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My zamus. ^_^


Mar 16, 2007
Okay, I saw a lot of things I liked, but I also saw a few things that only worked because your opponent didn't react properly. I also saw some things that just don't work. First of all, your edgeguarding is pretty good, although I'd be interested in seeing what you do in real time in such situations. I also like what I'm seeing in your spacing, because you rarely get into a position where you need to jab, and that's very good.

I have to advise you, though, to be a little less spammy with the Flip Jump, and if you're going to use it, don't use the attack quite so soon, because better players will see that and shield, then they'll punish you, because that kick has a lot of landing lag.

You probably already know not to use Dsmashx2 quite as much. As you saw, it didn't really work all that much, especially into dtilt. Personally, I'd have gone with a utilt out of the second one, or I'd have just gone with one dsmash, and then improvised from there.

My one major criticism is this: Learn to DI. That uair combo that Falcon pulled there in the beginning? That shouldn't have worked. DI the hell away from those attacks, then use your airdodges or second jump to get away.

Good luck.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Bronx, NY
Almost everything you said was true lol. I do down b alot, which is something I'm trying to fix. As I post up more videos, you will see that I don't always dtilt after the 2nd Dsmash. I usually grab people right after the 2nd one hits, then air combo them if I can. I was just trying some new things out with her dtilt. Next time I'll try utilting right after the 2nd dsmash. The room was also highly laggy, which was the main reason why I kept getting punished by falcons upair. >.< My Gamebridge also seems to make me lag even more while recording, which I didn't notice till the match started. Besides all that, Hopefully I'll be able to record some more videos soon. Thanks for the Reply. :D


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
The opening taunt gave your Samus parts a way good head start XD Spot dodging is important. I would definetly recommend you work on defensive play though, DI - Sheild -> Titlt attacks, and air dodge.

Also, with platformed levels, you can do a dash canceled usmash, which is useful with ZSS's ranged usmash. *You can do it on flat levels, but platforms provide easier hits*

Cynan Machae

Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Yea, your general play is good, and the only thing I had to had was like ph00tbag said, don't get too predictable with the Down-B, and don't always attack out of it. If you miss/get shielded/dodged you ARE gonna get punished by a good player.

I can't judge well about Falcon's play, Falcon is one the the character I know the less about and I can't play him at all.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
the second downsmash doesn't stun though.. it only stuns people when their on the ground... i would suggest down smash, up b, up smash, or just grab them, or just one down samsh then down tilt. the second downsamsh is pretty useless (i'm a bit of a hypocrite, i know i usually do a second one just cause i misjudge the range of the atack so i think it's missed lol)


Mar 16, 2007
Double dsmash is very useful. It racks up damage, and afterwards, there are plenty of follow-ups, like fsmash, usmash, Plasma Wire, etc.
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