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My Current Gen 5 Team

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
So I've been juggling around tons of Pokemon for a while getting to learn all of Gen 5, and I'm starting to settle down on a team now. I'm making fewer and fewer changes to it as time goes on, and it's win rate is really high.

Borutorosu (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Mischievous Heart
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Taunt
- Volt Change
- Focus Blast

Best lead I've found thus far. It cripples all other Michievous Heart leads by outspeeding their priority move with Taunt. Throw in a little first turn TWave for **** status, and get out with Volt Change, likely going first with speed and if they're paralyzed, doing great damage. Focus Blast is for great type coverage.

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Eccentric
EVs: 255 HP
Hardy Nature
- Transform

Perfect counter to opponents who think it is cool to buff up some Pokemon and such. Completely stops Baton Pass strategies and users who spam evasion+ moves.

Shandera (M) @ Balloon
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Minimize

Overall great Pokemon, can't find much of a better fire pokemon atm. Balloon helps a lot, and once you get some CM/Minimize setup, you're set for the game. Minimize adds +2 evasion now, so good.

Chibro (Slowbro) (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Regeneration
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Slack Off
- Psychic

My classic Chibro, though now with Regeneration. I use him on practically every team just cause, and he still does amazing. He causes so many people to rage quit! Regeneration is such a welcomed addition to this set.

Erufuun (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Mischievous Heart
EVs: 12 HP / 248 Def / 248 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Encore
- Toxic

Because Erufuun is amazing :) It can be stopped sometimes, but laying on a Leech Seed or Toxic (if not both if you can lol) and watching your opponent wither away as you substitute is so nice. Also 1st turn Encore REALLY messes up a lot of plans.

Metagross @ Balloon
Trait: Clear Body
EVs: 60 HP / 252 Atk / 196 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Agility
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch

More of a filler pokemon actually, there's no actual purpose for him. Got the classic Agiligross setup, but now with a balloon. It does a little less damage, but it doesn't seem to be a huge problem. Having the balloon makes it much easier to get that agility in.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
In what tier did Minimize become legal? I know the Japanese play a bit different, but this thread doesn't mention a Japanese metgame. (Minimize is +2 Evasion,right?)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I've been doing the Dream World tier on Pokemon Online, so all DW abilities are legal. A lot of things were unbanned since it's more or less a new metagame, and some counters to things (Ditto comes to mind).


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Minimize is +2 Evasion, yes.

I'm about to see if I can use Minimize on PO...

I don't have any suggestions because I don't understand the game enough.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Nattorei walls 3 of your Pokes. Shandera can deal with it, but a smart player will know when to use it and when to switch out if he knows you have Shandera.

If Natt has Toxic, it can deal with Slowbro. Metagross can get Thunder Wave'd/balloon popped and it can set Rocks up on you. Eruboring gets hit hard with Gyro Ball. Voltolos can Taunt it, but relying on Focus Blast's shoddy accuracy is kinda eh. You should also run U-turn on Volt since Dory can royally **** your stuff backwards. Voltolos has a rather nice Attack stat anyway.

Opposing Voltolos (usually Timid ones) outspeed and Taunt Erufuun and your own Voltolos, rendering them nearly useless. Your Voltolos can't hit it hard enough since it lacks Thunderbolt/HP Ice. They also destroy Slowbro (if it hasn't set up) and Shandera, who won't be able to set up.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
I agree with Power Bomb's suggestions.
Voltolos needs Timid, possibly HP Ice over Focus Blast. There aren't many good items for him, I have sash there. It's nice against things like Deoxys so you can taunt+wave.
Minimize seems really gay.
Slowbro should have leftovers or something... Lum Berry is much better suited for a sweeper. Metagross would greatly appreciate not being burnt. Besides, your team has more than enough defense vs. ground. Thunder Punch is better on Meta to hit waters. MM and EQ hits everything Ice Punch hits.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Slowbro needs Lum Berry, as Toxic absolutely destroys him
Slack Off + Regeneration makes lefties not as needed

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
if they send in a toxic user after i KO whoever they use it as I proceed to ohko that turn


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
In that case, you're already sweeping! Your opponent just lost 2 dudes and you're worried about poison...

So how bout those Voltolos and Metagross changes?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm going to be looking into the team again after my tourney this weekend, I'm particularly liking the suggested Voltolos changes suggested and the Nattorei problem pointed out.

Slowbro still needs to stay out, let's say I get him up to +2 CM, send out someone with toxic. they toxic me (im badly poisoned without lum berry), then i kill them. then they send out someone i need another CM or two to defeat, but I'm normally find against (a good example is like Suicune or other bulky waters). when I take time to get another CM in, it's too hard juggling around CM/Slack Off/ and attacking all while taking poison damage and the opponent hurting me. If I wasn't toxic'd I wouldn't be in the situation. I've playtested Slowbro PLENTY of times with leftys and with lum. leftys does have some nice pluses to it, but the lum berry is far more effective.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
No, Slowbro most definitely wants Lefties over Lum. Lum Berry isn't going to let you beat ANY toxic user. They will all beat you regardless if you get that free lum heal since they can easily threaten you again. Sure regen helps with hazards, but adding leftovers makes slowbro nigh un-killable.

Slowbro still needs to stay out, let's say I get him up to +2 CM, send out someone with toxic. they toxic me (im badly poisoned without lum berry), then i kill them. then they send out someone i need another CM or two to defeat, but I'm normally find against (a good example is like Suicune or other bulky waters). when I take time to get another CM in, it's too hard juggling around CM/Slack Off/ and attacking all while taking poison damage and the opponent hurting me. If I wasn't toxic'd I wouldn't be in the situation. I've playtested Slowbro PLENTY of times with leftys and with lum. leftys does have some nice pluses to it, but the lum berry is far more effective.
Competent opponents will immediately send out there toxic user to beat Slowbro. Seriously, Slowbro is never getting by *good* Toxic users like Blissey and Vaporeon.

Aside from that your team is o-k. You have 0 switch in's to Sazandora or any special Dragon (Specs DM ***** Metagross) So you might want throw in a Nattorei in there... Hmm.
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