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My Dream Patch 1.2.0 Part 1: Buffs


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
Mr.ケイ Mr.ケイ : We'll just agree to disagree on how to improve Falco's problems then. On a different subject, if you have any comments about my edits to Wario's moveset, I'd like to hear them, since the feedback has been lacking.
  • The standard attack has less start-up lag. Also, the first hit now deals fixed knockback, making it possible for Wario to hit with the second punch at higher damage percentages.
  • F-tilt now deals the same amount of damage, regardless of how he angles his punch. Also has less start-up lag.
  • D-tilt now has a 50% trip rate.
  • F-smash deals slightly more damage, and gains a super armor duration that lasts until the attack hitboxes are turned off. The fist's hitbox is also slightly bigger.
  • U-smash no longer has a late hit, and deals better knockback.
  • D-smash has less start-up lag, and now deals multiple weak hits, followed by a stronger hit. Wario can now trap fighters while spinning, with the final hit sending opponents flying at a fairly low angle. The attack usually sends fighters flying behind Wario, however.
  • N-air now has a better hitbox for the clean hit, which even lasts longer, and deals better damage and knockback. It can't hit twice anymore, however, so it's not possible to hit with the clean and late hits.
  • F-air is more effective as a KO maker.
  • U-air deals better knockback, now being able to KO Mario on the center Battlefield platform at around 126% damage.
  • B-throw is now a more potent throw, dealing higher damage, and can now make KOs sooner than Mario's b-throw. However, it's still less powerful than Mewtwo's b-throw, which can make KOs sooner.
  • D-throw now sends grabbed fighters flying in front of Wario, enabling him to perform a follow-up more easily at low damage percentages.
  • Chomp now deals 3% damage per bite, with the release dealing 6% damage.
  • Corkscrew can now trap fighters better, dealing up to 16% damage if all the hits connect.
  • Wario Waft's damage and knockback have been modified for each stage. When fully charged, it deals 30% damage when clean, and has greater KO potential as well. Also, each stage deals stronger shield damage, with the fully charged clean hit being able to shatter full shields.
  • Inhaling Chomp now deals 3% damage per bite, with the release dealing 6% damage. However, it still deals less damage overall than Chomp, due to not biting as rapidly, and the release's knockback statistics are different as well.
  • Widecrew can now trap fighters better, but is still less damaging than Corkscrew, dealing up to 10% damage if all hits connect. However, the final hit sends fighters flying at lower angles, so despite dealing less damage, Widescrew can potentially make KOs sooner than Corkscrew.
  • Rose-Scented Waft receives some damage and knockback adjustments. The weakest stage can now trip fighters, along with placing flowers on their heads. Each stage can deal greater shield damage as well.
  • Garlic Breath now deals multiple weak hits that can make grounded fighters dizzy. It also has less start-up lag, but still takes a while to execute. Upon ending, one more hitbox becomes active when Wario closes his mouth, which deals 10% damage and good knockback, but has limited range. The bite also deals high shield damage.
  • Quick Waft is still the weakest Wario Waft variant, but each stage can deal gradually stronger shield damage.
~Jab and D-tilt are solid changes, I'd even go as far as to make his jab frame 4 as oppose to frame 5.
~F-tilt should only be given either the increased kill power or faster startup. As it is now, it has the slightly more kill power than Marth's tipper f-tilt, and with a 2 frame startup buff makes it's startup not much different from Marth's. Basically the startup and normalization of damage on the move is fine, but ditch the additional kill power.
~You didn't bullet point it, but the U-tilt changes are reasonable.
~Adding super armor to F-smash is a neat change that would add much need utility to Wario's kit and the hitbox size increase is fine, but it doesn't need more kill power as it already is one of the stronger smash attacks in the game and is in the middle for startup frames anyways.
~Normalizing U-smash is a good idea, like with Mario's, but again like with Wario's F-smash, doesn't need additional kill power as it already kills really early.
~I actually really like the redesign to D-smash, it's better than just making it stronger as the later hits were just obsolete.
~I expressed this early but I disagree with making Wario's F-air a kill move and it should function as a setup tool for combos and kill confirms instead, not every attack on heavies need to kill. Also, the buffs you made make his F-air as strong as Marth's tipper ~F-air which is excessive for it being a faster attack. My idea was to give hit F-air a vertical angle (60-70ish) to give him setups to his already other aerials like U-air and B-air which would receive increased power.
~I'm fine with the clean hit of his N-air being more powerful with some kill capabilities, but the late hit should remain unchanged in that regard (aside from hitbox improvements) as it functions as a setup tool, and has been pretty vital for Waft confirms so far.
~Wario's B-throw is not his kill throw, F-throw is and it already has about the same kill power as Mario's B-throw. So buff his F-throw if you want a powerful throw kill on Wario. D-throw as a low % combo tool is fine.
~A fully charged Wario Waft should not break shields, you'd essentially be forcing the opponent to play on a timer to defeat Wario before he gets it. Unlike with something like Lil'Mac's KO punch where he can easily loose the attack and has to use precision to land it, Wario doesn't have any of those concerns. So what this will promote is for Wario to just save it as an easy cheese kill on their opponent's second stock and there's little to nothing that could be done since Wario can't loose the attack, has super armor on the attack, and now a vital defensive option is basically completely gone for what is essentially a bomb sized attack.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2016
Greninja: all changes back? That is not even close to what he needs, in fact, none of the remaining nerfs (many already got reversed) is really important nor required to reverse. In particular, Up Smash is already good enough. IF anything, the spike hitbox is a little too strong for it's own good

