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My Dream Patch 1.2.0 Part 1: Buffs

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
This is just my idea of a great hypothetical balance patch for Smash 4

Now somethings to know about me: I kinda suck
I LOVE customs, especially thinking of them in a hypothetical way on what would happen pre-release if some characters had their customs

If in the true impossibility that this ever gets done, their will need to be a revision 2 weeks later to account for overbuffs and overnerfs, as well as several later patches in the months after to iron out any kinks

:4jigglypuff: Jigglypuff

Jump height increased, all jumps same height

Air speed, acceleration and traction increased to undisputed #1

Fair- KB changed to Brawl

Bair – 3 frames less startup (melee speed)

U-air- Startup and endlag changed to Brawl
KB increased to Melee

Dair – Spikes opponents slightly harder than Kirby

Rest- KB greatly increased Hitbox size increased

F-throw – KB greatly increased

Up-throw – KB decreased

Pound- Shield dmg increased


Neutral-B – Super armour throughout

Side-B – KB and angles of Din’s Blaze
Speed of Din’s Flare
No Longer helpless in air

Down-B – Charge time of Phantom Strike with Phantom Shieldbreaker properties

Up-B - KB and hitbox size increased

Fair- Sourspot now always pops oppenents up
Sweetspot- KB increased to kill at 70%
Sweetspot hitboxe size increased

B-air- same as fair

U-air- Hitbox size and KB increased

:4ganondorf: Ganondorf

Neutral-B – Changed to Warlock Blade with punch armour

Side-B – Aerial version KB changed to Flame Wave

Down-B– Changed to Wizards Dropkick

Up-B - KB of Dark Fists, Height of Dark Vault

Run speed increased

:4dedede: King Dedede

Neutral-B – Range increased

Side-B– 10% needed to reflect

Down-B– OHKO full charge, KB increase to match

All hammers swings have hitboxes extended to match animation (e.g.bair)

F-air – KB increased to kill at 80%

D-tilt – Fixed

Jab- Significantly sped up

D-Throw- KB and angle changed to combo better

B-throw – KB greatly increased

Air speed, acceleration etc greatly increased

Run speed increased

:4wiifit: Wii Fit Trainer

Normal stats, KB, dmg etc. same as Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing – Weight increased to slightly past Bowser withSuper Armour on smashes
Same frame data as Deep Breathing.

Model size increased 15% therefore more range

:4kirby: Kirby

Side B – Frame data, uncharged kb to Brawl

Up-B- changed to Upper Cutter

Down-B – Spikes aerial opponents

Run Speed increased

Air speed, friction and acceleration greatly increased

:4drmario:Dr. Mario

Neutral-B – Changed to Fast Pill

Side B- Changed to Shocking Sheet (DECLONED!!!) (ish)
KB increased

Down-B – KB only changed to Soaring Tornado

:4bowserjr:Bowser Jr.

(Major Change Alert)
Neutral-B – Charges automatically. Once activated
Launches automatically after 7 seconds, Manual Launch anytime within that.
KB increased

Side-B – Speed increased

Down-B – Damage increased to 15% Mechakoopa speed increased

Up-B – Being hit restores Up-B always

KB taken of kart and Jr. normalized

Grab startup reduced by 3 frames, endlag reduced by 5 frames

:4falco: Falco (MAJOR CHANGE ALERT)

Neutral-BChanged to Explosive Blaster
Explosion with high KB growth FAF 10 frames earlier

Side-B – Falco Charge but chargeable and stronger (For Flashy offstage kills)

Down-B – Reflector Void but with greater KB

Up-B – Changed to Fast Fire Bird, Very strong hit at end (For flashy vertical kills)

Dair- 7 frames less startup

:4pacman: Pac-Man (MAJOR JANK ALERT)

Neutral-B- Smash Throw- Lazy Fruit
B+ A – Freaky Fruit

Side-B – Range and Speed of Long Distance Pellet KB and dmg of Enticing Pellet

Down-B – 10% chance of On-fire Hydrant

Up-B – 2 bounces, First is Power Pac Jump, other full height

B-air – KB increased

N-air – KB increased

U-air- KB increased

Grab- Active grab throughout

:4palutena: Palutena (Major Change Alert)

Neutral-B – Changed to Work on Platforms
Targets Invulnerable Opponents
Each secondary shot tracks

Side-B – Changed to Jump Glide

Down-B – Changed to Super Speed

F-tilt - Changed to Reflect

:4littlemac: Little Mac (Major Change Alert)

Power Meter redone- Deal 50% full charge, Take 100% back to 0. Tumble keep charge

Neutral-B – Changed to Stunning Straight Lunge
KO Punch Frame 3

Side-B – Goes 75% grounded distance in the air

Up-B – KB increased

Down-B – Counter and spotdodge same (frame data, autocounter on spotdodge)
Compact Counter Default
Smash for Slightly Charged F-smash
If KO punch, special for it

:4charizard: Charizard

Side-B – Frame Data of Dragon Rush

Up-B – Height and Speed of Fly High
Rising Cyclone KB

D-Throw – KB and Angle changed to have 50/50 with DI mixup with B-air or Up-B

Air speed increased

:4feroy: Roy

Sword 10% more effective overall (KB, dmg, sheidlstun etc.)

Air traction and acceleration increased significantly

Up-B- Aerial version matched to Grounded version
Distance and speed increased by 25 %

:4wario: Wario

Down- B – 1min full charge

Up-Air – Changed to Brawl

B-air – KB increased

:4myfriends: Ike

Neutral-B - No charge = Tempest
Charged = Furious Eruption

Side-B – Changed to Close Combat
No longer helpless after use in air

Up-B – Angle available with Aether Drive

:4gaw: Mr. Game and Watch

Neutral-B – Changed to Short Order Chef
Pan KB the same

Side-B – Chain Judge with KB increasing linearly

Up- B – Trampoline Launch with Heavy Trampoline KB at the end

Fair – Increased KB

U-Air – Reduce Windboxes drastically
Increase second hitbox size

F-tilt – More active strong frames

F-Smash – Startup reduced by 3 frames
Endlag reduced by 5 frames

D-smash – Weak hitboxes strengthened

:4samus: Samus

Side-B – Changed to Relentless Missile

Up- B – Changed to Apex Screw Attack

Down-B – Act out of Bomb 10 frames earlier

Roll– Roll duration and endlag reduced by 10 frames

:4robinf: Robin

Levin Sword Health increased by 25%

Run Speed Slightly Increased

Neutral-B- Frame data changed to Speed Thunder
Dmg and KB changed to Thunder+

Side-B- Frame data of Fire Wall, Three Angles of 3 customs

Down-B – Changed to Goetia Dmg

:4rob: R.O.B.

Neutral-B – Angles of Wide Angle Laser

Down-B- Damage of Fire Gryo
Brawl Full charge dmg

Up-B – Changed to High Speed Burner

:4shulk: Shulk

Nair- Much greater Autocancel Range

Fair – Much greater Autocancel Range

Bair – Startup decreased by 5 frames
Endlag decreased by 5 frames

Side-B – Consistent KB throughout
Range of Back Slash Charge

Up-B – Mightly Airslash with option for Advancing Airslash 2nd Hit

:4yoshi: Yoshi

Neutral-B – Startup and Endlag reduced by 8 frames, Invincibility frames removed from Egg

Grab- Startup reduced by 4 frames Endlag reduced by 15 frames

Dair – Can break full health shield with all hits

D-throw – Angle and KB changed to cover DI away with F-air

B-throw- KB increased

Double Jump - 50 units more KB needed to hit Yoshi out of it

:4pit: Pit

Air speed and acceleration increased

Neutral-B – Frame data changed to Brawl

Side-B – KB increased

B-air- KB increased

Up-air- KB increased

Up-Smash – KB increased

:4link: Link (Risky Change Alert)

All projectile attacks startup and endlag decreased by 5 frames

All sword attacks startup and endlag decreased by 3 and 5 frames respectively

:4duckhunt: Duck Hunt Dog

Neutral B – Changed to Zig Zag Can

Side-B – Shots strengthened to Clay Break

Up-B – Hitboxes of Duck Jump Snag added

Down-B – Speed of Quick Shot Aces added

B-air – Increase KB Growth

:4lucas: Lucas

Run speed slightly increased

Side-B- Reduce startup and endlag by 8 frames

:4ness: Ness

Run speed slightly increased

Side-B – Reduce startup and endlag by 8 frames

Fair- Increase Damage slightly

:4megaman: Megaman

Side-B – No longer transferrable back to Megaman
KB increased to Danger Wrap

:4greninja: Greninja

All changes minus shadow sneak glitch taken back

:4villager: Villager

Side-B - Changed to Pushy Lloyd with normal range and speed
Grab - 3 frames less startup
10 frames less endlag


Feel free to tell me how much these changes suck, or ask why I did something
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J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
I noticed you talking about changing some characters specials to their custom specials. Why is that?
Because I love customs, especislly when thinking about them hypothetically from balance point of view, such as "What if Sakurai gave Paluetena Lightweight, how good would she be?"

Just something I like to think about


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2016
I think your changes to Zelda's Up air are very short sighted. For starters, it is a kill confirm out of a down throw on the entire cast at around 80%. It already does 17% with a high KBG of 84 and launches at a 90 degree angle. Combined with a large hitbox with no sourspot and you've got a very powerful move. This is its hitbox btw: https://zippy.gfycat.com/JitteryWarmIchidna.webm

Please go about buffing her in another manner.

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
I think your changes to Zelda's Up air are very short sighted. For starters, it is a kill confirm out of a down throw on the entire cast at around 80%. It already does 17% with a high KBG of 84 and launches at a 90 degree angle. Combined with a large hitbox with no sourspot and you've got a very powerful move. This is its hitbox btw: https://zippy.gfycat.com/JitteryWarmIchidna.webm

Please go about buffing her in another manner.
Zelda has no true kill confirms since they are easily DI'd. Her entire kit basically relies on bullying the person to extremely high percents, making people wonder why you would use a high powered slow glass cannon if you're going to kill people at 140%+... Or hard reads/punishes to get 80% kills. ofc other characters have safer/faster hard read options so, again, it begs the question as to why one would pick Zelda. (spoiler: it's because she's the sassiest/most fabulous ok kthnx)

Anyway I'd like some Zelda changes that could help her be better without making her blatantly stronger she is a slow glass cannon so she can't become Yoshi or Captain Hitbox.
  • run spd = 1.33 | walk spd = 0.9 | air spd = 1.06 | fast fall spd = 2.2
  • Jab: active hitboxes now = 7, 9, 11 | dmg = 4, 3, 2 | hitboxes 5% bigger | faf = 20 (readjust kb to be the same)
  • Dash Attack: dmg = 5, 10 | hitboxes 10% bigger vertically | faf = 36
  • Ftilt: fix dead space by making her upper torso also part of the hitbox.
  • Utilt: faf = 28 | dmg = 6
  • Dtilt: hitbox increased by 10% downward and 5% forward | dmg 6
  • Fsmash: dmg for multi-hits = 3 and final hit = 5 (readjust kb to be the same)
  • Usmash: increase hitbox size 10% vertically and 5% horizontally
  • Dsmash: increase hitbox size 8% downward, 2% upward, and 4% horizontally | KB angle put 5% downwards
  • Standing Grab: active grab box = 9-10 | 5% bigger grab box | 36 faf
  • Dash/Pivot Grab: active grab box = 10-11 | 45 faf
  • Bthrow: KB angle 12% downwards
  • Nair: faf = 49 | landing lag = 17
  • Fair: faf = 51 | landing lag = 20 | sourspot dmg = 7 | sourspot kb 25% stronger | hitbox 4% bigger | crit kb = 10% less
  • Bair: faf = 51 | landing lag = 22 | sourspot dmg = 7 | sourspot kb 25% stronger | hitbox 4% bigger | crit kb = 10% less
  • Uair: active hitboxes 12-16 | faf = 52 | landing lag = 17
  • Dair: faf = 42 | landing lag = 17 | 10% stronger hitstun when used on a grounded opponent for crit/sourspot
  • Neutral B: flings targets in direction that Zelda is facing | faf = 58
  • Down B: charges up 5% quicker | can be canceled with a jump
  • Up B: faf = 73 | KB for 2nd hit 10% weaker | bkb for 2nd hit 10% stronger
  • Side B: -1 frame to current faf | -10% KB power | cuts maximum fall speed to 90% of normal fall speed | no helpless state | can only be used 2 times when airborne until she grabs a ledge/touches ground | 20% better flexibility during stage 1, stage 2 and 3 are the same
ofc the tl;dr here is "make everything slightly faster and redistribute her power elsewhere for better safety" - she doesn't handle pressure at all because her tools are just a bit too slow. With slightly faster tools/safer ways of doing what she's meant to do... She should be fine. Without being obscenely oppressive like Sonic/ZSS and so on.


