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Need a backup character to fight Wolf, Falco, and Link. Ike just can't handle it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2008
San Francisco, CA
I am an Ike/Lucas double main, still trying to decide which I am better with. It is hard enough to play a good wolf (or falco even) as lucas, but extremely difficult with Ike due to their projectiles, speed, and ranged smash attacks/falco's reflector. most often, these characters spam the laser until I am forced to attack from above or roll towards them, giving them an edge. Another character I find hard to play against is Link and Toon Link, spamming all 3 projectiles. If you can give me any good advice, please do.

I would also like to get good with a back-up character who has a natural advantage over falco, wolf, and the links, at least untl I can get good enough with Ike/Lucas to win. Which characters have an advantage that I should look into? I am also decent with Ganondorf (melee main) and Olimar, but not at the same level as Ike and Lucas. I assume neither of them are very good, Ganondorf being too slow and olimar being terrible in a duel if the other person edgeguards.

so in summary, or in case you did not read that, help me find a character who is naturally good against wolf, falco, and link since Ike has a natural disadvantage.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Nah you don't need another char, especially vs Link. Falco and Wolf are really hard but not to the point of needing to switch out.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Lucas can down-b Falco's and Wolf's lasers forcing them to approach or heal you =P

Link is um..always the worse swordsman in the group.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2008
Moxee, WA
Instead of opting out, you figure out how to beat them, thus making yourself better as a main of the those characters. You just keep fighting, even if your gonna lose most of them.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Instead of opting out, you figure out how to beat them, thus making yourself better as a main of the those characters. You just keep fighting, even if your gonna lose most of them.
Yeah thats fine and dandy, good for you.

I agree, but like I said, it gets to a breaking point.


Smash Cadet
Jan 5, 2008
Some where between The Lost Woods of Hyrule and Wa
This is going to sound strange, but it worked for me! If your an Ike player having problems with faster characters, USE KING DEDEDE!!!!! His movement aren't that different from Ike, and on top of that, his Waddle Spam attacks are extremely useful when fighting speedey opponents!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2008
Moxee, WA
Yeah thats fine and dandy, good for you.

I agree, but like I said, it gets to a breaking point.
Everyone gets to a breaking point, you just keep trying. What happens if you enter a tourney as Ike and you come up against a Falco or Wolf?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Everyone gets to a breaking point, you just keep trying. What happens if you enter a tourney as Ike and you come up against a Falco or Wolf?
If its an offline tournament, you counterpick.

If its online, you try your best the first fight and then counterpick for the rest.

You need to be able to recognize a lost cause when you see one.

YOU try beating Falco on Eldin Bridge with Ike. JUST ****ING TRY.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York
First off, Falco has the chainthrow from 0-55%ish on Ike which is quite a beastly thing since not too many other characters have a easy, efficient chainthrow (except D3) so Ike is out of the question against a good falco. Considering falco has solid aerials, an amazing spacing shine, laser->upsmash, dair spike (which is hard to pull off now but still reliable) and an amazing bair still. All Ike has over Falco is range with his fair/nair but short-hopped lasers alone kill his spacing game.

Wolf I find is annoying with his good projectile game, but his aerials aren't beastily compared to falco's. His shine is worse compared to fox/falco but one good thing wolf has over falco is his smashes. Both falco and wolf has amazing tilts for serving its purpose (falco's uptilt is godly, wolf's ftilt is amazing) but wolf can easily kill Ike with his dsmash that can be spammed all day. He can bait you with a ftilt/dtilt into a dsmash and kill, he can bait via bair to a dsmash and kill. But I'll still rather play against a good wolf than a good falco.

Link shouldn't be much of a problem. I mean toon>link.

If you know you can't beat a good falco or a wolf and you know its hopeless, you're secondary Lucas is actually a good alternative. His psi magnet stops campy Wolfs/Falcos (but be sure you don't get baited and space well), his Pk fire is still a great spacing game (it doesn't go that far enough to hit you even when they shine it unless you do it right next to them which is kinda dumb). And your tilts/aerials are so versatile that its ridiculous.

Lucas is too floaty/light for falco to chainthrow which is a plus. Lucas can punish whiffed smashes from falco with a fsmash, bair meteor is relatively easy to pull off if you force wolf/falco to upB rather than >B. Your fair/nair is amazing at spacing and baiting their punish moves (and you can outrange/outprioritize with your ftilt once you space away from their range). And wolf's fsmash as fast and good at closing in, is punishable on block.

If you use Ike, battlefield, yoshi's island is great since.
1. its small so you can get a relatively easy kill
2. platforms help upsmash/uptilt
3. they can't camp you too effectively
4. falco can't chainthrow you for the maximum distance
5. in story, the platforms that rise from the sides help Ik's ****ty recovery

If you use Lucas Final D is good for spacing PKfire and absorbing lasers since you can keep enough distance to not get punished. Lucas is just a solid character in almost all stages actually.

If you don't want to you either of them against those characters, Toon/Snake is a good counterpick. Probably because those two are really close to being broken.


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
Well, even though I practice 4x for Ike the amount I do for Toon Link, I find that against space animals I get about the same results. Trusty shield to collect your thoughts while they're blasting and faster projectiles yourself to play around with. Quick release smashes to punish them for misranging too whereas with Ike they can just keep spamming the same attacks and still over-prioritize him close up. I'm not great with Snake but he seems pretty effective himself. You can crawl towards them to avoid incoming fire from across the stage before initiating something and your Nikita and grenades can make them regret mistiming their fire. You're also fairly heavy so Fox's Up-A won't auto-kill you at 120% like most characters and Wolf's F-Smash may only nudge you to go into a shield grab or forward tilt. And now I'm just throwing this out there but Pit? Pretty much kills their blaster game and has short yet quick attacks to punish lunging space animals.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
every single ike players secondary should be metaknight. if not secondary then just good pretty good with him. metaknight is basically a counter to every character.
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