And he needs much more than that (the grab issue and the hydro pump jank already got patched):

upload_2018-2-21_17-45-40.jpeg▶ 2:36
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
My knowledge of Greninja is very limited, being based off of what I've seen in tournaments and from my own understanding of some of his attacks that are similar in function to other characters I play.
~D-tilt: Angle 70 >> 75, this makes the setup for his confirms more potent. Though a part of me thinks it might be too potent.
~N-air: startup frame 12 >> 7; damage 11%/6% >> 8%, angle 60 >> 65, BKB/KBG 30/95 >> 60/80. This would make the move more effective as a combo starter.
~Standing Grab: Startup 11 >> 8, FAF frame 29 >> 31. This makes his standing grab more like the rest of the cast.
Honestly I don't think Greninja needs too many changes to make him a good character as he already has many of the needed tools, he's just missing a few pieces. Then again, I'm not a Greninja player so any Greninja players out there please chime in about this. Thought?

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
~Adding super armor to F-smash is a neat change that would add much need utility to Wario's kit and the hitbox size increase is fine, but it doesn't need more kill power as it already is one of the stronger smash attacks in the game and is in the middle for startup frames anyways.
If it helps, I'll just mention that the f-smash buff would KO Mario at 82% damage when he's positioned at the center of an Omega form stage. Bowser can KO with his f-smash much sooner than that. On the other hand, Donkey Kong's f-smash also deals 20% damage, but it does KO later, due to the lower KBG value.

~I actually really like the redesign to D-smash, it's better than just making it stronger as the later hits were just obsolete.
Yeah, by making the d-smash deal multiple hits, it would be safer to use as a whole. Whenever the unedited d-smash got blocked, Wario was literally wide open to punishment, and it wasn't all that effective as a KO move either.

~Wario's B-throw is not his kill throw, F-throw is and it already has about the same kill power as Mario's B-throw. So buff his F-throw if you want a powerful throw kill on Wario. D-throw as a low % combo tool is fine.
I found it rather absurd knowing that Wario's b-throw dealt far less damage than Mario's b-throw (which deals 11% damage to grabbed targets); they're basically doing the same thing, but Wario has a bit more strength by his side. Buffing the damage, while nerfing the BKB would at least keep the attack from KOing sooner than Mewtwo's b-throw.

~A fully charged Wario Waft should not break shields, you'd essentially be forcing the opponent to play on a timer to defeat Wario before he gets it. Unlike with something like Lil'Mac's KO punch where he can easily loose the attack and has to use precision to land it, Wario doesn't have any of those concerns. So what this will promote is for Wario to just save it as an easy cheese kill on their opponent's second stock and there's little to nothing that could be done since Wario can't loose the attack, has super armor on the attack, and now a vital defensive option is basically completely gone for what is essentially a bomb sized attack.
Fighters can still perfect shield the hit if they get the timing right. And of course, Counter moves and sidestep dodging can get past the clean hit as well. But I guess you'd have to be about as intelligent as the CPU if you want to pull off those perfect blocks or dodges every single time.