Smash Cadet
Aug 24, 2017
For Dedede, you said:
-Neutral-B – Range increased
?Side-B– OHKO full charge, KB increase to match
?Down-B– 10% needed to reflect
All hammers swings have hitboxes extended to match animation (e.g.bair)
-F-air – KB increased to kill at 80%
D-tilt – Fixed
Jab- Significantly sped up
D-Throw- KB and angle changed to combo better
B-throw – KB greatly increased
Air speed, acceleration etc greatly increased
Run speed increased

Neutral B should also have a bit less start up lag and ending lag,
Side -B and Down-B are mixed up,
F-Air should NOT kill at 80%. Perhaps 120%
Otherwises it's pretty decent

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
For Dedede, you said:
-Neutral-B – Range increased
?Side-B– OHKO full charge, KB increase to match
?Down-B– 10% needed to reflect
All hammers swings have hitboxes extended to match animation (e.g.bair)
-F-air – KB increased to kill at 80%
D-tilt – Fixed
Jab- Significantly sped up
D-Throw- KB and angle changed to combo better
B-throw – KB greatly increased
Air speed, acceleration etc greatly increased
Run speed increased

Neutral B should also have a bit less start up lag and ending lag,
Side -B and Down-B are mixed up,
F-Air should NOT kill at 80%. Perhaps 120%
Otherwises it's pretty decent
Maybe for the Neutral -B, you could decrease startup and endlag, I just wanted to make it substantially different from Kirby's

Honest mistake on the mixup there, its fixed now

F-air right now is a slower, weaker, less safe, more punishable on hit , less combo able, less ranged, more janky and overall less useful version of b-air.

AKA never use this move. My goal with that was to keep it slower, but make it risky combo ender and powerful kill move like the Knee, so that Dedede can use the move now not by accident for a purpose and not get punished if it hits, as well as buffing Dedede's kill power beyond hard (and I mean very hard ) reads which is all he really has now


Smash Cadet
Aug 24, 2017
Maybe for the Neutral -B, you could decrease startup and endlag, I just wanted to make it substantially different from Kirby's

Honest mistake on the mixup there, its fixed now

F-air right now is a slower, weaker, less safe, more punishable on hit , less combo able, less ranged, more janky and overall less useful version of b-air.

AKA never use this move. My goal with that was to keep it slower, but make it risky combo ender and powerful kill move like the Knee, so that Dedede can use the move now not by accident for a purpose and not get punished if it hits, as well as buffing Dedede's kill power beyond hard (and I mean very hard ) reads which is all he really has now
Perhaps give F-Air a weak spike that only activates when it is in the middle of the swing? My idea is to give him a more reliable spike, due to D-Air's hitboxes and Up-B's limited viability with the Goron Ass Smash and the Goron Spine Breaker, with the occasion suicide spike.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
For Zelda's F-air, I'd argue that it should be reworked instead of just remaining a worse version of B-air.
Active Frames (Sweespot) 9 >> 9-13
FAF 53 >> 35
Landing Lag 23 >> 16
Autocancel 1-3, 50> >> 1-3, 32>
Damage 20%/4%/4%/4% >> 12%/8%/8%/10%
BKB 24/5/5/5 >> 48/25/25/25
KBG 95/80/80/96 >> 88/80/80/96
Hitbox size (Sweetspot) 1.9 >> 2.9
Essentially, It's weaker, but it has significantly less cooldown and Landing Lag, but it still KOs decently when sweespotted like Marth's F-air.

Other buffs/fixes I'd say she needs would be things like:
~Her F-tilt needs hitbox adjustments to remove the blind spot that exists up close.
~Allow her to drift after reappearing from her Up-B, that way if you barely miss the ledge and appear above it you don't just fall to your death.
~Super Armor N-air is just broken, it's a large multi-hit attack that would literally power through everything and make her neutral broken. Instead, I'd decrease the Landing Lag as to more reliably allow her to drag down into a grab as well as having the final hit be bigger since while the multi-hits got a hitbox increase, the final hit didn't so it's small.
~B-air doesn't need anything special outside of perhaps better autocanceling and/or shield damage to make the sweetspot overall safer on block.
~Finally I would make her U-smash more like Mewtwo's, with a much better pull in hitbox, several character can literally sit next to her and not get hit, and some can even SDI out.

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
Perhaps give F-Air a weak spike that only activates when it is in the middle of the swing? My idea is to give him a more reliable spike, due to D-Air's hitboxes and Up-B's limited viability with the Goron *** Smash and the Goron Spine Breaker, with the occasion suicide spike.
Like Mario's fair, but slower, and nigh unusable if the wrong part hits? I don't know, but a more reliable spike would be encompassed by the general hitbox range buff I gave him, so his moves function properly.

But won't you want to wield all that POWER , I know you want it, just give in to the thought wrecking scrubs that airdodge unsafely, ending a bair string with an offstage fair for an early kill, having a move in neutral that sends fear deep into your opponents heart past 100% whenever you use it. Just think about it and relish in the thought

For Zelda's F-air, I'd argue that it should be reworked instead of just remaining a worse version of B-air.
Active Frames (Sweespot) 9 >> 9-13
FAF 53 >> 35
Landing Lag 23 >> 16
Autocancel 1-3, 50> >> 1-3, 32>
Damage 20%/4%/4%/4% >> 12%/8%/8%/10%
BKB 24/5/5/5 >> 48/25/25/25
KBG 95/80/80/96 >> 88/80/80/96
Hitbox size (Sweetspot) 1.9 >> 2.9
Essentially, It's weaker, but it has significantly less cooldown and Landing Lag, but it still KOs decently when sweespotted like Marth's F-air.

Other buffs/fixes I'd say she needs would be things like:
~Her F-tilt needs hitbox adjustments to remove the blind spot that exists up close.
~Allow her to drift after reappearing from her Up-B, that way if you barely miss the ledge and appear above it you don't just fall to your death.
~Super Armor N-air is just broken, it's a large multi-hit attack that would literally power through everything and make her neutral broken. Instead, I'd decrease the Landing Lag as to more reliably allow her to drag down into a grab as well as having the final hit be bigger since while the multi-hits got a hitbox increase, the final hit didn't so it's small.
~B-air doesn't need anything special outside of perhaps better autocanceling and/or shield damage to make the sweetspot overall safer on block.
~Finally I would make her U-smash more like Mewtwo's, with a much better pull in hitbox, several character can literally sit next to her and not get hit, and some can even SDI out.
I like the changes to Fair, differentiates it from b-air and gives her a more reliable tool in neutral for spacing. I would include thst if I update this later.

The f-tilt while slightly broken isn't really that important becaue it looks to me (a scrub) like a worse version of jab. Feel free to correct me though

Increasing the drift off up-b is a good change, agree with that.

I never said super armour on n-air (super armour on an aerial wtf is that) I said on Neutral-B to improve on the current few invisibility frames and make it a better pseudo counter. If that is broken, explain how though, because it would be a slow and punishable move to spam in neutral

A sizeable buff to bair I feel is helpful, especially the sourspot hit, though with your idea of a better f-air, just a buff to sweetspot KB on b-air would be about right.

The up smash buff would be good, but again kinda unhelpful in the grand scheme of things as a wek, slow, punishable anti-aerial easily outclassed by up-tilit which can lead to up-air with good reads giving it more kill power than up-smash currently.
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Smash Cadet
Aug 24, 2017


Also perhaps give him heavy, not super, armor on his dash attack?
Oh well. Time to make a "Who I mained" meem for d.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
The f-tilt while slightly broken isn't really that important becaue it looks to me (a scrub) like a worse version of jab. Feel free to correct me though

I never said super armour on n-air (super armour on an aerial wtf is that) I said on Neutral-B to improve on the current few invisibility frames and make it a better pseudo counter. If that is broken, explain how though, because it would be a slow and punishable move to spam in neutral.
My bad, I misread Neutral-B as N-air, but yeah I would agree that Nayru's Love needs improved intangibility to it, I may even say that it should be given frame 3 intangibility to allow her some level of protection while in disadvantage, like how Bayonetta has BW and WT, and several characters have frame 1 intangible Up-Bs or 3 N-airs.

F-tilt it's a worse version of Jab, I'd actually say that Jab is a worse version of F-tilt, so I'd say (I forgot to mention this as a change) that Jab should have faster startup; so instead of being frame 11, make it frame 7. F-tilt is a kill move, but it has a blind spot to it, and I'm just a strong believer in not having blindspots especially when you look at DLC characters who generally have overcompensated hitboxes to ensure no blindspots.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I've only really made moveset adjustments to the following characters, but you can refer to my edits if you need an idea on how to improve them further. The edits also affect most of the characters' custom special moves.

:4palutena:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/4671
:4charizard:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5808
:4falco:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5851
: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5877
:4ganondorf:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5339
:4zelda:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5981
: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/6011
:4dedede:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/6047
: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/6103

In terms of mechanic changes, the following two characters are worth a mention.

:4robinm:: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5319
: https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/5345
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Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I have no way to determine if making Samus as heavy as Ganondorf would actually be beneficial. She is floaty, whereas Ganondorf is not.

Run speed
Samus may not be as fast as her unarmored counterpart, but with a speed at least equal to Mario's might be interesting.

Maximum jumps
A third jump would be a nice addition, since, you know, Samus can jump forever in her own games. Unlike some other character.

We all know Samus can turn into a morph ball. So, why has it taken Sakurai's team so long to give Samus a roll? Her unarmored counterpart can crawl, and that's only been seen in one game (Metroid: Zero Mission). Get with the program, people.

Neutral A
Jab 1 shouldn't have a Sakurai angle. Changing this would allow both jabs to connect early on.

Just change this attack entirely. Make it melee counter instead. Instead of starting upward and coming down, u-tilt would start downward and come up.

Give d-tilt back its killing power like in SSBB.

Make the hitbox larger so Samus can consistently hit Mario-sized opponents standing next. Correct the issue where the opponent falls out. You shouldn't be falling out of an attack without using DI.

Samus' grab is active at frame 16 with both standing and running. Pivot grab is active at 17 frames. Lucas' grab for standing and pivoting are active at 12 frames. Why does a character who throws a snake rope do it faster than a character who shoots electrons out of an arm cannon? Samus' grab should at least be equal. As for FAF? Why not just turn off the grapple beam? It's faster than pulling your arm back. So, I think Samus' grab and FAF should at least be equal to Lucas'. It hardly makes sense for her grab to be slower than Link's and Toon Link's grab.

Let's play a game of, "Guess who doesn't have super strength?" Let's go down the list of characters from what I can recall who have kill throws, even though they don't have the physical strength to do so. Captain Falcon, Dark Pit, Lucas, Marth, Mewtwo, Ness, Olimar, R.O.B., Sonic, Toon Link, Villager. It just seems so odd that characters who are physically weak compared to Samus possess these abilities. Now, I can ignore Lucas, Mewtwo, and Ness, simply because I can assume they're using "psychic powers". But these others? Give me a break.

Toon Link isn't wearing any power bracelet or whatever. After all, by the same logic, Link should have a kill throw. Captain Falcon? Yeah, right. Dark Pit is just Pit's clone, and Pit never showed any strength feat worthy to give him a kill throw. Marth? That loser? Please. To be clear, I understand everyone has a potential kill throw, as in, at a certain percent they'll kill. I'm referring to kill throws that can take a stock at around 120%, at least. Ness seems to have the best kill throw in the game. So, if other characters who don't have any reason to kill early by throwing, why not Samus? I think she's deserving of at least one kill throw. Don't you?

Samus' morph ball is much faster than crawling. A ball can move on a surface with ease, especially a surface that's flat. Well, what do you know? All legal stages are flat and don't show any sign of significant friction to pose a problem for a rolling ball. So what's the deal with Samus' roll? It lasts for a total of 40 frames. This is based on FAF, since Samus cannot do anything until 40 frames are completed. And what's worse? Well, it appears she's only invincible for 19 frames, since it's active on frame 4 and finishes on frame 23.

Everyone else starts at frame 4, except Bayonetta, who starts on frame 6. She has Bats Within, so that's not an issue. For most, the frame is no longer active between 14 and 17. For most, 29 to 30 frames is when they're free to do whatever. So, what I think is Samus' roll should be active on frame 4 and end on frame 20 with FAF occuring on frame 26. Samus would definitely be a speedy roller.

Extend the hitbox of f-air slightly. Also, make it so you can't just SDI out of the attack. What's the point of a combo if it's not going to remain connected?

Fix this as well so people can't just SDI out of it.

Homing missile
Remove landing lag when Samus uses this in the air.

Super missile
Give this more knockback so it can kill again like it did in SSBM.

Bring back its feature to blow up if anyone comes into direct contact with it. This would further help prevent the opponent from approaching as easily.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
I have no way to determine if making Samus as heavy as Ganondorf would actually be beneficial. She is floaty, whereas Ganondorf is not.
This is one of those things that I'd generally speakign think more female characters should get a buff on, once you exclude Samus, every female character is very light with many of them getting out weighted when it doesn't even make sense (Palutena is lighter than Pit? wat?). Weight buffs generally though would be low priority buffs; look at Mewtwo, yeah he got a weight buff but the buffs to his movement and landing was what catapulted him to the top.

Run speed
Samus may not be as fast as her unarmored counterpart, but with a speed at least equal to Mario's might be interesting.

Maximum jumps
A third jump would be a nice addition, since, you know, Samus can jump forever in her own games. Unlike some other character.

We all know Samus can turn into a morph ball. So, why has it taken Sakurai's team so long to give Samus a roll? Her unarmored counterpart can crawl, and that's only been seen in one game (Metroid: Zero Mission). Get with the program, people.
As much as I would love for Samus to have more speed, this would definitely homogenize character stats and decrease diversity, it also runs the issue of making an annoying campy character out of Samus, especially if you're going to give her a 2nd air jump. On that matter, a 2nd air jump would make Samus's ability to elevator kill even more broken than ZSS, assuming that her U-air is fixed to prevent SDI-ing out. I do 100% agree that she needs a crawl.

