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My group of friends find Olimar to be....


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Broken. I main Olimar, and to be honest, I don't lose very often. I see people create threads constantly needing help for whichever chars they're up against, and I have no problems similar to what I read. Yes, I agree MK is a tough opponent, but not undoable. You simply avoid the Mach Tornado, latch, grab, combo, done, repeat. Diddy is a matter of predicting bananas, ICs.... well.... I don't see how anyone loses to them, the ICs I face must be balls.... My group and I arn't balls (look us up in GA :D ) but it's just so.......... weird.....

I find my toughest matchups to be ZSS and Pikachu atm though....

So I guess the point of this thread is.... someone tell me of ways to BEAT Olimar, just so I am comfy knowing what I need to avoid in the future, as well as knowing that Olimar isn't too broken lol.

If you're interested in playing me (please have good interwebz... I run at 7MB DL speed here, so it's fast stuff lol) just ask me, and I'd be more than happy.


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
I "main" (in quotes because i hardly consider my week of playing maining) olimar also and find him to be pretty versatile, but not broken. My toughest opponents are actually Pit and R.O.B. which don't seem to be a concern on the boards.

I think its a bit too early to drop the word broken though. In my group of friends Pit is used by multiple people and often finds himself in the winner spot at the end of matches. It should be interesting how the online features of brawl fix all the "broken" characters


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
http://sirlin.net/Features/feature_PlayToWinPart1.htm GG first to post this link in this thread even though its prolly the 1540th time posted on smash boards =P No really though, read that, odds are you'll love the insight and read more of the stuff (from the menu on the left) but most importantly, it should clear things up for your conscious and your scrub (in a nice way since i don't know them) friends.

In more exciting news however, I'm also in GA, UGA to be exact, and would always love some solid competition. Aim and FC are listed in my profile if you wanna do online, who knows maybe your not even far away and I can actually find the tourney scene around here, because UGA smashers seem... a very limited or very well hidden group.

As for ways to beat olimar, it actually very much depends on your play style with olimar. If you prefer the ranged latch game, manipulating spacing to make use of Olimar's outrageous reach, and generally avoiding situations where you could be hit by anything slower than a jab, then the trick is constant pressure, leaning to make olimar miss a couple times and getting in close. While a DSmash can fix the problem, if a player gets in that close normally they can get a good attack in first, and then follow closely keeping constant pressure on you. From that point it is hard to re-establish your range/spacing game. The origional anti olimar stuff was developed for this style, approaching from the diagonal (as most olimars are not proficient with their UpB yet). Also suggest maybe they learn how to spam with Wolf, whether its laser spam or FSmash spam to DSmash or whatever they want to do, the incredible power/priority of the FSmash makes a wall for olimar players to overcome. The alternative play style of more in your face olimar giving constant pressure however is a completely different match. In this situation things such as anti pikmin moves are very effective, it is hard to keep constant pressure as olimar if you have no pikmin to do so with. In general against olimar especially tell your opponents to try and find any situation that will leave you confused and out of your normal element. This is pretty much a common theme for all fighting games, and really all competative games in general, but a simple reminder can sometimes refocus players on actually analyzing the problem rather than going through the routine options that are neither creative or very difficult to overcome. Beating a character/player your struggling with isn't a matter of playing harder, its much more like figuring out a puzzle.

If your still having trouble sleeping at night, find yourself a good wolf spammer or zelda dins fire spammer, they'll prove olimar isn't broken, at least the first few times you come up against it.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Wow, I just double posted...

The incredible part is, one of them came from quick reply, the other came from an actual reply, something I've never had happen before, or knew could 0,o

=X Sorry!


Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
http://sirlin.net/Features/feature_PlayToWinPart1.htm GG first to post this link in this thread even though its prolly the 1540th time posted on smash boards =P No really though, read that, odds are you'll love the insight and read more of the stuff (from the menu on the left) but most importantly, it should clear things up for your conscious and your scrub (in a nice way since i don't know them) friends.


The crew that Gerbil is part of contains two of Ga's melee top 10 players, not to mention a player on the mid-south top 10. Gerbil himself is in tier 2 section of the Ga pr.

ps-Everyone reading this thread should read Play to win if they haven't, it's too good.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
^What he said lol.....

