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My Lack of Confidence-Why i Suck at Smash


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
Link to original post: [drupal=920]My Lack of Confidence-Why i Suck at Smash[/drupal]

Im not exactly one of the best when it comes to playing Smash, sometimes I do really well on some days and some times I just think im having a bad day, but I feel that there's more to why ive never done good competitively. Its because im never confident with myself when i play. the skill is there, but, I don't use it. I always find myself collecting data, learning techniques and being able to use them properly, but when it comes down to using it against real people, its like everything ive obtained is useless. Im generally a really smart person, and I can even read my opponents every move yet somehow, I end up making multiple mistakes and it ends up costing me a match. Even when its a match i know i can win easily, i always have the terrible mindset of, "im gonna mess up" "theres no way i can win", or "im just not good enough". i know where my potential is yet i feel like i will never reach it because i lack the drive to do so.

i wonder if I will be able to get past this...probably not...


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Well, I don't really know all the details of your situation, but one lil piece of advice that might help you to break out of that mindset, is to take baby steps. Instead of viewing each match as a whole, take note of the little things you did during each match that were an improvement, and build on it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
I know everyone's tired of seeing my posts on this subject, but I'm in the same boat too. I've managed to get past the confidence problem a bit, but the nervousness I feel in playing Smash doesn't go away, and it irritates me to no end to watch myself basically quit on the last stock.

Whatever, I'll keep trying at it, I guess. And if that doesn't work out... well, there's always Team Multiman Brawl for me, heh heh.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I exactly know what you mean. I'm someone who knows a lot about every character in Smash, and ATs, and whatnot... yet I'm not good. If I fight against real enemies, my knowledge escapes like it was never there in the first place. Everything I've learned to use is gone. It's a horrible pain.. =/

I just keep on trying to get over this problem of mine and become good... it's just really hard to get rid of this lack of self-confidence. I wish you the best.

Oh, and by the way, Patchouli rocks. My favourite Touhou character. <3


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Good luck you guys, don't be too hard on yourselves. Remember smash is meant to be enjoyed, don't stress yourselves out. It will come, just try to be patient with yourself and keep getting better little by little.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Save a replay of yourself playing, a watch it. Find one mistake that you tend to make, and concentrate on fixing only that mistake. Keep working on it until you don't make it anymore. Then, save another replay and find another mistake. Keep practicing until you fix that one.

If you try to just "improve your game", there's too much to tackle. Focus on a single area at a time.

About nervousness, keep in mind that the person you're facing is a human too. If you get your matched called at a tourney and you have to play Dojo's MK, who cares? He's a human being, he started in the same place we all did. Play your best, and know that you are capable of winning.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
^well, thats the thing i dont ever get nerveous, its not so much as a stress thing its more like i just give up too soon.

and lol dojo"i like to play matches against people i probobly wont ever beat."

The furosious robot has left

Smash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2009
Ipod + Retro inspirational songs = solution.

Get a song to pumps you up and makes you want to win at whatever it is you are doing it. the song "Barracuda" usually works for me.
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