Neutral A
Jab 1 shouldn't have a Sakurai angle. Changing this would allow both jabs to connect early on.

Just change this attack entirely. Make it melee counter instead. Instead of starting upward and coming down, u-tilt would start downward and come up.

Give d-tilt back its killing power like in SSBB.

Make the hitbox larger so Samus can consistently hit Mario-sized opponents standing next. Correct the issue where the opponent falls out. You shouldn't be falling out of an attack without using DI.
100% agree about Jab 1, you even know your stuff about Sakurai angle, make it something like 70, just like how Jabs like Sheik, or C Falcon have.
U-tilt is fine as an axe kick, it's a decent anti-aerial move and covers ledge options pretty nicely, however, I would say that the ground-target hit should have it's angel changed from a meteor-smash to 90 or 80; it would then have to have it's KB decreased to compensate so it doesn't kill stupidly early (I tested it and without a KB nerf it kills sub 100).
I also agree about the d-tilt, it would add to Samus's grounded kill options with relative safeness. I also agree about U-smash, I would also add that D-smash needs more knockback, it's not particularly safe or damaging (d-tilt is more effect on both fronts) and it's incredibly weak incapable of KO until 200% at the ledge.

Samus' grab is active at frame 16 with both standing and running. Pivot grab is active at 17 frames. Lucas' grab for standing and pivoting are active at 12 frames. Why does a character who throws a snake rope do it faster than a character who shoots electrons out of an arm cannon? Samus' grab should at least be equal. As for FAF? Why not just turn off the grapple beam? It's faster than pulling your arm back. So, I think Samus' grab and FAF should at least be equal to Lucas'. It hardly makes sense for her grab to be slower than Link's and Toon Link's grab.

Let's play a game of, "Guess who doesn't have super strength?" Let's go down the list of characters from what I can recall who have kill throws, even though they don't have the physical strength to do so. Captain Falcon, Dark Pit, Lucas, Marth, Mewtwo, Ness, Olimar, R.O.B., Sonic, Toon Link, Villager. It just seems so odd that characters who are physically weak compared to Samus possess these abilities. Now, I can ignore Lucas, Mewtwo, and Ness, simply because I can assume they're using "psychic powers". But these others? Give me a break.
Toon Link isn't wearing any power bracelet or whatever. After all, by the same logic, Link should have a kill throw. Captain Falcon? Yeah, right. Dark Pit is just Pit's clone, and Pit never showed any strength feat worthy to give him a kill throw. Marth? That loser? Please. To be clear, I understand everyone has a potential kill throw, as in, at a certain percent they'll kill. I'm referring to kill throws that can take a stock at around 120%, at least. Ness seems to have the best kill throw in the game. So, if other characters who don't have any reason to kill early by throwing, why not Samus? I think she's deserving of at least one kill throw. Don't you?
I agree that Samus should have a kill throw, especially with so many characters not needing them having them (Diddy, Sonic, Bayonetta). I'm not sure about the faster grab, since she does have the longest grab, if it were faster it might make things more broken with her also getting a throw kill.

Samus' morph ball is much faster than crawling. A ball can move on a surface with ease, especially a surface that's flat. Well, what do you know? All legal stages are flat and don't show any sign of significant friction to pose a problem for a rolling ball. So what's the deal with Samus' roll? It lasts for a total of 40 frames. This is based on FAF, since Samus cannot do anything until 40 frames are completed. And what's worse? Well, it appears she's only invincible for 19 frames, since it's active on frame 4 and finishes on frame 23.

Everyone else starts at frame 4, except Bayonetta, who starts on frame 6. She has Bats Within, so that's not an issue. For most, the frame is no longer active between 14 and 17. For most, 29 to 30 frames is when they're free to do whatever. So, what I think is Samus' roll should be active on frame 4 and end on frame 20 with FAF occuring on frame 26. Samus would definitely be a speedy roller.
This is a general problem that even super heavies have, that their escape options are universally the slowest, making them the most vulnerable in disadvantage...and people wonder why they've for so long been bad.

Extend the hitbox of f-air slightly. Also, make it so you can't just SDI out of the attack. What's the point of a combo if it's not going to remain connected?

Fix this as well so people can't just SDI out of it.
Agree, U-air is a very simple change, just give it the same angle for the middle hits as Sheik's and Greninjas, it's the same motion.

Homing missile
Remove landing lag when Samus uses this in the air.

Super missile
Give this more knockback so it can kill again like it did in SSBM.

Bring back its feature to blow up if anyone comes into direct contact with it. This would further help prevent the opponent from approaching as easily.
I'd say that another thing needed for her missiles is that they should have less lag in general, she still has the most cooldown when using (even more-so in the air) than characters like Mario. For Super Missiles, a simple change to it's angle from 65 to sakurai angle would actually buff it's fill power quite substantially since 65 is the most suboptimal of KO angles.
I always thought that her bombs did go of by contact, but maybe I've just never seen it since the bombs are generally only used for movement and recovery.
I'll add that her charge shot should be chargeable in the air, she's the only one who cannot do this and it really hinders her neutral, especially since her charge shot isn't even the strongest.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
This is one of those things that I'd generally speakign think more female characters should get a buff on, once you exclude Samus, every female character is very light with many of them getting out weighted when it doesn't even make sense (Palutena is lighter than Pit? wat?). Weight buffs generally though would be low priority buffs; look at Mewtwo, yeah he got a weight buff but the buffs to his movement and landing was what catapulted him to the top.
Mass isn't accurately represented in SSB, but even if it was, female characters would still have less mass compared to males, except maybe Zero Suit Samus and Sheik, both of whom are athletic. I wouldn't see Zelda getting that same buff, let alone have the same weight as Sheik, since the transformation utilizes magic. Although Zelda and Sheik are the same person, Zelda's alter ego would only have the mass buff.

As much as I would love for Samus to have more speed, this would definitely homogenize character stats and decrease diversity, it also runs the issue of making an annoying campy character out of Samus, especially if you're going to give her a 2nd air jump. On that matter, a 2nd air jump would make Samus's ability to elevator kill even more broken than ZSS, assuming that her U-air is fixed to prevent SDI-ing out. I do 100% agree that she needs a crawl.
Well, here's the thing. The reason Samus relies on camping is because of her poor options. No doubt, she's better now than she was in SSBB. However, in SSBM, she didn't rely on camping. As for an additional jump, it's only fair, since Pit, who can't even fly on his own, can jump multiple times. Kirby, King Dedede, and Meta Knight also have multiple jumps. Why? Because that's what they can do in their game. As for elevator killing, it wouldn't be more broken than ZSS' (which isn't even broken anyway). The reason is because, from my experience, Samus can't even perform such ladder combo (u-air x2, screw attack) at percents above 0%. Platforms may make a difference, but I don't see Samus ending up with something broken.

100% agree about Jab 1, you even know your stuff about Sakurai angle, make it something like 70, just like how Jabs like Sheik, or C Falcon have.
U-tilt is fine as an axe kick, it's a decent anti-aerial move and covers ledge options pretty nicely, however, I would say that the ground-target hit should have it's angel changed from a meteor-smash to 90 or 80; it would then have to have it's KB decreased to compensate so it doesn't kill stupidly early (I tested it and without a KB nerf it kills sub 100).
I also agree about the d-tilt, it would add to Samus's grounded kill options with relative safeness. I also agree about U-smash, I would also add that D-smash needs more knockback, it's not particularly safe or damaging (d-tilt is more effect on both fronts) and it's incredibly weak incapable of KO until 200% at the ledge.
My issue with u-air is that it's slow. The kick isn't disjointed, either. As for d-smash, that was capable of killing in SSBM, believe it or not.

I agree that Samus should have a kill throw, especially with so many characters not needing them having them (Diddy, Sonic, Bayonetta). I'm not sure about the faster grab, since she does have the longest grab, if it were faster it might make things more broken with her also getting a throw kill.
I can understand Diddy Kong having a kill throw. Bayonetta doesn't have one as far as I'm aware. The reason why I can see Diddy Kong having one is because he's a simian. Simians are physically stronger than humans. This is why I'd be fine with Donkey Kong having one as well. I'm not sure if he has one or not. B-throw seems to kill.

This is a general problem that even super heavies have, that their escape options are universally the slowest, making them the most vulnerable in disadvantage...and people wonder why they've for so long been bad.
I just think Samus' roll should be on par with or better than most of the characters because a spherical object rolls far better than anyone can crawl. In Metroid: Zero Mission, Samus rolls through pipes faster than ZSS can crawl.

I'd say that another thing needed for her missiles is that they should have less lag in general, she still has the most cooldown when using (even more-so in the air) than characters like Mario. For Super Missiles, a simple change to it's angle from 65 to sakurai angle would actually buff it's fill power quite substantially since 65 is the most suboptimal of KO angles.
Sounds good.

I always thought that her bombs did go of by contact, but maybe I've just never seen it since the bombs are generally only used for movement and recovery.
In SSBM, and perhaps SSB64, bombs blew up if the opponent touched them. This feature was removed in SSBB and is still present in Sm4sh.

I'll add that her charge shot should be chargeable in the air, she's the only one who cannot do this and it really hinders her neutral, especially since her charge shot isn't even the strongest.
I completely agree. Imagine the intimidation you could put in people's minds.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
I dislike the, "that's how things were in Melee" argument, Melee also was horribly balanced in the first place. Things like camping weren't possible in Melee but are now. You can use ideas from Melee for isolated cases, but the competitive philosophy of Melee is incompatible with the notion of balance.

As far as things like throw kills go, making sense does matter, but not over balance. Diddy Kong has so many tools and options to get kills which is why he's at the top, so why give him a throw kill? It might make logical sense, but no balance sense when far inferior characters don't. Bayo's F-throw is a kill throw at the ledge like Pit's (you rarely see her F-throw kill since it's constantly getting staled), and her D-throw can at those high percents with rage, not fantastic but still leaps and bounds better than Samus's.

The reason Samus can't really perform u-airx2 + screw attack ladders is due to her u-air's inconsistency (SDI down). This is another one of things I tested and if her u-air is inescapable, then she gets them even closer to the blast zone with just her normal 2 jumps, slap on top a 3rd and the heights she reaches is more than ZSS, plus ZSS's u-air in it's design makes it easier to get out unless she lands the close hit, Samus will pull you in making escape impossible.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I dislike the, "that's how things were in Melee" argument, Melee also was horribly balanced in the first place. Things like camping weren't possible in Melee but are now. You can use ideas from Melee for isolated cases, but the competitive philosophy of Melee is incompatible with the notion of balance.

As far as things like throw kills go, making sense does matter, but not over balance. Diddy Kong has so many tools and options to get kills which is why he's at the top, so why give him a throw kill? It might make logical sense, but no balance sense when far inferior characters don't. Bayo's F-throw is a kill throw at the ledge like Pit's (you rarely see her F-throw kill since it's constantly getting staled), and her D-throw can at those high percents with rage, not fantastic but still leaps and bounds better than Samus's.

The reason Samus can't really perform u-airx2 + screw attack ladders is due to her u-air's inconsistency (SDI down). This is another one of things I tested and if her u-air is inescapable, then she gets them even closer to the blast zone with just her normal 2 jumps, slap on top a 3rd and the heights she reaches is more than ZSS, plus ZSS's u-air in it's design makes it easier to get out unless she lands the close hit, Samus will pull you in making escape impossible.
Well, some things in Melee were good. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I understand making the game balanced, but I don't use Diddy Kong to know what the trade-off could be so that if he has a kill throw, he'll suffer some other way.

Even without SDI, I haven't been able to do Samus' ladder combo >0%.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
Well, some things in Melee were good. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I understand making the game balanced, but I don't use Diddy Kong to know what the trade-off could be so that if he has a kill throw, he'll suffer some other way.

Even without SDI, I haven't been able to do Samus' ladder combo >0%.
I did say that there are isolated case where things from Melee can be used, I didn't say nothing from Melee was good.

I know that even without SDI it's not possible for Samus currently, what I said was that a 3rd jump makes it guaranteed. ZSS has a total gained height of 88.699909 with both her jumps, Samus is currently 74. If you gave her a 3rd jump, than it would be 111, which is ridiculous and would be enough to bring the enemy close enough to the blast zone even on FD, making an easy 0 to % possible on every stage, and completely free on any stage with a platform.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I did say that there are isolated case where things from Melee can be used, I didn't say nothing from Melee was good.

I know that even without SDI it's not possible for Samus currently, what I said was that a 3rd jump makes it guaranteed. ZSS has a total gained height of 88.699909 with both her jumps, Samus is currently 74. If you gave her a 3rd jump, than it would be 111, which is ridiculous and would be enough to bring the enemy close enough to the blast zone even on FD, making an easy 0 to % possible on every stage, and completely free on any stage with a platform.
Hm. I suppose Samus' jumps would have to be reduced in the length she jumps, or perhaps the third one could be.

Nathan Richardson

Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2016
Warren MI.
Hrmm, for Zard give him a major damage % buff I think out of all the super-heavyweights he has the highest KB but the lowest damage output.

Give zard better traction so that he can actually punish opponents if they hit his shield, as it stands without custom defense buffs shield punishing is impossible.

Give some true follow-ups to zard's bthrow. Zard can immediately go into a dash from bthrow, now all he needs is for the opponent not to recover once he catches up to them (in other words increase the hitstun on bthrow) also allow for dthrow-uair true combos like with bowser.