And now that I think about it, maybe the shield damage bonus is too excessive for an attack that hits on frame 9, but since I'm the only person who actually tests my own moveset edits, my judgment with some of the changes isn't exactly the best. At least you can actually block Wario's fully charged Wario Waft; my edit to Wario-Man's fully charged Wario Waft can't be blocked at all when it's clean.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2016
:4ganondorf: Ganondorf

Neutral-B – Changed to Warlock Blade with punch armour

Side-B – Aerial version KB changed to Flame Wave

Down-B– Changed to Wizards Foot

Up-B - KB of Dark Fists, Height of Dark Vault

Run speed increased
I'm surprised you made so few changes to my man Ganon. Even with the changes you made to his Neutral-B it's still useless and might even be worse than his default. His default Down-B is Wizard's Foot, I think you meant Wizard's Dropkick. The change to his aerial Side-B hurts him more than it helps. Changing the aerial version to Flame Wave removes the option of "Ganonciding." Enemies also can't tech the aerial version of Flame Choke which sets up for extremely powerful punishes. While your Up-B changes seem kinda lazy I don't really object to them. How much of a change were you thinking for his run speed? I think changing it to 1.28 would be fine. He should still be slow just less slow. His walk could use more work than his run tbh. I think buffing it to .8 would be good. His air speed could use a minor tweak as well, landing somewhere around the .85 range. I wanna recommend some more changes to go along with these.

Jab hitbox Active 7-8 → 6-7. Jab FAF 29 → 28. Increasing the startup speed even further could be balanced but you'd probably have to slightly lower the damage.

Utilt hitbox Active 81-84 → 70-74. Utilt FAF 115 → 99. The extra active frame I added might make it too easy to land but the startup and end lag changes are necessary.

Ftilt now has the reflect projectile property on frames 9-19. Reflector damage multiplier is 1.5x. Reflector speed multiplier is 1.3x. Break threshold is 50%. This is easily the most experimental change I've come up with and was inspired by Ness' F-Smash. This gives him a much needed solution to enemies that can just wall him out with projectiles. The amount of active frames on the reflector is low compared to its contemporaries which keeps it in check. The multipliers and break threshold values might need some tweaking but they seem reasonable for now.

Jumpsquat 7 frames → 6 frames. With how slow his mobility is overall this change wouldn't break him, even with the other changes I've proposed.

Dash Length 16 frames → 14 frames. I know his dash attack is extremely powerful but his bad run speed already keeps it in check. Having the second longest dash length as well just seems excessive.

Pummel 3% → 4%. Given that he very rarely lands more than 1 of these per grab this change should be fine. Dthrow KBG 50 → 40. This gives his lackluster grab game a small but much needed boost.

Fthrow KBG 65 → 75. This already does a ton of damage but doesn't kill as early as I'd like. Bthrow BKB 30 → 50. Bthrow 5%, 5% > 5%, 6%. These changes help the move kill earlier and more consistently set up into an edge guard situation at low %'s. Uthrow 7%, 3% → 7%, 5%. This move is pretty useless as is, making it a usable kill throw seems fine.

Fair Auto cancel Window 1-6, 55> → 1-6, 43>. As of right now this doesn't even auto cancel out of a full hop. It should now auto cancel if buffered out of a full hop. This might need a landing lag buff as well but I'm not sure.

Nair Auto cancel Window 1-3, 38> → 1-3, 33>. Nair landing lag 17 → 15. Still doesn't auto cancel out of a short hop but the first hit can now be further utilized to set up into other moves upon landing and the move is just generally safer.

Even with all of these changes he likely wouldn't be any higher than the mid to high-mid range.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
I'm surprised you made so few changes to my man Ganon. Even with the changes you made to his Neutral-B it's still useless and might even be worse than his default. His default Down-B is Wizard's Foot, I think you meant Wizard's Dropkick. The change to his aerial Side-B hurts him more than it helps. Changing the aerial version to Flame Wave removes the option of "Ganonciding." Enemies also can't tech the aerial version of Flame Choke which sets up for extremely powerful punishes. While your Up-B changes seem kinda lazy I don't really object to them. How much of a change were you thinking for his run speed? I think changing it to 1.28 would be fine. He should still be slow just less slow. His walk could use more work than his run tbh. I think buffing it to .8 would be good. His air speed could use a minor tweak as well, landing somewhere around the .85 range. I wanna recommend some more changes to go along with these.

