This time I've managed to bang out an Ike writeup, haven't been feeling to great these past few days and won't for the next few days either, so we'll see how far I actually get with this and if it gets posted then that's great.
Neutral Special 1 (Eruption)
Ike charges his sword and slams it into the ground, causing an eruption of blue fire, damage, vertical range and knockback increase with charge time, and Ike will take 10% damage if the move is fully charged. The charge cannot be held indefinitely and the move will automatically active a small time after it reaches full charge.
The uncharged version will do 10% damage, knockback is vertical and has the power to kill Samus around 160% off the top.
The fully charged version does 35% damage, the knockback is more horizontal and can kill Samus around 70%.
You do 10% damage to yourself if you use the move when fully charged, but using it just below full charge has the same damage and knockback without the self damage, so there doesn't seem to be a benefit to letting it go to full charge as long as you can get the timing right (although when it is fully charged, Ike gets super armour as he slams his sword, though it's not massively useful).
Neutral Special 2 (Tempest)
This move doesn't do any damage to yourself when fully charged and the damage it does to others is much less, it instead has a push back effect when the sword is slammed down.
The damage is 5% uncharged and 14% uncharged, knockback is negligible as it's possible to not kill someone at 999%, but the push back is relatively strong, depending on the opponents damage, sending them over halfway across battlefield at 0% and from one end of Battlefield to off-screen on the other side at 999% (at full charge, for both examples)
The charge time for this custom is also shorter than the default and it gives you a slight bit of upwards momentum when used in the air, though it's not a great stalling tool due to high endlag.
Neutral Special 3 (Furious Eruption)
The area of effect gets larger, but you do more damage to yourself when fully charged (15%) and the move does less damage to enemies, but the knockback scales differently.
The uncharged version does 7% and the fully charged version does 32%, the knockback is always vertical now, but the uncharged version can't kill Samus until 220% and the fully charged version kills as low as 35%.
The charge time is similar and it retains super armour on the fully charged version, but the endlag is longer.
Side Special 1 (Quick Draw)
Ike charges and then darts across the screen, swing his sword at anyone he meets along the way and halting his vertical movement. Travel distance, damage and knockback are determined by the charge time.
The charge can be held indefinitely, but it reaches the max charge after a few seconds.
Minimum charge will send you a quarter of the way across Battlefield, does 6% damage and starts killing Samus around 260% whereas the maximum charge will send you three quarters of the way across Battlefield, does 13% damage and starts killing around 130%.
Hitting someone with the move will cancel your forward momentum and stop you right there.
This time, the move only puts you into special fall if you miss with it, hitting someone will still let you act out of it, after some end lag, so there's no more gimping Ike's horizontal recovery just by jumping into him.
Side Special 2 (Close Combat)
This time, Ike never swings his sword, instead choosing to just charge straight through people, this means that you'll always go the same distance (which is equivalent to the default) but the move loses out on damage.
It will always do 4%, regardless of how much it is charged, and the knockback is also always the same, being almost equivalent to the default other than it takes an extra 10% to kill.
This move always puts you into special fall, even if you hit someone with it.
Side Special 3 (Unyielding Blade)
Ike gains super armour during the charge and the dash as well as higher damage and knockback, but he moves slower and travels less distance.
This time he does 7% damage at no charge and 19% at max charge, knockback on the minimum charge is equivalent to the default, whereas max charge will now kill at 100%.
This move will also always put you into special fall, the distance traveled at minimum charge is equivalent to the default, but max charge will only go halfway across Battlefield.
Up Special 1 (Aether)
Ike throws his sword into the air, then jumps up to grab it, after which he spins in the air a few times before bringing it slamming to the ground.
It's a multihit move and does 19% damage if all the hits connect, it will also spike on the final hit.
Ike still has super armour whilst the sword isn't in his hands, and the sword itself will destroy a lot of projectiles, but the very limited horizontal travel means it's not an amazing general recovery move.
The move has less knockback if you only hit with the final slam, but connecting with the spin and the slam KOs at lower percentages (final hit can't KO at reasonable percentages, all hits connecting kills at ~260%, so the knockback still isn't great).
Up Special 2 (Aether Drive)
This time Ike throws his sword diagonally, it does more damage if all hits connect (27%) but due to the angle he throws it, it's much harder for all hits to connect at low to mid percentages.
Everything else about the move seems the same, but you have no horizontal control whatsoever unlike the default, which means it needs to be aimed a bit better and due to it going more diagonal, it's not good at vertical recovery.
Up Special 3 (Aether Wave)
In this version, it's practically impossible to get all the hits to connect, as the initial hit does horizontal knockback instead of vertical, but Ike crates a shockwave as the sword lands, which gives it a bit more range.
The shockwave travels about a quarter of Battlefield and does more damage closer to Ike (starts at 8% and goes down to 4%), it's untested whether the shockwave counts as a porjectile and can be reflected.
Ike keeps the super armour on the startup but also gains super armour for almost the entirety of the (longer) endlag, everything else about the move seems the same as the default, but the knockback on the charge is actually a bit better, able to kill Samus around 210%.
Down Special 1 (Counter)
Ike enters a defensive stance, counter attacking anyone that hits him whilst he flashes.
The counter attack damage and knockback is based on the attack countered, the multiplier is around 1.2x.
Down Special 2 (Paralyzing Counter)
Only does 1% damage, but will paralyze the person it hits.
The paralyze duration is based on the opponents damage and it becomes long enough to followup around ~100%, after the stun, they get knocked vertically, though it's not enough to kill even at 300% (though it will kill at 999%, as if that matters)
Down Special 3 (Smash Counter)
The counter attack is slower, but it has a higher knockback and damage multiplier, which is now around 1.5x.
The counter attack is slow enough for people to dodge it on reaction unless it's an aerial with high endlag and you were grounded, so it's much easier to miss with than the default, probably an upgrade as long as you use it properly.
Final Thoughts
The shockwave recovery is probably my favourite custom of the bunch and is probably the one I'd end up always using and the smash counter doesn't seem that great, but otherwise my loadout would be 2131.
Ike's customs are alright, but I can feel my gum expanding due to an abscess whilst the nerve gets stabbed by what feels like a needle at the moment, so I'm going to go gargle some salt water, take my amoxicillin and end it here.