Increase zard's airspeed so it's more middle of the ground. He currently only outpaces ten other character, he should be outpacing at least a third of the cast not a fifth of them!

Lower the FAF on his dsmash and the starting lag on his fsmash, those are too easy to interrupt.

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
Hrmm, for Zard give him a major damage % buff I think out of all the super-heavyweights he has the highest KB but the lowest damage output.

Give zard better traction so that he can actually punish opponents if they hit his shield, as it stands without custom defense buffs shield punishing is impossible.

Give some true follow-ups to zard's bthrow. Zard can immediately go into a dash from bthrow, now all he needs is for the opponent not to recover once he catches up to them (in other words increase the hitstun on bthrow) also allow for dthrow-uair true combos like with bowser.

Increase zard's airspeed so it's more middle of the ground. He currently only outpaces ten other character, he should be outpacing at least a third of the cast not a fifth of them!

Lower the FAF on his dsmash and the starting lag on his fsmash, those are too easy to interrupt.

The damage buff I feel is mostly a pat on the back buff, as damage is something Charizard doesn't have a true problem with, even if it is lower than the the other big-boys.

With the major up-b buffs I gave him, more traction becomes more dangerous as fly high is faster and rising cyclone has bigger and much stronger hitboxes, so even better out of shield. Maybe a slight buff but would need testing if I could somehow become Sakurai and make my dream real.

The throw buffs is what I wanted to avoid with Zard, as with Dedede, I wanted to avoid homogenizing the heavyweights as slow, but have grabs to early kills. This is why I instead had the convoluted idea of a down-throw into di-mixup into airdodge 50/50, so instead of autocombos from grabs like the top 2 heavies, he has a better overall grab combo game but good reads are needed for early kills. As fpr b-throw, I think d-throw does to combo job well enough in my updated version, so back throw is for edgegueards and late percent kills

Air speed we are definitely in agreement, buff this and we got a mid-tier on our hands by itself.

The smashes I feel again are pat-on-the back buffs, seeing b-air does the job better in most situations (apart from the mid level cloud killer with dsmash), it wouldn't help much and won't adress his problems


Smash Cadet
Feb 1, 2016
:4kirby: Kirby

Side B – Frame data, uncharged kb to Brawl

Up-B- changed to Upper Cutter

Down-B – Spikes aerial opponents

Run Speed increased

Air speed, friction and acceleration greatly increased

Up b and down b do not need changes all. Run Speed is already decent and needs no changes and air friction and acceleration are completely fine.

The only things i agree with are Air speed being faster and side b being reverted to Brawl. Overall I don't think you know any of kirby's issues outside of lack of mobility.

Here is what Kirby REALLY needs:
Air speed increased (0.8 -> 0.9)
Fair comes out earlier (Frame 10 -> Frame 5)
Up Air comes out earlier (Frame 10 -> Frame 5)
Nair comes out earlier (Frame 10 -> Frame 5)
Dair comes out earlier (Frame 18 -> Frame 14)
Up Smash comes out faster (Frame 14 -> Frame 10)
Increase standing grab grabbox a little so it covers his hand completely

With these changes Kirby's air speed is not only no longer complete garbage, but his grabbox now covers his entire arm, up smash being faster makes it easier for Kirby to kill, and his aerial frame data is no longer subpar. You should focus more on what Kirby REALLY needs rather than just adding stuff for no reason.

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
Hm. I suppose Samus' jumps would have to be reduced in the length she jumps, or perhaps the third one could be.
Sorry again for the late reply, but here goes, Weight and run speed my arguments are the same as Mr.ケイ, jumps seems kinda silly (customs with me are silly too soo...) and I am not sure how much it would help besides ladder combos as her recovery is pretty good rn imo, jabs I kinda left out becasue buffing a useless option to slight usability doesn't really adress anything, but it would be nice I guess, up tilt is too good all-around to give up, though in the future it could replace f-tilt, aww, I like the d-tilt combos, and in my buffs at least more kill power is not something samus needs with apex screw attack and relentless missiles (getting to that).

Grab I think is fine, though it is probably becuase it has always been like that. Throws is a good buff, make her b-throw stronger, roll I agree with, around the ten frame range is good as we both suggested. F-air I never thought off becuase it has never really been reliable or good, so I feel it would be a pat-on-the-back buff, something better, but doesn't really help samus., though it could be good for her if it were to happen, we don't know. The up-air change is good, though possibly dangerous with my screw attack change.

As for the missiles, homing missile does deserve a buff, though aia don't think being able to autocancel it would help enjoyment and watchability as their would be many retreating missiles that are too safe. My buff (in case most people forgot what customs do (I don't blame them) ) Relentless homing missiles move faster the longer it goes on and has much better homing, allowing for a more threatening missile that is harder to avoid, while Turbo relentless missile solws down towards the end, but is much stronger, and presents a powerful barrier onstage that must be maneuvered around. These increase Samus's zoning capabilities without making it bordeline obnoxious imo (without testing)

The bomb buff I something I intended to include, so yes, as well as less lag from using it, presenting a stage hazard that must be carefully consdiered, as well as a combo into a strong attack if the bomb hits. My screw attack change to to the apex screw attack is kinda risky because it goes slightly less high, and has two hits, but is ridiculously strong so even better out of shield and why a buff to the up-air and increasing her jumps is very dangerous with my change, but without it, the up-air buff would be much appreciated


Up b and down b do not need changes all. Run Speed is already decent and needs no changes and air friction and acceleration are completely fine.

The only things i agree with are Air speed being faster and side b being reverted to Brawl. Overall I don't think you know any of kirby's issues outside of lack of mobility.

Here is what Kirby REALLY needs:
Air speed increased (0.8 -> 0.9)
Fair comes out earlier (Frame 10 -> Frame 5)
Up Air comes out earlier (Frame 10 -> Frame 5)
Nair comes out earlier (Frame 10 -> Frame 5)
Dair comes out earlier (Frame 18 -> Frame 14)
Up Smash comes out faster (Frame 14 -> Frame 10)
Increase standing grab grabbox a little so it covers his hand completely

With these changes Kirby's air speed is not only no longer complete garbage, but his grabbox now covers his entire arm, up smash being faster makes it easier for Kirby to kill, and his aerial frame data is no longer subpar. You should focus more on what Kirby REALLY needs rather than just adding stuff for no reason.
Aww, but I like upper cutter, gives him some better kill options off his great combo game and up-air strings.

Frame data buffs are not something I feel Kirby really needs as it is ok as is right now.

Grab buff I am for though. A large increase to airspeed would make him unbelievably better, so better frame data seem unnecessary.

Run speed is still slow and I want it faster :glare: But seriously having him move faster makes him much more threatening than the harmless puffball he is now at midrange he is now.

The down-b was only for the disrespect kills though, totally unnecessary, BUT ITS MY DREAM OK:p.

On a completely unrelated note, you arguments with HappyFrozenFire are legendary, I feel like I learn a lot about Kirby in SSF2 just by reading your back and forth about how bad he actually is.:)
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Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Sorry again for the late reply, but here goes, Weight and run speed my arguments are the same as Mr.ケイ, jumps seems kinda silly (customs with me are silly too soo...) and I am not sure how much it would help besides ladder combos as her recovery is pretty good rn imo,
Her recovery is good, but I'm not even interested in ladder combos. I personally never use them because they're very situational. It's not like ZSS', where u-air will hit the opponent upward to be followed up again and again. Rather, Samus' u-air functions better by leading into non-aerial attacks like jab, d-tilt, f-smash, d-smash, or screw attack. My main beef is that other characters get multiple jumps from their own series, and Samus doesn't. And then you have Pit, who can't even fly without assistance, but gets to perform multiple jumps.

jabs I kinda left out becasue buffing a useless option to slight usability doesn't really adress anything, but it would be nice I guess,
This tells me you don't understand Samus. Jab 1 is one of Samus' best neutral options, active on frames 3 and 4, and leads into other options on frame 18. It's useful because Samus can perform jab 1 into d-tilt or f-tilt. The problem is the Sakurai angle, which becomes irrelevant when the opponent has received damage at approximately 30%. Nevertheless, most characters don't suffer from this, and if Samus' jab 1 could lead into jab 2 without being interrupted, she would be able to deal with opponents close up better than she can now.

up tilt is too good all-around to give up, though in the future it could replace f-tilt,
U-tilt isn't great because Samus is left open and her leg isn't a disjointed hitbox. Its hitbox becomes active at frame 15, and while Samus has to wait 40 frames before she can do anything else in the same way she has to with d-tilt, at least d-tilt has an active hitbox on frame 6. U-tilt is Samus' worst tilt, and I'd much rather prefer the FAF be reduced. It doesn't even perform a meteor smash like Captain Falcon's when the opponent is in the air. Sure, it has pretty good knockback, but most people who are hit by this attack while grounded just slam into the ground, and more often than not, accidentally tech.

Changing u-tilt to something like melee counter's animation could give us an active hitbox on frame 9 and probably extending up to frame 11, while having a FAF of 35 frames.

aww, I like the d-tilt combos, and in my buffs at least more kill power is not something samus needs with apex screw attack and relentless missiles (getting to that)
Apex screw attack is lousy. Relentless missiles are good, though. D-tilt doesn't combo, however. Not for Samus. Anyone who gets hit by an aerial after getting hit by d-tilt either forgot to dodge, or is under the impression that d-tilt leads into a combo.

Grab I think is fine, though it is probably becuase it has always been like that.
I disagree. See the comparisons.

Standing grab: 12-19 frames; FAF: 46 frames
Dash grab: 14-21 frames; FAF: 56 frames
Pivot grab: 12-19 frames; FAF: 56 frames

Toon Link
Standing grab: 12-18 frames; FAF: 62 frames
Dash grab: 14-20 frames; FAF: 72 frames
Pivot grab: 15-21 frames; FAF 72 frames

Standing grab: 12-17 frames; FAF: 62 frames
Dash grab: 14-21 frames; FAF: 66 frames
Pivot grab: 15-22 frames; FAF 67 frames

Standing grab: 16-25 frames; FAF: 70 frames
Dash grab: 16-26 frames; FAF: 68 frames
Pivot grab: 17-28 frames; FAF: 84 frames

Samus has the worst tether grab. She either needs reduction in frames, which would make sense, since futuristic things tend to be faster than ancient things. Projectiles also tend to launch faster than one throws an object forward. Or, she has two types of grabs: tether and non-tether. Tethered grabs would work as they do now. Non-tethered grabs would work by Samus using her spare hand to grab, and her pummel would be her using her arm cannon to attack instead, either by hitting the opponent with it, or shooting at them.

F-air I never thought off becuase it has never really been reliable or good, so I feel it would be a pat-on-the-back buff, something better, but doesn't really help samus.,
Actually, d-throw to f-air x2 is a true combo, so . . .

As for the missiles, homing missile does deserve a buff, though aia don't think being able to autocancel it would help enjoyment and watchability as their would be many retreating missiles that are too safe.
In SSBB, all of Samus' aerials auto-canceled. Homing missiles had their own thing called short hop homing missile cancel, which helped Samus keep the neutral. It would be very useful.

Nathan Richardson

Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2016
Warren MI.
Here's the problem, fly high doesn't do damage, at all, the move even says it 'go higher but don't do damage' do you mean fly? In any case we shouldn't buff customs since they're banned in competitive play.

Damage has always been a problem with zard, even middleweights and certain lightweights get more damage out of their smashes and normals than zard does. With most tourneys favoring there being no sudden death this means that being camped out is an instant loss for zard due to his poor damage output.
With no reliable combos, having to rely on reads to do anything or kill, he needs something that's a true combo at all percents, currently all the high, top, and even some middle tiers have this, zard...doesn't. He needs one.

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
Here's the problem, fly high doesn't do damage, at all, the move even says it 'go higher but don't do damage' do you mean fly? In any case we shouldn't buff customs since they're banned in competitive play.

Damage has always been a problem with zard, even middleweights and certain lightweights get more damage out of their smashes and normals than zard does. With most tourneys favoring there being no sudden death this means that being camped out is an instant loss for zard due to his poor damage output.
With no reliable combos, having to rely on reads to do anything or kill, he needs something that's a true combo at all percents, currently all the high, top, and even some middle tiers have this, zard...doesn't. He needs one.
I see you didn't understand what I meant.This is my dream patch, where I was Sakurai and all my wildest janky dreams for Smash 4 come true. I LOVE thinking about customs in this hypothetical way, seeing that so many people get buffed or nerfed by having the better or worse customs.

My suggestion from the original post as impossible as it is, is to give Charizard's up-b, the damage, KB and range of the stronger Rising cyclone custom, with the height and speed of fly high, thats why out of shield options being even better might be a problem with this up-b change.

Camping out zard is significantly worsened with the massive air-speed buff I would give him, but even so, being able to put on damage as fast as the better heavyweights while reliably killing earlier sounds a bit broken to me, but again, all changes would need testing if this ever got into the actual game

The thing is, that I want Zard to remain different and unique from the other heavies, instead of grouping them all together as "having a true kill combo", give Zard other buffs that make him much better, without making him the same as DK. However, with my d-throw change, it was only at kill percent, it would probably true combo into some f-airs or maybe a b-air. Needs testing as always.

Mainly my mentioning of customs is my dream of them actually replacing the real moves, and I want to make Zard better, but keep him different from other characters instead of just giving him a ding dong like the others. Feel free to disagree though, you are obviously more versed in Zard than I


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
Though I'm not a main, I have screwed around as him plenty in friendlies to know a good number of his strengths and weakness, so here are my notes on buffing Zard.

