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New AT: Yoshi Wavelanding


Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2006
READ IT ALL, I'm not ripping off of the other thread.

I was reading the Jiggly Boards (as well as the "Yoshi has a good wavedash") thread, where players are currently discussing how characters with high areal mobility can waveland ending in a shield. In Jiggly's (and all other characters with good aerial movement), this can end in a sheild grab, or alternatively some mindgames with shorthops or a spot dodge right after.

As described on the jiggly boards, these are the limiations of this "shield-waveland" AT:
Veril said:
As to the wavedash, which is incredible, I'm calling it a fall-dash. It IS a wavedash with 3 major limitations:

1. You shield at the end of it. This is due to an automatic buffer, probably at least partially in place to prevent wavedashing. This limits our options out of it to: grab (OMG amazing potential), roll, spotdodge, jump (which can lead into anything really... I'll put more below), or waiting for the shield to go down (pretty fast but still some lag). The advantage to this is that we approach with only 2 frames of vulnerability, which means that most attacks will be perfect shielded instantly.

2. It is momentum dependent and thus trickier to use.

3. You can only use it just as you are about to land.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=212847 (Jiggly shield-waveland thread)

I decided to try it out with yoshi a bit, since his aerial movement is the fastest in the game, and guess what? His waveland DOES NOT end up in a sheid. Essentially, Yoshi can waveland with few limitations, and as far as I know, is the only character who can do so.

This is how to do it (if you haven't picked up on it already)
1) Jump (SH or Full, does not mater)
2) While in the air, hold left or right to move in a direction. You can also do a moving jump if you wish.
3) Right before you hit the ground, airdodge in the direction you are moving to slide on the ground
4) Sho' me your moves!
*NOTE: Do not hold R too long when you air-dodge, you can accidentally buffer a shield.
Due to Yoshi's unique air movement (great acceleration and speed in the air), Yoshi's movement options have gained a new layer of depth.

With quick fingers, a player can SH Bair (Bair must finish before landing, QUICK FINGERS!), DI a direction in the air while doing the Bair, then airdodge in that direction to waveland the attack. This can be to retreat and throw an egg, or forward into an f-tilt/jab/Smash.

1) SH Bair in place/with slight forward momentum (bair must finish before landing)
2) jam stick forward/backward at any point during the Bair, the later the better.
3) Press R quickly RIGHT BEFORE YOU LAND to waveland
4) F-tilt, jab, F Smash, Pivot Grab, Throw Egg, the list goes on.
I THINK yoshi can switch directions as he is sliding, which allows you to jab right out of the waveland. Either that, or by holding forward, I'm simply having him switch directions out of the waveland, and then am jabbing. (I'll test in the morning)

Of course the only restriction is that the distance of the waveland is dependent on how fast you are moving in the air when you airdodge, however, with yoshi's aerial acceleration, this is not too much of a problem.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2008
I noticed wavelands when I played before but never thought them as anything special. But I will try them out and see what happens. Nice idea with backair. :]


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
Getting a nice distance waveland is very hard to do, unless you can pull it off consistently, I dont see it being useful.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
DR isn't hard to do, it seriously takes like 30 minutes of practice to get down.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2008
Tried some wavelands when playing my friend today. They are actually pretty useful. My favorite thing to do is when your opponent has to much damage to normally combo into B-air you can do a waveland and get an U-smash in.
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