I also am one of the panelist that determine GA Top 10... so trust me, we're not scrubs. :)

I do thank you for the advice though.... I have yet to lose to Zelda's or Wolves. However, hopefully I will meet some at FR that can show me what's up.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Well, i dunno, by the definition i've read, and the way you've described the situation, seems to fit to me. Brawls a new game yada yada other bull**** arguments yada yada...
I'm just confused how such great players would be so quick to exclaim "Broken" when they can't have been playing more than... 35 days now? I doubt they actually got the Japan version on release even, but for a character to be broken every alternative would have to be exhausted and deemed inadequate, a mighty task for such short a time in a game I hardly think the community has discovered all there is to know about. Please don't take my scrub comment the wrong way i guess is what i'm saying, but to be fair, it really seems like they are giving up a little early and acting scrubbish, even if they overall are anything but scrubs.



Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Hmmmm maybe I was a bit harsh with the word broken (though that's what we were using).

Broken on SWF would seem to be true ownage.

Broken to my group in general is "tough to deal with" lol. So we'll fix what I've described differently. (we don't ever think anything is impossible to deal with, we just know and understand that some things are tougher to deal with than others.)

No matter whom they tried, or how they approached, Olimar was insanely painful to play. Even if they would win, the effort put into it was insane compared to how much effort I had to go through to even do damage/kill.

While it's true we've only had the game since US release (though we did play the Japanese release several times), it's being felt that I found ways to just abuse Olimar lol. Obviously to benefit myself personally, I want to continue to demolish them, but on the other side, I want to know what beats Olimar so that I may further my protection against losing.

I mean, it's pretty bad if I JV4 stock a lucas or if I 3 stock a couple of MKs, or 2 stock marths LOL. So I hope you can see where I am going with this. :)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Heh. My friends complain about Olimar too--they insist that his moves do not make sense and it's impossible to fight a character when you have no idea what he's doing. Now we're probably more along the lines of Tru's "scrubs" (LOLed at the article), but I like to think that we played Melee well enough and that we've got at least some idea of what we're doing (only 'legal' Melee technique that bugs me is wobbling).

Olimar's almost certainly high tier, but I wouldn't say that he's "broken" (either in the true sense or your sense of the word, Gerbil).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Ah sorry for the miscommunication, I took it too literally I suppose, if you look further down the olimar board you'll find threads centered around that more intense severe definition, probably unfairly caused bias towards thinking this was of similar motion. I certainly agree that Olimar is certainly a specific match up, top/high tier, and until familiar with him very difficult to deal with. Interestingly enough in my own somewhat small and perhaps less prestigious group we find the most broken character (in your more reasonable use of the word) to be wolf, though to perhaps an even lesser degree than your explanation of olimar. This is most likely just due to the meta game of the group, seeing as there is little to no established meta game to work off of or evolve from. Honestly though I feel that the difficulty of dealing with olimar is match up specific, for instance the distinct different type of style necessary for certain match ups in SSBM, such as playing a Falco or a Sheik. It makes them frustrating and an extra effort to deal with, perhaps i'm simply behind on the Olimar curve, but I don't feel this seperation is so significant as to merit much other than perhaps a section countering olimar in a number of other character specific forums. I am not certain myself how to go about beating an olimar soundly every time yet, but if/when we get closer, if your still concerned I'll be more than happy to share. You even said you don't lose often, which I'm going to offer the counter argument for, you do lose, if those matches were broken apart, surely theres stuff there other than mistakes you personally mad that helped the outcome of the game turn out that way. Maybe a strategy was used to set up gimping of recovery effectively, or methods of preventing olimar from having more than a couple pikmin out at a time so to limit options. Just throwing out common ideas again unfortunately, perhaps you and your group are right, I'm simply not convinced enough yet to admit it, or maybe these general anti olimar ideas will develop effectively and the last of our issues will be is Olimar



Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2008
Southern Ontario
Maybe your friends aren't at the same level as you are so you win more, doesn't really mean olmar is broken =O In my group of friends toon link or marth win most of the time.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
IMO the hardest matchups I encounter are (obviously) good marths, metaknight, and wolf. Namely, if wolf/marth are incredibly campy, approaching them as olimar can be incredibly difficult and requires good air dodge / blue pikmin grab game. Watch out for those, especially if you havent encountered super campy wolves, they are by far some of the most annoying.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Just got back from Final Round 11. I placed 9th/13th (there was some dispute in reading their weird brackets lol) of 78. Alpha placed top 8... so I don't think that there was any decrease in our ability to go far rofl.

I lost to a Diddy (Chaddd's Diddy to be specific) and a Lucario in Loser's Bracket (The Lucario was a Guilty Gear player getting in to smash, beat me 2-1 :/)

So at least it's been proven Oli isn't broken hahahahaha otherwise I would've won. (Though I did beat some extremely good people that I never would have beaten in Melee >.> )

Thanks for the advice on stuff to avoid, cause some of it did help me out in the end.
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