-Give him a 3rd air jump. Despite being a flying Pokemon, he has very pitiful recovery capabilities and the additional wing flaps wouldn't add anything broken for him.
-Add additional shield damage to his tail based attacks: F-tilt, N-air and B-air (something like +3-5). This makes these tools more useful in the neutral as they'll allow safer on shield options and pressure. Additionally I would increase the kill power on each move to make the sweetspots specifically more powerful kill tools. To put into perspective, despite having such a slow B-air, his is still not the strongest when sweetspotted, nor does it autocancel out of a SH...but Bowser's does. Basically...
~~~F-tilt get's a 1% damage buff on the sweetspot, making it KO ~13% sooner.
~~~N-air gets a +12 increase to the sweetspot, making it KO ~31% sooner (previously it would really ever KO).
~~~B-air gets a +6 increase to the sweetspot, making it KO 8% sooner, and now the only B-air outside of jank or meteor smashes that can KO (Mario, FD, optimal DI, mid-stage) sub 100% according to Ruben's Sm4sh Calculator.
-Other N-air related buffs include changing the angle of the sourspot of N-air from the sakurai angle to be more vertical (~70) and reduce the landing lag from 20 to 17; this to allow for followups.
-Reduce F-air autocancel to allow autocancel out of a SH.
-Increase the KBG of his U-smash, it's his one good smash attack yet it's still weaker than Mario's, Mewtwo's, freakin' Pikachu's. A +12 increase would make his U-smash KO roughly the same % as Pikachu's.
-Add and adjust hitboxes of his Up-B, as it is now, it's this really weird design where he only has a hitbox hi front of him, and the pull in hits can be inconsistent.
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Alpha Princess

Smash Rookie
Feb 19, 2018
I think your changes to Zelda's Up air are very short sighted. For starters, it is a kill confirm out of a down throw on the entire cast at around 80%. It already does 17% with a high KBG of 84 and launches at a 90 degree angle. Combined with a large hitbox with no sourspot and you've got a very powerful move. This is its hitbox btw: https://zippy.gfycat.com/JitteryWarmIchidna.webm

Please go about buffing her in another manner.
Zelda needs all the help she can get without bad she is. lol


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2015
Prince Edward Island
:4wario: Wario

Down- B – 1min full charge

Up-Air – Changed to Brawl

B-air – KB increased

Wario needs some proper buffs not this trash
Here's how I think buddy should get buffed.

Up throw - KB and KBG decreased and is now interrupt-able right after the opponent is launched, creating a combo throw that he needs so badly.
F-Throw - Can now kill about 10-25% earlier
B-Throw - Can now kill at about 140% and does 11%
Bair - KBG increased to kill at around Ness bair percents
Uair - KBG increased to kill at about the same percent as Bowser's does, maybe a little later.
Nair - Comes out on frame 3 now and hitbox increases to all over wario's body
Fair - Damage: 7% buffed to 10%, now can kill at about 135-140% at the edge of the stage
Jab1 - Now starts on frame 3 rather than frame 8 (what were they thinking?!)
Dtilt - Opponent is now launched at a 60 degree angle, and has about 10 frames more of hitstun
Fsmash - Now interrupt able on frame 28, effectively reducing its endlag to 9 frames
Usmash - Now interuptable on frame 20, effectively shaving off 42 frames of its endlag, and giving it 7 frames of ending lag. We Mario Now
Chomp - Comes out on frame 6 and has a bigger grab hitbox

Waft - 1 min full charge time
Waft - kills about 15% later (Just not to make uthrow to waft too much of a good thing)

The whole point of these buffs were to make Wario much less linear, make him much more of a combo based heavy weight like bowser and DK, with some elements from fellow plumber Mario, like his quicker aerial frame data. But at the same time nerfing waft to make Wario have to rely on it less, and make it less rewarding, and make him less linear, ye he still has waft, but think of it as a slightly better finishing touch.

I broke him didn't I
Last edited:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT

Wario needs some proper buffs not this trash
Here's how I think buddy should get buffed.

Up throw - KB and KBG decreased and is now interrupt-able right after the opponent is launched, creating a combo throw that he needs so badly.
F-Throw - Can now kill about 10-25% earlier
B-Throw - Can now kill at about 140% and does 11%
Bair - KBG increased to kill at around Ness bair percents
Uair - KBG increased to kill at about the same percent as Bowser's does, maybe a little later.
Nair - Comes out on frame 3 now and hitbox increases to all over wario's body
Fair - Damage: 7% buffed to 10%, now can kill at about 135-140% at the edge of the stage
Jab1 - Now starts on frame 3 rather than frame 8 (what were they thinking?!)
Dtilt - Opponent is now launched at a 60 degree angle, and has about 10 frames more of hitstun
Fsmash - Now interrupt able on frame 28, effectively reducing its endlag to 9 frames
Usmash - Now interuptable on frame 20, effectively shaving off 42 frames of its endlag, and giving it 7 frames of ending lag. We Mario Now
Chomp - Comes out on frame 6 and has a bigger grab hitbox

Waft - 1 min full charge time
Waft - kills about 15% later (Just not to make uthrow to waft too much of a good thing)

The whole point of these buffs were to make Wario much less linear, make him much more of a combo based heavy weight like bowser and DK, with some elements from fellow plumber Mario, like his quicker aerial frame data. But at the same time nerfing waft to make Wario have to rely on it less, and make it less rewarding, and make him less linear, ye he still has waft, but think of it as a slightly better finishing touch.

I broke him didn't I
"Broke" doesn't begin to describe just how absurd these buffs are. Some of these buffs are actually quite reasonable once you tone down the effect.
U-throw: He doesn't need a combo throw to be good if he is going to have other tools, plenty of high-top tiers don't have combo throw. Plus, this if this throw were to be a combo throw, it would have to have it's 11% damage output drastically nerfed down to 5-7% with basically every combo throw being like that.
F-throw: This is a reasonable buff. It's currently about as strong as Mario's B-throw, which isn't all that strong, I'd actually say make the buff a bit more.
B-throw: No, Warior has F-throw, plus the % you proposed is basically Ness's B-throw KO power.
B-air: I would buff the KO power of this move, though not quite to the extent of Ness's. More importantly though would be the negative hitbox this move has, I'd rather buff that.
U-air: Yes, I completely agree with this one.
N-air: Hit N-air is already frame 4, seems kinda pointless as a buff, plus frame 4 is already amazing as startup. I do completely agree with the hitbox buff, the tiny heart sized hitbox he has for that move is stupid.
F-air: No, this is too early for this kind of move, to give you an idea, Marth's tipper F-air is 163%. Rather, I'd increase the follow up capabilities of Wario's F-air by altering the angle to be more vertical with some knockback adjustments.
Jab 1: Yeah, it's ridiculous just how many characters have jabs this slow (Zelda, Ganon). So yeah, make the jab come out faster.
D-tilt: This sounds like you want Wario to have Diddy's d-tilt, which I'm against. I would though normalize it's angle from 46/69 degrees to being just 60ish. Also, one does not simply add hitstun to a move, you need to increase the BKB, KBG, or damage of the move to do so. This move has basically no lag and a descent reach so it'll be very tricky to balance this move out so it doesn't turn out OP like Didd'y d-tilt.
F-smash/U-smash: No, not even Mario's are this lagless; not even G&W who has some of the most lagless smashes are this good, so no. I will though say that his smashes should be given some endlag reduction, just not to the extent you've proposed. F-smash 66 >> 56, U-smash 58 >> 50, D-smash 68 >> 53. I would also increase the power of his D-smash, Mario's is both stronger and faster which makes no sense effectively making Wario's D-smash worthless (this is actually a problem across the board for a lot of characters's smash attacks).
Waft: Since I'm against giving Wario an U-throw confirm (which is just one of the laziest ways to try and buff characters), I wouldn't nerf this.
Comp: Frame 6 is way too fast for a command grab, normal grabs are typically frame 7 with some being slower and a few being frame 6 (that's the fastest), and those are restricted to the ground. Command grabs inherently have and advantage over normal grabs since they can be used in the air. I will however say that speeding up Comp's startup from 18 to something like 12 is fine, but I wouldn't alter the grab box as it's grab box is quite normal for grab box size standards.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2015
Prince Edward Island
"Broke" doesn't begin to describe just how absurd these buffs are. Some of these buffs are actually quite reasonable once you tone down the effect.
U-throw: He doesn't need a combo throw to be good if he is going to have other tools, plenty of high-top tiers don't have combo throw. Plus, this if this throw were to be a combo throw, it would have to have it's 11% damage output drastically nerfed down to 5-7% with basically every combo throw being like that.
F-throw: This is a reasonable buff. It's currently about as strong as Mario's B-throw, which isn't all that strong, I'd actually say make the buff a bit more.
B-throw: No, Warior has F-throw, plus the % you proposed is basically Ness's B-throw KO power.
B-air: I would buff the KO power of this move, though not quite to the extent of Ness's. More importantly though would be the negative hitbox this move has, I'd rather buff that.
U-air: Yes, I completely agree with this one.
N-air: Hit N-air is already frame 4, seems kinda pointless as a buff, plus frame 4 is already amazing as startup. I do completely agree with the hitbox buff, the tiny heart sized hitbox he has for that move is stupid.
F-air: No, this is too early for this kind of move, to give you an idea, Marth's tipper F-air is 163%. Rather, I'd increase the follow up capabilities of Wario's F-air by altering the angle to be more vertical with some knockback adjustments.
Jab 1: Yeah, it's ridiculous just how many characters have jabs this slow (Zelda, Ganon). So yeah, make the jab come out faster.
D-tilt: This sounds like you want Wario to have Diddy's d-tilt, which I'm against. I would though normalize it's angle from 46/69 degrees to being just 60ish. Also, one does not simply add hitstun to a move, you need to increase the BKB, KBG, or damage of the move to do so. This move has basically no lag and a descent reach so it'll be very tricky to balance this move out so it doesn't turn out OP like Didd'y d-tilt.
F-smash/U-smash: No, not even Mario's are this lagless; not even G&W who has some of the most lagless smashes are this good, so no. I will though say that his smashes should be given some endlag reduction, just not to the extent you've proposed. F-smash 66 >> 56, U-smash 58 >> 50, D-smash 68 >> 53. I would also increase the power of his D-smash, Mario's is both stronger and faster which makes no sense effectively making Wario's D-smash worthless (this is actually a problem across the board for a lot of characters's smash attacks).
Waft: Since I'm against giving Wario an U-throw confirm (which is just one of the laziest ways to try and buff characters), I wouldn't nerf this.
Comp: Frame 6 is way too fast for a command grab, normal grabs are typically frame 7 with some being slower and a few being frame 6 (that's the fastest), and those are restricted to the ground. Command grabs inherently have and advantage over normal grabs since they can be used in the air. I will however say that speeding up Comp's startup from 18 to something like 12 is fine, but I wouldn't alter the grab box as it's grab box is quite normal for grab box size standards.
Too bad, apparently you don't know wario.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Maybe I should mention some of the changes that I've given to the characters I've mentioned on my previous post, starting with Falco and Wario.

:4falco: Falco

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0.5, Angle=0x3C, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x2, BKB=0x0, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=11, Z=4, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1.2, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=9, Z2=12)


	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=3, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=2.5, X=-0.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=3, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3.2, X=1.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=3, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=4.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=3, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=4.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=3, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=1.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=3, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=-0.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x44, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=8, Z=4, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=8, Z2=7)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=7, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x44, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4, X=2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x78, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5, X=0, Y=9, Z=14, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=0, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=9, Z2=8)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=10, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.2, X=5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0.5, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x8, Damage=10, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.5, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0.5, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3, Damage=10, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0.5, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x64, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=9, Z=9, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x3C, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=9, Z=9, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x15, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=-1, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=1, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=5, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x98, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=4, X=-1, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=5, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x98, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=4, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=5, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x98, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=5, X=6.2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3E9, Damage=12, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=2.6, X=-4.1, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x18)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3E9, Damage=12, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=3.5, X=1.9, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x18)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3E9, Damage=12, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=3.3, X=7.8, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x18)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x1C, Size=2.2, X=0, Y=1.5, Z=-1, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x1C, Size=3, X=4, Y=1.8, Z=-1, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x1C, Size=4, X=8, Y=2.2, Z=-1, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x1C, Size=6, X=0, Y=5, Z=12, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.3, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=6)

	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x9, Mode=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x8, Mode=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x64, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x3C, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x8, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x64, BKB=0x0, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x8, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x3C, BKB=0x0, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x4, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x64, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=7.7, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x5, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x3C, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=7.7, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x8, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=4, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=7.7, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x9, Mode=0x0)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x8, Mode=0x0)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x5, Mode=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x4, Mode=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x5, Damage=12, Angle=0x5F, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=5, X=7, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.3, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x1, Bone=0x5, Damage=12, Angle=0x5F, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3.5, X=2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.3, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x1, Bone=0x4, Damage=12, Angle=0x5F, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.3, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x9, Mode=0x2)
		Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x5, Mode=0x2)
		Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x8, Mode=0x2)
		Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x4, Mode=0x2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x19, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=4.3, X=0, Y=1.7, Z=9.1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x19, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=4.3, X=0, Y=1.7, Z=-12, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x19, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=1.7, Z=3, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x19, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=1.7, Z=-5.1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=4.8, X=4, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.2, X=-3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.8, X=4, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=2.8, X=-2.6, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=12, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=12, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=8, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=8, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x7C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=6, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=12, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=8)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=12, Angle=0x55, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=5, X=6, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=12, Angle=0x55, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=4.2, X=0.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3, Damage=12, Angle=0x55, KBG=0x54, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=4, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4.2, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=-1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=1, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4.2, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=-1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4.2, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=-1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-4, Y2=0, Z2=-1)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=1, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4.2, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=-1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-4, Y2=0, Z2=-1)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=8, Angle=0x11D, KBG=0x78, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=4.2, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=-1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-4, Y2=0, Z2=-1)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=11, Z=1.5, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=11, Z=1.5, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x4, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x5, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x6, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x7, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=11, Z=1.5, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=11, Z=1.5, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x1, Bone=0x16, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x1, Bone=0x16, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x4, Part=0x1, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x5, Part=0x1, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x6, Part=0x1, Bone=0xF, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x7, Part=0x1, Bone=0xF, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=11, Z=1.5, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=11, Z=1.5, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x4, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x5, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x6, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=2, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Hitbox(ID=0x7, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x98, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=8, X=0, Y=11, Z=7, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=12, Z2=0)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0xA0, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=12, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=7)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x5, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0xA0, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=4.2, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=-1, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-4, Y2=0, Z2=-1)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x28, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4, X=0, Y=7, Z=1, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
		Add/Set_Momentum(Horizontal=2.5, Vertical=0, Mode=0x1)


	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	SET_LIMIT_SPEED_EX(Unknown=5.2, Unknown=0x0)
	Add_Momentum(Horizontal=5.2, Vertical=0)
	ATK_REFERENCE_NODE(Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=14, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x44, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x64, Size=4, X=0, Y=7, Z=1, Effect=0x19, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=4.2, Y=-3.1, Z=-1.5, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-1, Y2=-0.5, Z2=-1.5)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3, Damage=1, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=4.2, Y=-3.1, Z=-1.5, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-1, Y2=-0.5, Z2=-1.5)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x3, Damage=5, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x84, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=10, X=4.2, Y=-3.1, Z=-1.5, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xD, Damage=2, Angle=0x50, KBG=0xA0, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=4, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x8, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3, Damage=20, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x44, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x64, Size=10, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=3, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x32, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3, Damage=14, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5, X=4.2, Y=-3.1, Z=-1.5, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=-1, Y2=-0.5, Z2=-1.5)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0.5, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x4, BKB=0x0, Size=6, X=0, Y=8, Z=0, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=4, Z2=0)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3EA, Damage=6, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x20, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=3.5, X=1.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0.5, Hitlag=1, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x7, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Terminate_Defensive_Collision(Unknown=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x3)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3EA, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x20, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=3.5, X=1.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=1, Hitlag=1, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x7, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Defensive_Collision(Unknown=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x3)
	Terminate_Defensive_Collision(Unknown=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x3)

	Terminate_Defensive_Collision(Unknown=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x3)
	Defensive_Collision(Unknown=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x3)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x3EA, Damage=12, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=8.5, X=1.2, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x9, Damage=2, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0.5, Y=-0.5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x7, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)
	Article_Visibility(Article=0x0, State=0x0)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x169, KBG=0xB8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=5.76, X=0, Y=10, Z=10, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x5, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)
	Article_Visibility(Article=0x0, State=0x0)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x23, KBG=0x6C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)
	Article_Visibility(Article=0x0, State=0x0)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.8, X=0, Y=4.8, Z=14, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=4.8, Z2=4.8)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.8, X=0, Y=4.8, Z=-14.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=4.8, Z2=-4.8)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.8, X=0, Y=4.8, Z=-15.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=4.8, Z2=-4.8)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.8, X=0, Y=4.8, Z=15.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=4.8, Z2=3.8)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x70, BKB=0x0, Size=4.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=10.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=-1)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.5, X=0, Y=4.5, Z=12.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=4.5, Z2=4)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.5, X=0, Y=4.5, Z=-10, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=4.5, Z2=-4)
		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x4, BKB=0x0, Size=1.44, X=0, Y=0, Z=0.8, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0.5, Angle=0x0, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=2, X=0, Y=0, Z=0.8, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x7, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x1, StretchToggle=0x0)
		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x4, BKB=0x0, Size=7, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x7, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x6, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x4, BKB=0x0, Size=7, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x7, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x6, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x46, KBG=0xBC, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=10, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x7, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x0, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x0, Size=1.44, X=0, Y=0, Z=0.8, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x34, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x1, StretchToggle=0x0)
		Change_Hitbox_Damage(ID=0x0, Damage=2)
		Change_Hitbox_Damage(ID=0x0, Damage=1)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=9.6, X=0, Y=0, Z=4, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x34, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=9.6, X=0, Y=0, Z=4, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x34, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x23, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=9.6, X=0, Y=0, Z=4, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x34, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0x19, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x1, Absorbable=0x1, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x1, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=3, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=3, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
		Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x10E, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=3, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x3, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
Now, in regards to the notable changes...
  • F-tilt now has a 50% trip rate, and a better BKB.
  • D-tilt no longer has any sourspots.
  • F-smash's clean hit can now clang with other attacks, and deals slightly more damage.
  • D-air's start-up lag has been reduced greatly, and instead of dealing a single hit, it now delivers multiple weak hits, followed by a stronger hit that's a meteor smash. A landing hitbox has also been added, which deals 3% damage and decent knockback.
  • D-throw sends opponents flying at a lower angle, enabling Falco to perform follow-ups more easily on low damage fighters.
  • Blaster deals 4% damage per hit.
  • Falco Phantasm deals better knockback than before. The meteor smash hitbox now deals 7% damage and better knockback itself, but is less potent than the d-air's meteor smash hitbox.
  • Fire Bird's charging animation has a hitbox that can deal up to 20 hits (almost the whole duration of the charge), but only deals 0.5% damage per hit, and the knockback is fixed.
  • Fire Bird can trap fighters more easily, dealing up to 10 hits that add up to 14% damage. The final hit also deals better knockback, making it possible for Fire Bird to make efficient KOs. When used on the ground, however, some fighters can break free after taking up to 4 or 5 hits. Curiously, Lucina ends up being more vulnerable to getting trapped by the grounded Fire Bird than Marth, even though the two share the exact same attributes.
  • Reflector deals 6% damage, and has a 50% trip rate. Still isn't much of a KO maker though.
  • Explosive Blaster's energy ball can now deal minor damage, but it can't make fighters flinch, and it can even be absorbed. Fortunately, the energy ball's explosion is now more effective at making KOs, thanks to major knockback boost for the final hit.
  • Falco Phase's ending lag has been greatly reduced, making it more effective as a recovery move, and a means of escape. It still can't deal any damage, and when used in the air, Falco still loses his momentum upon ending the move. Fortunately, the ending lag reduction makes the momentum loss irrelevant.
  • Fast Fire Bird still deals little damage, but its knockback is better than before, giving it some degree of KO potential.
  • Accele-Reflector only deals 3% damage, but it has a 100% trip rate to make up for it. Almost unable to make KOs at all.
  • Burst Blaster's damage output has been altered so that a close range shot deals 3% damage, but as the laser travels farther from Falco, the damage decreases to 2%, followed by 1%. Still doesn't cause flinching.
  • Falco Charge now has a super armor duration when Falco starts to move, and it ends when Falco stops moving. The clean hit is also more potent on offense with its damage and knockback being stronger. In fact, the clean hit also deals high shield damage.
  • Distant Fire Bird's charging animation can't deal any damage, but it now gains super armor to make up for the longer charge time.
  • When Distant Fire Bird is done charging, the very first frame can deal as much as 20% damage and high knockback. It can also shatter full shields. Super armor is still active at that point. Beginning on frame 2, however, the attack becomes less powerful, being about as strong as a clean hit from Fire Fox, and the super armor is lost.
  • Reflector Void now deals 12% damage, and sends fighters flying at a more vertical angle. KBG had to be reduced a bit though.
:4wario: Wario
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=0, Y=5, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=10, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x4B, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5.8, X=0, Y=8.5, Z=11.7, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=12.5, Z2=10)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x4B, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=3.8, X=0, Y=8, Z=8, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x4B, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=3.3, X=0, Y=8, Z=4, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4.5, X=0, Y=2, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=4, X=0, Y=2, Z=6, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x34, BKB=0x0, Size=4.5, X=0, Y=2, Z=9, Effect=0x0, Trip=1, Hitlag=1.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x34, BKB=0x0, Size=4, X=0, Y=2, Z=6, Effect=0x0, Trip=1, Hitlag=1.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)



	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x17, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=5.5, X=1.8, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3.5, X=1, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3, X=-3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3, X=0, Y=8, Z=3, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x16, Mode=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x10, Mode=0x2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x40, Size=5, X=0, Y=6, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x40, Size=5, X=0, Y=18, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=18, Z2=-5)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=4, X=0, Y=6, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=4, X=0, Y=14.5, Z=3.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=14.5, Z2=-3.5)

	ATK_REFERENCE_NODE(Unknown=0x10, Unknown=0x0)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=2, X=0, Y=1.8, Z=18, Effect=0x19, Trip=0.5, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=1.8, Z2=4.5)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x11, Damage=20, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=5.5, X=4, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=20, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)

	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=17, Angle=0x55, KBG=0x5C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x24, Size=7.5, X=4.5, Y=2, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=2, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=8, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=-4, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xC8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=2, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xC8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=8, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xC8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=-4, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=5.5, X=6, Y=0.7, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=3.5, X=2, Y=0.5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.4, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=3, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=2.6, X=0, Y=3, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=13, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=7.3, X=0, Y=16, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=7, X=0, Y=2, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=-1, Z2=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=7, X=0, Y=2, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=-1, Z2=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x78, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=7, X=0, Y=2, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=-1, Z2=0)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=8, X=0, Y=7, Z=2, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=6, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x8C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=7, X=0, Y=2, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=-1, Z2=0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=-0.5, Y=2, Z=2, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0xE)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=-0.5, Y=2, Z=2, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0xE)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=10, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x78, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=3, X=-0.5, Y=2, Z=2, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x3, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xE, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)


	Grab_Collision2(ID=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=3.7, X=-2, Y=2.5, Z=1, Action=0xE6, Air/Ground=0x2, Unknown=0x1)
	Grab_Collision2(ID=0x1, Bone=0x13, Size=5.4, X=-2, Y=2, Z=1.5, Action=0xE6, Air/Ground=0x1, Unknown=0x1)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x2, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	unk_477705C2(unknown=0x1000007A, unknown=0x0, unknown=0x8)
		Search_Collision(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=4.5, X=-2, Y=5, Z=0, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Air/Ground=0x7, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, RehitRate=0x0, SelfAffectionToggle=0x0, Unknown=0x0)
			Search_Collision(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=4.5, X=-2, Y=2, Z=1.5, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Air/Ground=0x7, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, RehitRate=0x0, SelfAffectionToggle=0x0, Unknown=0x0)
	SET_SEARCH_OPPONENT(Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x5, Unknown=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)

	Grab_Collision2(ID=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=3, X=-2, Y=2.5, Z=1, Action=0xE6, Air/Ground=0x2, Unknown=0x1)
	Grab_Collision2(ID=0x1, Bone=0x13, Size=4.1, X=-2, Y=2, Z=1.5, Action=0xE6, Air/Ground=0x1, Unknown=0x1)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x64, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x2, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Search_Collision(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=4.5, X=-2, Y=2, Z=1.5, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Air/Ground=0x7, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, RehitRate=0x0, SelfAffectionToggle=0x0, Unknown=0x0)
