Hey, dajay... You say you have no ability to improve your ness? I say BAAAAH!!! You always can improve how you play. If you think you have reached your peak at one point, take a break for a while. While on that break, take a minor amount of time to restructure or re-evaluate all of ness' stuff that you can do, what you did do right, and what you didn't do that would give your ness more well rounded playing options. What you want is to continually expand all of what you do. Never stay limited to one way of playing for even a short amount of time. I have changed the way in which I play my ness so many times that it isn't even funny. Some may have been subtle, some may have been major, but I always expand.
To show an example, lets start with something easy. I remember vividly of nearly everything in the past couple of years, both life related and smash related. At the beginning, I was blind as ****. I thought that reading a "guide" about how to play a game would outline completely "WHAT DO I DO?!?!?" in my games. I followed that for a while. I spammed fair. I rarely used nair. I did shoddy DAS stuff. I tried for PKT2 combos way too often. PKFire was spammed. Yoyos were more appreciated than the bat. I only really used a couple of moves: Fair, yoyo, PKT, PKfire, nair, bair, dair, jabs and grabs. I almost never thought of using PSImag, because I thought it wouldn't make any difference in my games. It seemed like I would need to go out of my way in order to make it work. All the other ways of playing (grounded game, mindgames, well placed aggressive/defensive options rather than the full-out offense) just never crossed my mind.
Then I saw some combo videos. I was like, "OH THAT'S EASY!! I do that MILLIONS of times.
" little did I know that those things were all played out very strategically during a match. I saw new combinations of attacks through those vids that impressed me. Sure, I was new to the game, but it was all effective. I immediately worked in the pillar spiking and otherwise reading to spike. In fact, I looked so much into spiking people that I didn't care about much else. I made dair my new favorite move. I still didn't branch out to other attacks (cept utilt). I shifted my focus, but I was making progress. After a couple of tourneys, my perfectionist mind couldn't handle losing the ways I did. I can't make matches so close. How do people keep beating me? I asked myself. That's where I started looking into detail on every attack. I read EB360's guide nearly completely. I got to learn every single technique that he painstakingly fought to find. His effort and knowledge was astounding. Sure, I KNEW of the techniques.... Sure I learned how all the attacks could be effective.... But I wanted to know WHY they would be effective. What makes them effective? How can I implement this so that I make the most of it? What can I do to make these things easy to perform?
Now even after that, I was still crap. I only practiced over and over and over again until I got the techniques down. I used each one several times in training mode just to see how it was to use. I was like, "OH THIS IS EASY! I can do this!" Same as before... More playing came around, and I still wasn't satisfied. I practiced these techniques forever, but I reverted to the same thing over and over again. At this time, I took a big break. I had school, but not a lot. just enough to make me focused. After a month or so, I was bored again and picked up brawl again. this time, I tried to play a bit online and gradually force myself to do the uncomfortable moves that I wanted worked into my game. I played to make every move my weapon against my enemy. I first got all their spacing down. I got fair to hit perfectly, I got bair to always sweetspot, I got to make all the aerials work seamlessly with one another with my newfound prowess with DAS. I knew the yoyos even more, using dsmash a ton with it's range and oddity. usmash was my crazy move. I used the whole reverse hyphen usmash as much as possible. I trained myself to use it with tapjump off in a near flawless manner. I got my pkt control down to the wire. I forced myself to take the inverted pkt2 recovery even though I wasn't comfortable with it. I pkt2'd enough in recovery practice to make it so that I knew exactly (through muscle memory) every possible angle I could hit, how much I need to turn and at what time. I avoided pkfire at the time. It was just the same old thing for me. PKflash was always seen as a bit of a bad move. I did use it for edgeguarding, as suggested and ATTEMPTED using it for overhead opponents, but I abandoned the thing. I still focused only on dthrow and bthrow. the other attacks were almost never used still, but I knew the ins and outs.
a couple of matches online and with friends made me realize that I needed to perfect PSImag. My friend (one of them) plays lucario, and another friend played lucas. Both of them pressured me so much with their absorbable projectiles. I even noticed the many other characters that had such moves. I can't be wasting my percent on such idiocy. I should make them regret their mistaken energy moves usages. I will limit them as much as possible and empower myself in any way I can to get the edge over my opponent.
OKAY, I wasn't thinking this at all... It's just a way of expressing it in a post. In fact, I don't really give a crap. I was just trying to assert mental dominance, as chess had continued to teach me through my years. Chess makes you completely decipher all of what your opponent can do and limit anything they can do to gain an advantage over you. You have to play as smart as possible to keep the upperhand, or you may as well be leaving your back rank open for a surprise checkmate from a rook or queen.
Applying that to smash was easy. Outsmart my opponent. Sure. Why not? IT helps everything. So I changed again my playstyle. I worked on making the best use of ness' moves to find which ways I can make my opponent fall for whatever I want. PSImag seemed the best place to start. It is/was one of the least used moves of any ness main. Heck, you could go as far as saying it had no use. I wanted to make it useful. Nobody will expect it. So I saw the PSImaglag cancel and applied it slowly but surely. I found other techniques of absorption apart from it, seeing as I NEEDED to get any edge I could. Recovering that lost pawn is key in an endgame situation. So is recovering that bit of percent in smash.
Over time, I continued to find/exploit lesser-known usages for moves on top of the ones that were already common. I'm looking into the PKjump now, FCOL!!! The way I use ness' moves has changed so much since I started playing this game that I can barely tell what I started with. I made necessary improvements to my game in order to make this character work for me. I say it payed off.
I must say that I have typed WAAAAAAY too much and now I can't play wifi...
My bad. I was actually going to see if anyone was still on. Have fun, nessers. Get some wifi matches in. Trust me, it helps. And also try and take something from that mini story. I know it belongs more in NGD.... IN fact, Imma copy it to there. xD
TL;DR version
I have made many changes to my gameplay with ness in order to try and become the best. I may not have done that (not entirely sure since I've been on a tourney absence for nearly a year now), but who I am outside of smash, an intelligent chess player willing to find any flaw in my opponents, has greatly increased many other aspects of my life. One thing influences another. And I hope you guys will attempt to change your playstyle to what fits you best rather than what other ness mains fully tell you to do. (STILL TAKE OUR ADVICE!!! It is essential in finding your own flaws in matches and working on them yourself... but don't feel bound to "spamming fair for defense" or "doing whatever a specific way")