Jab hitbox Active 7-8 → 6-7. Jab FAF 29 → 28. Increasing the startup speed even further could be balanced but you'd probably have to slightly lower the damage.

Utilt hitbox Active 81-84 → 70-74. Utilt FAF 115 → 99. The extra active frame I added might make it too easy to land but the startup and end lag changes are necessary.

Ftilt now has the reflect projectile property on frames 9-19. Reflector damage multiplier is 1.5x. Reflector speed multiplier is 1.3x. Break threshold is 50%. This is easily the most experimental change I've come up with and was inspired by Ness' F-Smash. This gives him a much needed solution to enemies that can just wall him out with projectiles. The amount of active frames on the reflector is low compared to its contemporaries which keeps it in check. The multipliers and break threshold values might need some tweaking but they seem reasonable for now.

Jumpsquat 7 frames → 6 frames. With how slow his mobility is overall this change wouldn't break him, even with the other changes I've proposed.

Dash Length 16 frames → 14 frames. I know his dash attack is extremely powerful but his bad run speed already keeps it in check. Having the second longest dash length as well just seems excessive.

Pummel 3% → 4%. Given that he very rarely lands more than 1 of these per grab this change should be fine. Dthrow KBG 50 → 40. This gives his lackluster grab game a small but much needed boost.

Fthrow KBG 65 → 75. This already does a ton of damage but doesn't kill as early as I'd like. Bthrow BKB 30 → 50. Bthrow 5%, 5% > 5%, 6%. These changes help the move kill earlier and more consistently set up into an edge guard situation at low %'s. Uthrow 7%, 3% → 7%, 5%. This move is pretty useless as is, making it a usable kill throw seems fine.

Fair Auto cancel Window 1-6, 55> → 1-6, 43>. As of right now this doesn't even auto cancel out of a full hop. It should now auto cancel if buffered out of a full hop. This might need a landing lag buff as well but I'm not sure.

Nair Auto cancel Window 1-3, 38> → 1-3, 33>. Nair landing lag 17 → 15. Still doesn't auto cancel out of a short hop but the first hit can now be further utilized to set up into other moves upon landing and the move is just generally safer.

Even with all of these changes he likely wouldn't be any higher than the mid to high-mid range.
~Jab, I would actually keep the damage output, Luigi has a frame 2 jab that nets him 10% with all 3 hits (and since Jab 1 & 2 are have fixed KB, it works at all %s).
~Dash length is kind of an empty buff. Marth is tied for the slowest dash length, but he's still a great character because it's a rather negligible detail as it doesn't do much. Jumpsquat at the very least contributes to things like throw confirms, and SH aerials.
~U-tilt could make for a decent 2 frame option with the right changes, so I'd say make it frame 50-58 (additional active frames) and decrease the cool down of it.
~I never though of making his F-tilt a reflector, but hinking about it makes sense with Ganon struggling majorly against projectiles would allow him a tool against it. Plus it's just really funny to think about Ganon kicking a projectile back.
~3% seems to be the self imposed hard cap for pummels across the board. His D-throw already functions just fine as a low-mid % combo throw, and simply giving him a throw confirm kill like Bowser and DK is just lazy and fails to actually address the issues with Ganon.
Like you said, Ganon struggles to gets grabs, so the bigger benefit to Ganon would actually be to rework the animation of his grab so that he actually reaches out like Marth rather then try and fail with those T-rex arms of his.
~I agree with making his F-throw a kill throw, though the KBG needs more of a buff with it at least being buffed to 90 where it'll have roughly the same power as Mario's B-throw (~213% kill power). I'm also fine with his B-throw having that level of power, with it having (~185% kill power). Likewise giving him an U-throw similar in power to Marth's is fine, this all under the assumption that his grab animation/reach is fixed to actually make these tools reliable.
~Completely agree with the F-air changes and N-air does need landing lag decreases to give it combo starting utility and making it more safe.