	SET_SEARCH_OPPONENT(Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x5, Unknown=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0, Angle=0xA0, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x18, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=7.5, Z=15, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x80000003, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x1, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x3, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0, Angle=0xA0, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x18, Size=8.5, X=0, Y=7.5, Z=26, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0, SDI=0, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x80000003, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x1, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x0, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=7.5, Z=12, Effect=0xC, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0xE, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x0, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=9, X=0, Y=7.5, Z=22, Effect=0xC, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x8, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0xE, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x4, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=11, Z2=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=11, Z2=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=11, Z2=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x1, Bone=0x16, Damage=4, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5.5, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x1, Bone=0x10, Damage=4, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5.5, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0.5, Angle=0x16E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x2, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=11, Z2=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=0.5, Angle=0x64, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.8, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x1, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=11, Z2=0)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x1E, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=6.5, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=11, Z2=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x1, Bone=0x16, Damage=4, Angle=0x1E, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5.5, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x1, Bone=0x10, Damage=4, Angle=0x1E, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5.5, X=3, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=30, Angle=0x23, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=11, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x32, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=20, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=7, X=0, Y=9, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xF, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=24, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=26, X=0, Y=3, Z=0, Effect=0xE, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xF, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=18, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x38, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=9, Z=0, Effect=0xE, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xF, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=18, Angle=0x23, KBG=0x40, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=11, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=2, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xF, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=7, X=0, Y=9, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xF, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=20, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=11, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=18, Angle=0x37, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=22, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0xE, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=13, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=11, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=10, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x37, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=18, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0xE, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=16, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x8, Trip=1, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=9, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x8, Trip=1, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=6, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=15, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0xE, Trip=1, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=15.5, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x8, Trip=1, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=2, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=3.5, Y=1, Z=1.8, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x44, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Extended_Collateral_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xD, Damage=10, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x64, Size=6, X=-6, Y=15, Z=-3, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x5, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x8, X2=-2, Y2=8, Z2=-1.5)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x40, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xD, Damage=10, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5, X=10, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=2, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x6C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=3, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=6, X=0, Y=3, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x3, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=14.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=5.5)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=-14.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=-5.5)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=15, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=5.5)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=-15, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=-5.5)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x70, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=-1)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=13, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=5.5)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=-11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x8, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=-5.5)
  • The standard attack has less start-up lag. Also, the first hit now deals fixed knockback, making it possible for Wario to hit with the second punch at higher damage percentages.
  • F-tilt now deals the same amount of damage, regardless of how he angles his punch. Also has less start-up lag.
  • D-tilt now has a 50% trip rate.
  • F-smash deals slightly more damage, and gains a super armor duration that lasts until the attack hitboxes are turned off. The fist's hitbox is also slightly bigger.
  • U-smash no longer has a late hit, and deals better knockback.
  • D-smash has less start-up lag, and now deals multiple weak hits, followed by a stronger hit. Wario can now trap fighters while spinning, with the final hit sending opponents flying at a fairly low angle. The attack usually sends fighters flying behind Wario, however.
  • N-air now has a better hitbox for the clean hit, which even lasts longer, and deals better damage and knockback. It can't hit twice anymore, however, so it's not possible to hit with the clean and late hits.
  • F-air is more effective as a KO maker.
  • U-air deals better knockback, now being able to KO Mario on the center Battlefield platform at around 126% damage.
  • B-throw is now a more potent throw, dealing higher damage, and can now make KOs sooner than Mario's b-throw. However, it's still less powerful than Mewtwo's b-throw, which can make KOs sooner.
  • D-throw now sends grabbed fighters flying in front of Wario, enabling him to perform a follow-up more easily at low damage percentages.
  • Chomp now deals 3% damage per bite, with the release dealing 6% damage.
  • Corkscrew can now trap fighters better, dealing up to 16% damage if all the hits connect.
  • Wario Waft's damage and knockback have been modified for each stage. When fully charged, it deals 30% damage when clean, and has greater KO potential as well. Also, each stage deals stronger shield damage, with the fully charged clean hit being able to shatter full shields.
  • Inhaling Chomp now deals 3% damage per bite, with the release dealing 6% damage. However, it still deals less damage overall than Chomp, due to not biting as rapidly, and the release's knockback statistics are different as well.
  • Widecrew can now trap fighters better, but is still less damaging than Corkscrew, dealing up to 10% damage if all hits connect. However, the final hit sends fighters flying at lower angles, so despite dealing less damage, Widescrew can potentially make KOs sooner than Corkscrew.
  • Rose-Scented Waft receives some damage and knockback adjustments. The weakest stage can now trip fighters, along with placing flowers on their heads. Each stage can deal greater shield damage as well.
  • Garlic Breath now deals multiple weak hits that can make grounded fighters dizzy. It also has less start-up lag, but still takes a while to execute. Upon ending, one more hitbox becomes active when Wario closes his mouth, which deals 10% damage and good knockback, but has limited range. The bite also deals high shield damage.
  • Quick Waft is still the weakest Wario Waft variant, but each stage can deal gradually stronger shield damage.
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x1E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=5, Z=9, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x1E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=5, Z=4, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=8.5, Z=9, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=5, Z=4, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.5, SDI=0.5, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=14, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=10, X=0, Y=2, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=14, Angle=0x46, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=10, X=0, Y=2, Z=7, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)



	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x17, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=8, X=3.5, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=6, X=0, Y=8, Z=3, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x16, Mode=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x10, Mode=0x2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x44, Size=6, X=0, Y=6, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x44, Size=8, X=0, Y=18, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=18, Z2=-5)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=6, X=0, Y=6, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=6, X=0, Y=14.5, Z=3.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=14.5, Z2=-3.5)

	ATK_REFERENCE_NODE(Unknown=0x10, Unknown=0x0)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=9, Angle=0x0, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=3, X=0, Y=1.8, Z=17, Effect=0x19, Trip=1, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=3, Z2=4.5)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x11, Damage=24, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=7, X=4, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0xF, Damage=24, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=5, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)

	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=20, Angle=0x55, KBG=0x60, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=8.5, X=4.5, Y=2, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=2, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x2, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=8, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x2, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0xB4, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x14, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=-4, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=0.2, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x2, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x2, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=2, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=8, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=7, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xA8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=6, Z=-4, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1.5, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0xD, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Add/Set_Momentum2(Horizontal=0, Vertical=1.3, Add/SetHorizontal=0x0, Add/SetVertical=0x1)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=18, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x1C, Size=10, X=7, Y=0.7, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=18, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x1C, Size=10, X=2, Y=0.5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Add/Set_Momentum2(Horizontal=0, Vertical=1.3, Add/SetHorizontal=0x0, Add/SetVertical=0x1)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=10, X=0, Y=5.4, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=10, X=0, Y=3, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=10, X=0, Y=5, Z=11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x68, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=10, X=0, Y=3, Z=5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6)

	Add/Set_Momentum2(Horizontal=0, Vertical=1.3, Add/SetHorizontal=0x0, Add/SetVertical=0x1)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=17, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=15, X=0, Y=12, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4)

	Add/Set_Momentum2(Horizontal=0, Vertical=-4, Add/SetHorizontal=0x0, Add/SetVertical=0x1)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=17, Angle=0x10E, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=13, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0xB, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1)

	Add/Set_Momentum2(Horizontal=0, Vertical=2.5, Add/SetHorizontal=0x0, Add/SetVertical=0x1)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=8, X=0, Y=7, Z=2, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x16, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=8, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=16, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x28, Size=8, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x14, Size=9, X=0, Y=5, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=8, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=8, Z=-10, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x2, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=8, X=0, Y=8, Z=10, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Damage=4, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=3, X=-0.5, Y=2, Z=2, Effect=0x2, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x0, Type=0xE)

	Grab_Collision2(ID=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=10, X=-2, Y=2.5, Z=1, Action=0xE6, Air/Ground=0x2, Unknown=0x1)
	Grab_Collision2(ID=0x1, Bone=0x13, Size=10, X=-2, Y=2, Z=1.5, Action=0xE6, Air/Ground=0x1, Unknown=0x1)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=12, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x2, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=1, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Search_Collision(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x13, Size=10, X=-2, Y=2, Z=1.5, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Air/Ground=0x7, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, RehitRate=0x0, SelfAffectionToggle=0x1, Unknown=0x0)
	SET_SEARCH_OPPONENT(Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x5, Unknown=0x2)
	Set_Bone_Intangability(Bone=0x13, Mode=0x2)


	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x34, Size=13, X=0, Y=10, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x7, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2)

	Add/Set_Momentum2(Horizontal=0, Vertical=8, Add/SetHorizontal=0x0, Add/SetVertical=0x1)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x34, Size=13, X=0, Y=10, Z=0, Effect=0x3, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x1, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0x7, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x2)

	Set_Armor(State=0x1, Threshold=0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=60, Angle=0x23, KBG=0xC8, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0xC8, Size=13, X=0, Y=0, Z=0, Effect=0x5, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x32, SFXLevel=0x3, SFXType=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x0, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Set_Armor(State=0x0, Threshold=0)
	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=30, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=7, X=0, Y=9, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1E, SFXLevel=0x3, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=30, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x20, Size=13, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x14, SFXLevel=0x2, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=15, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=10, X=0, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFX=0xB, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x78, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=4, Z=6, Effect=0xC, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x1, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=5, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x78, BKB=0x0, Size=8, X=0, Y=4, Z=-6, Effect=0xC, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x0, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x0, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x1, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x10, Damage=4, Angle=0x50, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x20, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=3.5, Y=1, Z=1.8, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x0, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=17, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x50, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Extended_Collateral_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xD, Damage=13, Angle=0x32, KBG=0x48, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x64, Size=6, X=-6, Y=15, Z=-3, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x8, X2=-2, Y2=8, Z2=-1.5)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=17, Angle=0x28, KBG=0x3C, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, airground=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0xB4, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0xD, Damage=13, Angle=0x5A, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=5, X=10, Y=4, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x2, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x1, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=4, Angle=0x14, KBG=0x78, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Throw_Specifier(ID=0x1, Bone=0x0, Damage=8, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Effect?=0x0, Unknown=0, Unknown=1, Unknown=1, Unknown=0x0, SFX?=0x0, Ground/Air=0x3, Unknown=0x1, Unknown=0x1, Type?=0x8)
	Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=13, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x3C, Size=6, X=0, Y=3, Z=0, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x1, ShieldDamage=0x0, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x3, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x0, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x1, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, StretchToggle=0x0)
	Throw_Applier(ID=0x0, Bone=0x1A, Unknown=0x11000005, Unknown=0x11000006, Unknown=0x11000007)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=14.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=5.5)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=-14.5, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=-5.5)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=15, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=5.5)
	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5.5, X=0, Y=5.5, Z=-15, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x4, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5.5, Z2=-5.5)

