First video.. He should do more tilts, I saw early on that he used an up smash instead of what could have been a up tilt, nair, upair combo. (You were at a low percent)
At about 0:53 I saw him hold the ledge, get off and jump THEN upair? I'm not sure if you generally go above him and do something from there, but being on the ledge and using your second jump to press onto the stage like that. (wide open with basically him standing there.. even a dair would be a bit better?)
Make him fall and hop over the lip of the stage with a fair, or drop down and hop up with a up air to grab the ledge again.
Lots of times I saw a chance for him to grab you. Instead he rolled. (WHich could just be you intimidating him, but whatever).
He doesn't know the kill percentages for moves or something? He upthrew you while you had 86% around with a purple.
He let's you get to 174% before killing you, unless I misread that. Against characters that are not heavy, you can use your up smash, correct throwing to kill. Instead of using those moves when you are low.
Olimar should short hp to foward b. Especially on stages with curves that affect tossing like Yoshi Brawl.
(Huge issue I saw)
I did see him at 4:10 do a great lead in with nair to upsmash that killed you. Great job for him there.
I saw him get edgeguarded when he shouldn't have, that or had a better chance if he did it another way.
If someone is grabbing the edge, make him fair or upair. (upair is usually the easiest/best)
If they dodge this, Olimar can get on, if they don't, Olimar can get on. If you aren't close enough, up-b stage-spikes.
Yeah. Also he is not aware of his pikmin lineup at all it looks. Unless I misunderstood purple being the slowest, worst 'low damage grab' as the best, undodgeable 'kills at 0%'.
More tilts. Comboes. What I said above. Etc.