~~I will now add some of my own thoughts and ideas~~
~Up-B: Make the travel distance twice as far. One of Ganon's biggest problems is how early he dies despite his weight because, like with Lil'Mac, has so often dies as a result of being knocked too far to recover not by blast zone. I would also buff the damage of the attack part of his Up-B from 7% >> 10%, this makes the attack now capable of killing and in those cases where Ganon's Up-B trades with a ledge guard, he can now net himself a kill against greedy unsafe ledge guards. Finally, I would decrease the lag whenever he does his command grab, because if you tech his Up-B command grab (which is the easiest thing to tech) it's a free punish that can kill Ganon at 30%. I would also add super armor to the startup.
~Make his D-air autocancel out of a SH. This one I'm less sure of because I haven't tested it and it could lead to broken shield break options, but the idea behind it is to give Ganon a combo starter at low %s, and since Ganon's D-air is actually untechable by grounded targets, it would be a true combo.
~Finally I would make his airdodge frame 2. This is more of a universal change where characters have airdodges ranging from frame 2-4, Ganon and all the other super heavies are frame 4, so this isn't just a Ganon buff, but a necessary one to fix several problematic characters. Bayo obviously wouldn't get this as she has frame 1 Bats Within.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2016
~Jab, I would actually keep the damage output, Luigi has a frame 2 jab that nets him 10% with all 3 hits (and since Jab 1 & 2 are have fixed KB, it works at all %s).
~Dash length is kind of an empty buff. Marth is tied for the slowest dash length, but he's still a great character because it's a rather negligible detail as it doesn't do much. Jumpsquat at the very least contributes to things like throw confirms, and SH aerials.
~U-tilt could make for a decent 2 frame option with the right changes, so I'd say make it frame 50-58 (additional active frames) and decrease the cool down of it.
~I never though of making his F-tilt a reflector, but hinking about it makes sense with Ganon struggling majorly against projectiles would allow him a tool against it. Plus it's just really funny to think about Ganon kicking a projectile back.
~3% seems to be the self imposed hard cap for pummels across the board. His D-throw already functions just fine as a low-mid % combo throw, and simply giving him a throw confirm kill like Bowser and DK is just lazy and fails to actually address the issues with Ganon.
Like you said, Ganon struggles to gets grabs, so the bigger benefit to Ganon would actually be to rework the animation of his grab so that he actually reaches out like Marth rather then try and fail with those T-rex arms of his.
~I agree with making his F-throw a kill throw, though the KBG needs more of a buff with it at least being buffed to 90 where it'll have roughly the same power as Mario's B-throw (~213% kill power). I'm also fine with his B-throw having that level of power, with it having (~185% kill power). Likewise giving him an U-throw similar in power to Marth's is fine, this all under the assumption that his grab animation/reach is fixed to actually make these tools reliable.
~Completely agree with the F-air changes and N-air does need landing lag decreases to give it combo starting utility and making it more safe.

~~I will now add some of my own thoughts and ideas~~
~Up-B: Make the travel distance twice as far. One of Ganon's biggest problems is how early he dies despite his weight because, like with Lil'Mac, has so often dies as a result of being knocked too far to recover not by blast zone. I would also buff the damage of the attack part of his Up-B from 7% >> 10%, this makes the attack now capable of killing and in those cases where Ganon's Up-B trades with a ledge guard, he can now net himself a kill against greedy unsafe ledge guards. Finally, I would decrease the lag whenever he does his command grab, because if you tech his Up-B command grab (which is the easiest thing to tech) it's a free punish that can kill Ganon at 30%. I would also add super armor to the startup.
~Make his D-air autocancel out of a SH. This one I'm less sure of because I haven't tested it and it could lead to broken shield break options, but the idea behind it is to give Ganon a combo starter at low %s, and since Ganon's D-air is actually untechable by grounded targets, it would be a true combo.
~Finally I would make his airdodge frame 2. This is more of a universal change where characters have airdodges ranging from frame 2-4, Ganon and all the other super heavies are frame 4, so this isn't just a Ganon buff, but a necessary one to fix several problematic characters. Bayo obviously wouldn't get this as she has frame 1 Bats Within.
You'd really be surprised how much of a difference dash length makes. The reason Marth doesn't care about his dash length is because he has the fastest walk in the game. He doesn't need to run so it doesn't make a big difference. Ganon on the other hand has such a slow walk, even after the changes that I proposed that he needs to be running almost all of the time. Reducing his dash length makes him a lot safer and he needs that.

Yeah I didn't list changes to his grabs because I don't know exactly how much I wanna change them.