	Extended_Special_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=11, Angle=0x169, KBG=0x64, WBKB=0x8C, BKB=0x0, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=12, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0x1, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, Action=0x3F, Unknown=0x0, Unknown=0xF, Unknown=0x0, Blockability=0x1, Reflectable=0x0, Absorbable=0x0, Rehit=0x0, IgnoreInvuln=0x0, Unknown=0x0, FacingRestrict=0x3, Unknown=0x1, TeamDamage=0x0, DisableHitlag=0x0, NoGFX=0x0, Flinchless=0x0, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=-1)

	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=13, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x1, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x4, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=5.5)
	Extended_Hitbox(ID=0x0, Part=0x0, Bone=0x0, Damage=10, Angle=0x2D, KBG=0x30, WBKB=0x0, BKB=0x50, Size=5, X=0, Y=5, Z=-11, Effect=0x0, Trip=0, Hitlag=1, SDI=1, Clang=0x0, Rebound=0x0, ShieldDamage=0xA, SFXLevel=0x1, SFXType=0x2, Ground/Air=0x3, Direct/Indirect=0x1, Type=0x6, X2=0, Y2=5, Z2=-5.5)
  • The standard attack will always deals fixed knockback with both punches. And with less start-up lag, Wario-Man can build up damage more quickly, potentially dealing over 100% damage against big targets.
  • F-tilt now deals the same amount of damage, regardless of how he angles his punch. Also has less start-up lag.
  • D-tilt has a 100% trip rate, and sends fighters flying at low angles.
  • D-smash has less start-up lag, and now deals multiple weak hits, followed by a stronger hit. Wario-Man can now trap fighters while spinning, with the final hit sending opponents flying at a fairly low angle. The attack usually sends fighters flying behind Wario-Man, however. All hits have an added electric effect.
  • N-air's clean hit now has a longer frame duration, and a larger center hitbox.
  • D-air now deals higher damage and knockback, and can even bury fighters on the ground.
  • Chomp now deals 4% damage per bite, with the release dealing 12% damage.
  • Wario Waft is even more potent than before, with most of the stages having KO potential. When fully charged, a clean hit deals 60% damage and massive knockback that's guaranteed to 1-hit KO even a 1.7x-sized metal fighter at any Omega form stage. The clean hit is also unblockable, and has a flame effect. The weakest stage can make even 1.7x-sized metal fighters dizzy when hit on the ground.
  • Most of Wario-Man's attacks deal 2x more shield damage than Wario's attacks.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
Too bad, apparently you don't know wario.
I fail to see your point, explain what I'm missing because all I see is either a troll or someone who legit doesn't know what balance is.

Maybe I should mention some of the changes that I've given to the characters I've mentioned on my previous post, starting with Falco and Wario.

:4falco: Falco
  • F-tilt now has a 50% trip rate, and a better BKB.
  • D-tilt no longer has any sourspots.
  • F-smash's clean hit can now clang with other attacks, and deals slightly more damage.
  • D-air's start-up lag has been reduced greatly, and instead of dealing a single hit, it now delivers multiple weak hits, followed by a stronger hit that's a meteor smash. A landing hitbox has also been added, which deals 3% damage and decent knockback.
  • D-throw sends opponents flying at a lower angle, enabling Falco to perform follow-ups more easily on low damage fighters.
  • Blaster deals 4% damage per hit.
  • Falco Phantasm deals better knockback than before. The meteor smash hitbox now deals 7% damage and better knockback itself, but is less potent than the d-air's meteor smash hitbox.
  • Fire Bird's charging animation has a hitbox that can deal up to 20 hits (almost the whole duration of the charge), but only deals 0.5% damage per hit, and the knockback is fixed.
  • Fire Bird can trap fighters more easily, dealing up to 10 hits that add up to 14% damage. The final hit also deals better knockback, making it possible for Fire Bird to make efficient KOs. When used on the ground, however, some fighters can break free after taking up to 4 or 5 hits. Curiously, Lucina ends up being more vulnerable to getting trapped by the grounded Fire Bird than Marth, even though the two share the exact same attributes.
  • Reflector deals 6% damage, and has a 50% trip rate. Still isn't much of a KO maker though.
  • Explosive Blaster's energy ball can now deal minor damage, but it can't make fighters flinch, and it can even be absorbed. Fortunately, the energy ball's explosion is now more effective at making KOs, thanks to major knockback boost for the final hit.
  • Falco Phase's ending lag has been greatly reduced, making it more effective as a recovery move, and a means of escape. It still can't deal any damage, and when used in the air, Falco still loses his momentum upon ending the move. Fortunately, the ending lag reduction makes the momentum loss irrelevant.
  • Fast Fire Bird still deals little damage, but its knockback is better than before, giving it some degree of KO potential.
  • Accele-Reflector only deals 3% damage, but it has a 100% trip rate to make up for it. Almost unable to make KOs at all.
  • Burst Blaster's damage output has been altered so that a close range shot deals 3% damage, but as the laser travels farther from Falco, the damage decreases to 2%, followed by 1%. Still doesn't cause flinching.
  • Falco Charge now has a super armor duration when Falco starts to move, and it ends when Falco stops moving. The clean hit is also more potent on offense with its damage and knockback being stronger. In fact, the clean hit also deals high shield damage.
  • Distant Fire Bird's charging animation can't deal any damage, but it now gains super armor to make up for the longer charge time.
  • When Distant Fire Bird is done charging, the very first frame can deal as much as 20% damage and high knockback. It can also shatter full shields. Super armor is still active at that point. Beginning on frame 2, however, the attack becomes less powerful, being about as strong as a clean hit from Fire Fox, and the super armor is lost.
  • Reflector Void now deals 12% damage, and sends fighters flying at a more vertical angle. KBG had to be reduced a bit though.
A lot of these buffs are quite interesting and I like some.
~I will add that his B-air needs hitbox adjustments, even though his B-air is very strong, it has a very poorly placed hitbox that makes it actual functionality limited. Compared to Fox's, Falco can't use it as shield pressure and hitting it on Mario size and smaller opponents is difficult to impossible out of a SH.
~D-air I will agree on the faster startup, but I disagree on the multi hit spike aspect. For one, Fox's is a multi hit attack and this would only re-clone Falco. Secondly, the weak non-spike hit of his D-air is actually a very useful off stage setup tool that can be followed up by either another D-air that spikes or a F-air that can net early KOs. I do like the landing hitbox though.
~For Falco's default recovery, I like the idea of a KO tool in it. I'll say though that if I had to choose between a KO tool or a fast acting recovery that would aid him in his off stage game and allow for safer aggression, I'd take the latter. Since Falco's travel distance is half of Fox's Up-B, make the travel speed twice as fast.
~Can't say much in regards to custom moves since they're not legal so I never bother thinking about balancing them.
Last edited by a moderator:


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2015
Prince Edward Island
I fail to see your point, explain what I'm missing because all I see is either a troll or someone who legit doesn't know what balance is.

A lot of these buffs are quite interesting and I like some.
~I will add that his B-air needs hitbox adjustments, even though his B-air is very strong, it has a very poorly placed hitbox that makes it actual functionality limited. Compared to Fox's, Falco can't use it as shield pressure and hitting it on Mario size and smaller opponents is difficult to impossible out of a SH.
~D-air I will agree on the faster startup, but I disagree on the multi hit spike aspect. For one, Fox's is a multi hit attack and this would only re-clone Falco. Secondly, the weak non-spike hit of his D-air is actually a very useful off stage setup tool that can be followed up by either another D-air that spikes or a F-air that can net early KOs. I do like the landing hitbox though.
~For Falco's default recovery, I like the idea of a KO tool in it. I'll say though that if I had to choose between a KO tool or a fast acting recovery that would aid him in his off stage game and allow for safer aggression, I'd take the latter. Since Falco's travel distance is half of Fox's Up-B, make the travel speed twice as fast.
~Can't say much in regards to custom moves since they're not legal so I never bother thinking about balancing them.
Well since this would still put him as a disadvantage to characters that can outrange him. No problem here, and since you seem fine with cloud and netta, no problems here.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
~D-air I will agree on the faster startup, but I disagree on the multi hit spike aspect. For one, Fox's is a multi hit attack and this would only re-clone Falco. Secondly, the weak non-spike hit of his D-air is actually a very useful off stage setup tool that can be followed up by either another D-air that spikes or a F-air that can net early KOs. I do like the landing hitbox though.
There would still be some notable differences between Fox's d-air, and my changes to Falco's d-air.
  1. Startup lag
    • Fox's d-air has a 4 frame start-up, with the first set of hitboxes becoming active on frame 5.
    • Falco's d-air has a 3 frame start-up, with the first set of hitboxes becoming active on frame 4. While the hitboxes normally activate on frame 16, a frame duration multiplier of 0.1428572x becomes active on frame 1, which lasts until frame 15, where the frame duration multiplier reverts back to 1x; 1 + (0.1428572 * 14) + 1 = 4.0000008.
  2. Looping hitboxes
    • The first 6 hits for Fox's d-air rehit every 3 frames, and deal 1.4% damage per hit, but the hitboxes don't Autolink, and the hitlag multiplier is set to 1x.
    • The first 6 hits for Falco's d-air rehit every 2 frames, deal 1% damage per hit, Autolinks aerial targets, and has a 0.2x hitlag multiplier.
  3. Final hit
    • The final hit for Fox's d-air deals 3% damage, but it's not a meteor smash, as it sends fighters flying upwards at a 60 degree angle. If all 7 hits connect, the total amount of damage dealt is 11.4%.
    • The final hit for Falco's d-air deals 8% damage, and it's a guaranteed meteor smash, sending fighters falling downwards at a 75 degree angle. If all 7 hits connect, the total amount of damage dealt is 14%.
  4. Landing hitbox
    • The landing hitbox for Fox's d-air deals 1% damage, but having 20 BKB means that it struggles to get fighters off of Fox's face at low damage percentages.
    • The landing hitbox for Falco's d-air deals 3% damage, and the combination of 60 BKB and 160 KBG ensures that even at low damage percentages, Falco can get opponents off of his face. This also makes the d-air safer to use, as even if Falco doesn't get the meteor smash hit in, the landing hitbox would help to keep the target from trying to punish Falco during his landing lag period.
Anyway, the main problem with the unedited Falco's d-air is that while it is a decently damaging attack, with the clean hit dealing 13% damage, its knockback statistics are rather low (10 BKB + 80 KBG) when compared to most other d-air meteor smashes (such as Ganondorf's d-air, which has 20 BKB and 100 KBG). Additionally, it can only meteor smash aerial targets, and only being able to hit once means that it's not a safe move to use as an approach, especially with the lack of a landing hitbox.

By making the d-air deal multiple hits, it would be safer to use overall, and while the meteor smash hit may deal less damage than the unedited d-air meteor smash hit, its knockback statistics are more favorable (20 BKB + 120 KBG).

~For Falco's default recovery, I like the idea of a KO tool in it. I'll say though that if I had to choose between a KO tool or a fast acting recovery that would aid him in his off stage game and allow for safer aggression, I'd take the latter. Since Falco's travel distance is half of Fox's Up-B, make the travel speed twice as fast.
In regards to Falco's recovery, don't forget that Falco Phantasm can be used for recovery as well, especially since it no longer puts Falco in a helpless state.

Anyway, the default Fire Bird is just very underwhelming as an attack, so to make it more viable on offense, I simply improved the final hit's damage output and knockback statistics, and made the looping portion of the attack do a better job with trapping most fighters with the Autolink Angle. The end result, it can now KO Mario on the ground at 147% damage if all 10 hits were to connect.
Last edited:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
User was warned for this post
Well since this would still put him as a disadvantage to characters that can outrange him. No problem here, and since you seem fine with cloud and netta, no problems here.
Your assuming a lot from something I never said, cause I never mentioned Cloud or Bayonetta in any of my posts in this forum. I actually do have problems with Cloud and Bayonetta, however those problems often are blown out of proportions largely due to how underwhelming the other characters are. If characters are given the right buffs, it'll fix the issues without having to nerf any of the top. You essentially were proposing to buff almost everything about Wario, with most of them being meta breaking by themselves. The idea is to balance, not create a new problem top tier.

There would still be some notable differences between Fox's d-air, and my changes to Falco's d-air.
  1. Startup lag
    • Fox's d-air has a 4 frame start-up, with the first set of hitboxes becoming active on frame 5.
    • Falco's d-air has a 3 frame start-up, with the first set of hitboxes becoming active on frame 4. While the hitboxes normally activate on frame 16, a frame duration multiplier of 0.1428572x becomes active on frame 1, which lasts until frame 15, where the frame duration multiplier reverts back to 1x; 1 + (0.1428572 * 14) + 1 = 4.0000008.
  2. Looping hitboxes
    • The first 6 hits for Fox's d-air rehit every 3 frames, and deal 1.4% damage per hit, but the hitboxes don't Autolink, and the hitlag multiplier is set to 1x.
    • The first 6 hits for Falco's d-air rehit every 2 frames, deal 1% damage per hit, Autolinks aerial targets, and has a 0.2x hitlag multiplier.
  3. Final hit
    • The final hit for Fox's d-air deals 3% damage, but it's not a meteor smash, as it sends fighters flying upwards at a 60 degree angle. If all 7 hits connect, the total amount of damage dealt is 11.4%.
    • The final hit for Falco's d-air deals 8% damage, and it's a guaranteed meteor smash, sending fighters falling downwards at a 75 degree angle. If all 7 hits connect, the total amount of damage dealt is 14%.
  4. Landing hitbox
    • The landing hitbox for Fox's d-air deals 1% damage, but having 20 BKB means that it struggles to get fighters off of Fox's face at low damage percentages.
    • The landing hitbox for Falco's d-air deals 3% damage, and the combination of 60 BKB and 160 KBG ensures that even at low damage percentages, Falco can get opponents off of his face. This also makes the d-air safer to use, as even if Falco doesn't get the meteor smash hit in, the landing hitbox would help to keep the target from trying to punish Falco during his landing lag period.
Anyway, the main problem with the unedited Falco's d-air is that while it is a decently damaging attack, with the clean hit dealing 13% damage, its knockback statistics are rather low (10 BKB + 80 KBG) when compared to most other d-air meteor smashes (such as Ganondorf's d-air, which has 20 BKB and 100 KBG). Additionally, it can only meteor smash aerial targets, and only being able to hit once means that it's not a safe move to use as an approach, especially with the lack of a landing hitbox.

By making the d-air deal multiple hits, it would be safer to use overall, and while the meteor smash hit may deal less damage than the unedited d-air meteor smash hit, its knockback statistics are more favorable (20 BKB + 120 KBG).

In regards to Falco's recovery, don't forget that Falco Phantasm can be used for recovery as well, especially since it no longer puts Falco in a helpless state.

Anyway, the default Fire Bird is just very underwhelming as an attack, so to make it more viable on offense, I simply improved the final hit's damage output and knockback statistics, and made the looping portion of the attack do a better job with trapping most fighters with the Autolink Angle. The end result, it can now KO Mario on the ground at 147% damage if all 10 hits were to connect.
When your argument is that the difference between Fox and Falco D-airs be a matter of a single frame or damage %, that's not really a difference when the naked eye perceive the visuals to still be the same. Also, a frame 3 spike? I love Falco and secondary him, but that's absurd, especially with it being multi hit. Kirby's D-air already has the ability to cheese kill and you're proposing an even stronger and faster version?
If the issue with Falco's D-air is that it's unsafe on shield or is really weak for such a slow spike, then address those issues directly, don't redesign it to be completely different. Decrease startup and landing lag, and increase the KB of the attack if those are the concerns you have. Like I mentioned, I'm all for adding a landing hitbox and decreasing startup to add to it's utility, but the whole multi-hit meteor thing is too absurd unless it keeps the frame 18 startup.

Balance, don't break.

I secondary Falco, and I'm very much aware that he can chain his Side and Up B, but what if he goes low for his ledge guards?...because that's how most characters try to recover anyways. He cannot get to the ledge with his Phantasm if he is low, which is why I mentioned the faster traveling Fire Bird. Falco already has the offensive tools for offstage play, but lacks the recovery to accommodate that play style.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Mr.ケイ Mr.ケイ : We'll just agree to disagree on how to improve Falco's problems then. On a different subject, if you have any comments about my edits to Wario's moveset, I'd like to hear them, since the feedback has been lacking.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2015
Prince Edward Island
Your assuming a lot from something I never said, cause I never mentioned Cloud or Bayonetta in any of my posts in this forum. I actually do have problems with Cloud and Bayonetta, however those problems often are blown out of proportions largely due to how underwhelming the other characters are. If characters are given the right buffs, it'll fix the issues without having to nerf any of the top. You essentially were proposing to buff almost everything about Wario, with most of them being meta breaking by themselves. The idea is to balance, not create a new problem top tier.

When your argument is that the difference between Fox and Falco D-airs be a matter of a single frame or damage %, that's not really a difference when the naked eye perceive the visuals to still be the same. Also, a frame 3 spike? I love Falco and secondary him, but that's absurd, especially with it being multi hit. Kirby's D-air already has the ability to cheese kill and you're proposing an even stronger and faster version?
If the issue with Falco's D-air is that it's unsafe on shield or is really weak for such a slow spike, then address those issues directly, don't redesign it to be completely different. Decrease startup and landing lag, and increase the KB of the attack if those are the concerns you have. Like I mentioned, I'm all for adding a landing hitbox and decreasing startup to add to it's utility, but the whole multi-hit meteor thing is too absurd unless it keeps the frame 18 startup.

Balance, don't break.

I secondary Falco, and I'm very much aware that he can chain his Side and Up B, but what if he goes low for his ledge guards?...because that's how most characters try to recover anyways. He cannot get to the ledge with his Phantasm if he is low, which is why I mentioned the faster traveling Fire Bird. Falco already has the offensive tools for offstage play, but lacks the recovery to accommodate that play style.
K, lets just agree to disagree
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