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My new gen IV OU team


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2010
Not giving a chainsaw...about anything
Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
252 Atk 252 Speed 4 HP | Pressure
EV Spread
~Stealth Rock
~Stone Edge

Swampert @ Leftovers
Relaxed | Torrent
252 HP 228 Def 28 special D
~Ice Beam

Scizor @ Leftovers
Adamant | Technician
252 Speed 252 Atk 4 HP
~Swords dance
~Bullet punch
~Bug bite

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Hasty | Flash fire
252 SpA 252 Speed 4 Hp
~Fire blast
~Earth power
~Hidden power ice
~explosion (i havent found this very useful any tips on a move to replace this usefully plz:))

Infernape @ Life Orb
Hasty | Blaze
252 Speed 200 SpA 56 Atk
~Nasty Plot
~Fire Blast
~close combat
~grass knot

Machamp @ Lum Berry
Adamant | No guard
252 Atk 208 HP 48 Speed (the xtra speed here is to 100% effectively beat 99.99% of other champs who have this set)
~Bullet punch
~Stone Edge

Thanks in Advance!!

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
252 Atk 252 Speed 4 HP | Pressure
EV Spread
~Stealth Rock
~Stone Edge
Standard Dactyl, even though you didn't include the nature.

Swampert @ Leftovers
Relaxed | Torrent
252 HP 228 Def 28 special D
~Ice Beam
Standard Swampert with Protect over SR.

Scizor @ Leftovers
Adamant | Technician
252 Speed 252 Atk 4 HP
~Swords dance
~Bullet punch
~Bug bite
What is this supposed to do, other than get owned by anything and everything? 252 Speed EVs on Adamant Scizor is a really bad idea. Just roll with Standard CB.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Hasty | Flash fire
252 SpA 252 Speed 4 Hp
~Fire blast
~Earth power
~Hidden power ice
~explosion (i havent found this very useful any tips on a move to replace this usefully plz:))
What else would you put over Explosion? Explosion can come in handy as a last resort to get rid of something that could potentially sweep you.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Hasty | Blaze
252 Speed 200 SpA 56 Atk
~Nasty Plot
~Fire Blast
~close combat
~grass knot
Eh. I can see this working. I guess.

Machamp @ Lum Berry
Adamant | No guard
252 Atk 208 HP 48 Speed (the xtra speed here is to 100% effectively beat 99.99% of other champs who have this set)
~Bullet punch
~Stone Edge
48 Speed EVs? Most Champs will run either 128 for 0 Spe Skarm, 4 to outspeed Blissey, or none.

Thanks in Advance!!
The lack of descriptions will get this thread locked real fast. Just saying.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
Yeah. Please expand dude. What is your game plan? Just throw stuff at your opponent till they decide to give up? What do you do if they have a gyarados or a gengar to counter the infernape?

How will you answer to a skarmory-Bliss combo or a Skarm-Gyara?

A bulky gyarados can shutdown 5 of your pokemon. Not to mention that the only one who can really kill it is that Aerodactyl which is a SUICIDE LEAD. So it's dead anyways.

Dactyl is a good suicide lead but...it just seems like suicide leads aren't that great. It you want anti lead then I'd go with Blastoise @ life orb if you have machamp(for spore leads) or Forretress/ similar poke to setup a plethora of entry hazards.

Think deeper.

And yea, no descriptions will get locked before i can say inb4lock.
Get with it.

EDIT- And with no pokemon to take a sleep from Breloom or a sleep lead then your pretty much screwed from the beginning.
Why use that kind of machamp? In almost all the situations I know of RestTalk machamps are t3h greatest muh boi


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
gyarados has problems with swampert but outside of that, he's right, gyarados ***** the other 4 memebers (aero doesn't count since it's a suicide lead)

you should make machamp your lead and find a flying type (zapdos) as you do lack a ground resist
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