Even with the other changes I made he still doesn't have a kill confirm out of his D-throw. I only changed the KBG enough for him to be able to rack slightly more damage out of a grab at higher %. Believe me I agree that giving a character a kill confirm and calling it a day is just lazy.

I didn't list any of my Up-B changes due to the OP already listing some that I felt were okay for now. His Up-B doesn't need to travel farther considering how far he can grab the ledge while in special-fall. You can be astronomically far and somehow he'll still reach for the heavens and grab the ledge. Also the air speed change I made indirectly buffs his recovery. I'll go ahead and list the Up-B changes I made myself.

Dark Dive (Attack) 7% → 8.5%. This change makes it more rewarding to land the late hitbox of his Up-B. At the moment it can be used to fish for kills near the top blastzone and this just makes that a better option. Dark Dive (Latch) 1.2% → 1.5%. This helps him build a bit more damage off of one latch and punishes sub par edgeguarding. Dark Dive (Latch, Release) 9% → 11%. Now his Up-B is more effective when used to intercept enemy recoveries and further punishes bad edgeguarding. Dark Dive (Latch) FAF 60 → 40. Enemies can no longer punish Ganon if they are grabbed by this move.

I don't want his Dair to auto cancel out of a short hop. I've seen dozens of people recommend the change purely due to it being in Melee. Right now he can confirm tons of % off of just one Dair, making that auto cancel seems silly considering it also has the electric property.

J.A. Gamer

Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2018
I'm surprised you made so few changes to my man Ganon. Even with the changes you made to his Neutral-B it's still useless and might even be worse than his default. His default Down-B is Wizard's Foot, I think you meant Wizard's Dropkick. The change to his aerial Side-B hurts him more than it helps. Changing the aerial version to Flame Wave removes the option of "Ganonciding." Enemies also can't tech the aerial version of Flame Choke which sets up for extremely powerful punishes. While your Up-B changes seem kinda lazy I don't really object to them. How much of a change were you thinking for his run speed? I think changing it to 1.28 would be fine. He should still be slow just less slow. His walk could use more work than his run tbh. I think buffing it to .8 would be good. His air speed could use a minor tweak as well, landing somewhere around the .85 range. I wanna recommend some more changes to go along with these.

Jab hitbox Active 7-8 → 6-7. Jab FAF 29 → 28. Increasing the startup speed even further could be balanced but you'd probably have to slightly lower the damage.

Utilt hitbox Active 81-84 → 70-74. Utilt FAF 115 → 99. The extra active frame I added might make it too easy to land but the startup and end lag changes are necessary.

Ftilt now has the reflect projectile property on frames 9-19. Reflector damage multiplier is 1.5x. Reflector speed multiplier is 1.3x. Break threshold is 50%. This is easily the most experimental change I've come up with and was inspired by Ness' F-Smash. This gives him a much needed solution to enemies that can just wall him out with projectiles. The amount of active frames on the reflector is low compared to its contemporaries which keeps it in check. The multipliers and break threshold values might need some tweaking but they seem reasonable for now.

Jumpsquat 7 frames → 6 frames. With how slow his mobility is overall this change wouldn't break him, even with the other changes I've proposed.

Dash Length 16 frames → 14 frames. I know his dash attack is extremely powerful but his bad run speed already keeps it in check. Having the second longest dash length as well just seems excessive.

Pummel 3% → 4%. Given that he very rarely lands more than 1 of these per grab this change should be fine. Dthrow KBG 50 → 40. This gives his lackluster grab game a small but much needed boost.

Fthrow KBG 65 → 75. This already does a ton of damage but doesn't kill as early as I'd like. Bthrow BKB 30 → 50. Bthrow 5%, 5% > 5%, 6%. These changes help the move kill earlier and more consistently set up into an edge guard situation at low %'s. Uthrow 7%, 3% → 7%, 5%. This move is pretty useless as is, making it a usable kill throw seems fine.

Fair Auto cancel Window 1-6, 55> → 1-6, 43>. As of right now this doesn't even auto cancel out of a full hop. It should now auto cancel if buffered out of a full hop. This might need a landing lag buff as well but I'm not sure.

Nair Auto cancel Window 1-3, 38> → 1-3, 33>. Nair landing lag 17 → 15. Still doesn't auto cancel out of a short hop but the first hit can now be further utilized to set up into other moves upon landing and the move is just generally safer.

