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My Diamond Team (so far)

Vicious Delicious

tetigit destruens
Feb 3, 2006
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
SW 0141 8170 9257
I'm so far behind... I just defeated the E4 last night lol. I've worked on this team for a very long time(I got Diamond within the last few days of April), looking around the web for strategies and such, breeding to perfection, and saving tons of coins at the game corner. Yet keeping it a bit to my own tastes. I'm hoping you guys will like it :)

Also, keep in mind that this is my ingame team. However, for the times I've been online I've done pretty good...

Spiritomb (M) lvl 62
Calm (+S.Def, -Atk) Hates to lose (+S.Def)
Ability: Pressure (+2pp lost from opponent's move if attacking Spiritomb)
Item: Leftovers


Abomashow (M) lvl 62
Relaxed (+Def, -Spd) Loves to Eat (+Hp)
Ability: Snow Warning (Causes Hail)
Item: Wide Lens

Wood Hammer
Sheer Cold
Water Pulse

Luxray (F) lvl 63
Adament (+Atk , -S.Atk) Mischevious (+S.Atk)
Ability: Rivalry (+Atk if opponent is same gender)
Item: Choice Band

Giga Impact

Snorlax (M) lvl 66
Adamant (+Atk, -S.Atk) Likes to Relax (+Hp)
Ability: Thick Fat (Fire/Ice attacks do 50% dmg)
Item: Chesto Berry

Belly Drum
Giga Impact

Rampardos (F) lvl 67
Lonely (+Atk, -Def) Strong Willed (+S.Def)
Ability: Mold Breaker (Opponent's Ability is ineffective)
Item: Shell Bell

Head Smash
Fire Blast

Empoleon (M) lvl 69
Calm (+S.Def, -Atk) Highly Persistant (+Def)
Ability: Torrent (50% dmg increase with water if hp is 1/3 or less)
Item: Splash Plate

Stealth Rock
Rain Dance

I'm hoping for comments and suggestions. If you're just here to bash, do it nicely. If you saw my lame Emerald team also, I'd like your comments especially. Thanks, hope I made it better :)


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Spiritomb (M) lvl 62
Calm (+S.Def, -Atk) Hates to lose (+S.Def)
Ability: Pressure (+2pp lost from opponent's move if attacking Spiritomb)
Item: Leftovers

"Hates to lose" and other stuff like it dont do anything. >_> Or at least this is the first time I've heard about it.

I recommend taking out either toxic for painsplit, and maybe swagger for confuse ray/hypnosis/dark pulse. Maybe.

Abomashow (M) lvl 62
Relaxed (+Def, -Spd) Loves to Eat (+Hp)
Ability: Snow Warning (Causes Hail)
Item: Wide Lens

Wood Hammer
Sheer Cold
Water Pulse
I cant really see the point in waterpulse here. If I'm guessing correctly, you're trying o counter fire pokemon, right? That's not possible with Abomasnow's double weakness to fire and below average speed. Ditch that sucka for Energy Ball.

It's also weak agaisnt Fighting, Flying, Poison, Rock, Bug, Steel, along with Fire. Umm... I'd rather just not use that pokemon. Shame, It's one of the coolest ones of the fourth gen.

Luxray (F) lvl 63
Adament (+Atk , -S.Atk) Mischevious (+S.Atk)
Ability: Rivalry (+Atk if opponent is same gender)
Item: Choice Band

Giga Impact
Wrong nature for Luxray you're going with those Fang attacks. Giga Impact is terrible. It has the same faults as Hyper Beam and all those attacks which take away your turn after using it. It has 150 power, but since you cant attack next turn, you're basically doing 75 power over a period of two turns.

I'd rather have Charge than Charge Beam. Sure, it's powerup affect is 70% versus 100%, but it's also an attack and it's permanent until switching.

Snorlax (M) lvl 66
Adamant (+Atk, -S.Atk) Likes to Relax (+Hp)
Ability: Thick Fat (Fire/Ice attacks do 50% dmg)
Item: Chesto Berry

Belly Drum
Giga Impact
I'd rather use Curse than Belly Drum since it raises its subpar Defense too, but whatever.

Curse, Rest, Return, Earthquake

Rampardos (F) lvl 67
Lonely (+Atk, -Def) Strong Willed (+S.Def)
Ability: Mold Breaker (Opponent's Ability is ineffective)
Item: Shell Bell

Head Smash
Fire Blast
I love this thing, but it's speed, def, sp def all suck terribly. What's the point of its 165 attack if it cant sweep?

It has such good attack, why do you waste it on Fire Blast and Thunder?
Random moveset go! Headsmash, Zen Headbutt, Return, Earthquake. Yay!

Pass some Agilities on to this thing. >_>

Empoleon (M) lvl 69
Calm (+S.Def, -Atk) Highly Persistant (+Def)
Ability: Torrent (50% dmg increase with water if hp is 1/3 or less)
Item: Splash Plate

Stealth Rock
Rain Dance

Where's the IceBeam? You may as well take out Brine for it.

I use Empoleon online and die to everything so I cant really give suggestions here.
Changes in bold.
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