eh. The only, ONLY reason WoW is as popular as it is now is because WoW is popular. Its a snowball effect, the bigger it gets the easier it is for it to grow even bigger. The main reason I ever hear from people as to why they start playing WoW rather than any other MMO is "Well all my friends play it.". That is the #1 reason people start playing WoW. Not because they think its a good game. Not because its successful. But because their friends play it. And their friends play it because their friends play and so on.

That sole reason does not directly relate to the quality of the game. I agree with Dragoon on saying its a successful MMO, but definantly not a fun or good game. Either way, whats a good game is completely subjective. This is just my opinion. Crispy can have his opinion.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
yet you say NCSoft makes terrible games. Between all of their games, they probably have nearly as many players as WoW

P2P - Peer to Peer - meaning online, communicating with other people.
P2P means Pay to play in this context, buddy. Try again.

You started a stupid argument. No one asked "Does NCSoft make good games?", just what you think about Blade & Soul, which you didn't even comment on.
Blade & Soul is by... NCSoft? Holy ****, who would have guessed that I would have made a blanket insult to a company that is making the game that is being discussed in the thread that you posted in?

Better yet, don't bother trying again. Go on back to google, now.

Crispy can have his opinion.
lol. I like that.

I started playing WoW because I love the Warcraft universe. I quit because the fun wasn't worth the money.



Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
This game is far from dynasty warriors. If you attack more than one enemy, it becomes extremely hard to keep up and actually beat them all. Least thats what they said when someone got to play test.

During PvP, its all about timing parries and doing combos. Apparently you can also grab, which just adds another level of depth.

btw. The main source for most of my info:

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
This game is far from dynasty warriors. If you attack more than one enemy, it becomes extremely hard to keep up and actually beat them all. Least thats what they said when someone got to play test.

During PvP, its all about timing parries and doing combos. Apparently you can also grab, which just adds another level of depth.
oh, i didn't know you could do all of that during combat. it sounds like it'll have combat depth somewhat akin to a fighting game. that would be cool.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Yea. Thats one of the reasons I'm really excited about it since it really seems pretty skill based. Oh! And how can I forget about the "Dizzy" state. I've never seen that before an in an MMO
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