Even with all of these changes he likely wouldn't be any higher than the mid to high-mid range.

For the punch, I think its a straight buff with the range, startup and tipper hitbox all being better. He would also have all the Super Armour perks of his default, so an even better punish option.

Yes, I meant Wizard's Dropkick, changed.

You can totally Ganoncide with aerial flame wave. Remember, the upwards knockback is only on the grounded version. The only differences with the aerial version is that if it hits the stage, it kills at mid %, but travels a shorter distance. You can still Ganoncide with it and can now do early kills with it.

I was thinking around Dr. Mario at 1.33, as for walk and air speeds, I think more specific testing would be need to judge the impact, unless they impact the character directly (like Roy or DDD) so I skipped those.

Most ot the other changes I skipped becuase I felt these were significant enough to make a large impact a least initially, but

Up-tilt changes I feel are pretty uneccesary, unless the move changes fundamentally, buffing it won't do much unless you really love situational two frames.

F tilit giving him an option for projectiles I feel would be covered by my down-b change, as it goes over and through most projectiles

Grab game if something I am neither here or there on with Dorf, becasue most of his options are present from his command grab, I don't think it would make too much impact
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
In regards to Dr. Mario, I do feel that his mobility could deserve some improvements.
  • Walk Speed: 1.1 * 1.08 = 1.188 * 0.832 = 0.988416
  • Run Speed: 1.6 * 1.08 = 1.728 * 0.832 = 1.437696
  • Air Speed: 1.15 * 1.08 = 1.242 * 0.808 = 1.003536
  • Air Acceleration: 0.07 * 1.08 = 0.0756 * 0.808 = 0.0610848
I can't say much about his moveset though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2014
Greenville, SC
I read the title and all, and this is all a matter of personal preference, but the changes listed in the OP would make the game way less balanced and not nearly as fun


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
In regards to Dr. Mario, I do feel that his mobility could deserve some improvements.
  • Walk Speed: 1.1 * 1.08 = 1.188 * 0.832 = 0.988416
  • Run Speed: 1.6 * 1.08 = 1.728 * 0.832 = 1.437696
  • Air Speed: 1.15 * 1.08 = 1.242 * 0.808 = 1.003536
  • Air Acceleration: 0.07 * 1.08 = 0.0756 * 0.808 = 0.0610848
I can't say much about his moveset though.
That would just bring him closer to being more like Mario and he would still be inferior. This actually plays into an unfortunate truth about clone characters, that it is impossible to balance them with the original - one will always make the other obsolete. This is why the only options, if you goal is competitive balance, is to either remove the clone (relegate to being an alt) or revamping their moveset to be less like their original (preferably with different animations).

Personally I would say that to maintain separation from Mario while balancing, Dr. Mario should be given frame data and power over hales. An example, take Dr. Mario's B-air and make it frame 10 but make it's kill power off the charts (Bowser levels of strong). Dr. Mario is meant to be a slower but stronger version of Mario, so rather than just undoing that intended character weakness, play up his strength. It's not perfect, but with the limitations clones present and the assumption that they will not be removed or have their animations changed, it's probably the best option.
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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
You do need to remember that Dr. Mario's below average air speed is one of the reasons for his poor recovery. Getting it closer to average levels might help a bit, but even then, that alone may not be enough if Dr. Mario is sent flying too far in a sideways direction.

Just keep note that even with the 1.08x boost, Dr. Mario would still run slower than Fox's walk speed, and would only be faster in the air than Bowser and Robin by a very small amount.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
Provo, UT
I am very much aware of that, it's the same issue that Ganon goes through with his low airspeed and mediocre Up-B. But keep in mind that we cannot simple make every character faster as a buff which is a tendency I see amongst these discussions. If he needs a better recovery, than his Up-B should get a redesign that makes it travel further than Mario's, or have his Down-B propel him more like Luigi's.
I'm not against giving a small buff to mobility speed for characters like Dr.Mario, but since Dr.Mario is a clone character, it will not be enough to fix him because as stated before, he'll still just a be an inferior Mario. So rather than trying to buff his weaknesses, buff his strengths. Dr.Mario is meant to be slower but stronger than Mario, but clearly that strength given by Sakurai wasn't enough.
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